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UK PM to join secretive Bilderberg meeting

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Well the Bilderberg group is real. No point in denying that. They have a lot of (unofficial) influence on the world of politics and finance - no point in denying that either. But just because the meetings are not open to the public, does not mean that they are up to some funky business.
But hey, I may be a naïve idiot, and if the shit hits the fan in a manner similar to the way Alex Jones and other likeminded people suggests – I surely will look stupid….

But for the meanwhile I will leave my tin foil hat off.

But I have always had trouble with the NWO theory, not the least on the premise that it would not be worth the trouble to control the world in a more a hands on fashion. Better to control it indirectly through the tools of the financial market. That makes more sense to me, but I still feel that it is a bit of a stretch.

Sure, politics is about making profit these days, but wreaking political havoc NWO- style (putting people in camps, killing huge layers of the population via disease) would disrupt that profit making scheme in my opinion.

Maybe slightly of topic but sort of related I guess.
My opinion on the Bilderberg group is this: They are not the NWO, what they are are a group of very wealthy people who wish to maintain the status quo as much as possible.
They are people who wish to maintain their interests and this is why you see the heads of company's going to these meetings as well.

Mr Alex Jones way of things happening is in reality not going to happen.. well not in the way he thinks.

The simple reason is the powers that be make far to much money off humanity being divided not unified, so why would any of them wish to change this? And as for a one world currency! give me a break that is also the last thing the powers that be want.. those at the top no longer care about nations for they are to them simply pawns to be played off each other for wealth and power and this is why peace has never been an option.

I have said this before, that the truly frightening thing about the world is not that there is some shadow group in control or even that it could be some crazy alien reptiles from Zeta reticular.... the truth is more frightening than that.. For in truth no one is really in control, the world is rudderless.
My opinion on the Bilderberg group is this: They are not the NWO, what they are are a group of very wealthy people who wish to maintain the status quo as much as possible.
They are people who wish to maintain their interests and this is why you see the heads of company's going to these meetings as well.

Mr Alex Jones way of things happening is in reality not going to happen.. well not in the way he thinks.

The simple reason is the powers that be make far to much money off humanity being divided not unified, so why would any of them wish to change this? And as for a one world currency! give me a break that is also the last thing the powers that be want.. those at the top no longer care about nations for they are to them simply pawns to be played off each other for wealth and power and this is why peace has never been an option.

I have said this before, that the truly frightening thing about the world is not that there is some shadow group in control or even that it could be some crazy alien reptiles from Zeta reticular.... the truth is more frightening than that.. For in truth no one is really in control, the world is rudderless.

Well-spoken indeed.

Not only is it a rudderless world, alas - it is very much a ruthless world as well.
Well-spoken indeed.

Not only is it a rudderless world, alas - it is very much a ruthless world as well.

This is true .. and as for the Bilderberg group they are not as unified I should expect as one may think. These are Narcissists, and I can tell you what they want "more money and power for them and less for me and you" and if that means destroying one of their own I doubt they would bat an eyelid at doing so.

Can people like this be defeated? For sure they can .... you just have to stop being part of the problem.
Elites have always had their own circles, within which are circles and within those more circles and so on. It has always been so. It's the possibility of technology concentrating power in the hands of ever smaller and more tightly knit groups that should concern us.
Elites have always had their own circles, within which are circles and within those more circles and so on. It has always been so. It's the possibility of technology concentrating power in the hands of ever smaller and more tightly knit groups that should concern us.

Very well said