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Paranormal Novice
Long time listener, love the show, keep up the good work.

One thing though. These forums are full of interesting discussions, useful info and great links. The problem is, if you want to find the top ten most credible videos of UFO sightings, a list of the most trustworthy commenters on the topic, a list of reputable researchers who adhere to the strictest rules of professional inquiry, or even just a list of scientifically/skeptically sound articles on a specific topic, you have to do a lot of trawling through these pages.

I know you guys (David and Gene) are very busy people, but it just seems to me that you've amassed loads of really great content, but none of it is organized in a way that makes it easy to digest. I'd love to see some content appearing on the main site (as in outwith the forums). It doesn't even need to be editorialized in any significant way - collections of categorized links for topics and types of content with a short description of what's included would be a great start.

I know what your thinking. "Jeez, anything else? A foot rub perhaps?"

Well, while you're asking ;)

ps Sorry if this is the wrong thread to put these types of suggestion in.
Try UFO Watchdog. Other than that "think" and search for yourself. Not being an asshole. It's just that ufo and the paranormal field is like everything else in life that ya can't put in a test tube. One persons religion is another man's bullshit. But, ya gotta have your own compass. I enjoy the paracast and I respect Gene and David. But, they don't speak for me. They don't want to. I'm good with that. Peace.
Long time listener, love the show, keep up the good work.

One thing though. These forums are full of interesting discussions, useful info and great links. The problem is, if you want to find the top ten most credible videos of UFO sightings, a list of the most trustworthy commenters on the topic, a list of reputable researchers who adhere to the strictest rules of professional inquiry, or even just a list of scientifically/skeptically sound articles on a specific topic, you have to do a lot of trawling through these pages.

I know you guys (David and Gene) are very busy people, but it just seems to me that you've amassed loads of really great content, but none of it is organized in a way that makes it easy to digest. I'd love to see some content appearing on the main site (as in outwith the forums). It doesn't even need to be editorialized in any significant way - collections of categorized links for topics and types of content with a short description of what's included would be a great start.

I know what your thinking. "Jeez, anything else? A foot rub perhaps?"

Well, while you're asking ;)

ps Sorry if this is the wrong thread to put these types of suggestion in.

Yeah. UFO Watchdog is pretty good.
But let me give you a little advice.
Google "Out of the Blue" and "I know what I saw" by James Fox. Watch them. Then come back and we will talk. OK?
"Out of the Blue" and "I know what I saw" by James Fox you say? I'll check them out. Thanks.

Still, I do think there is an argument for pooling together some good stuff here. For example, I know David is sort of out of the picture currently, but given his background in image analysis, surely there's a great opportunity there for him to post a list of examples that he finds the most compelling? No matter how much I "think" (quotation marks are not necessary here btw tyder001) for myself, I'll never be a more qualified image analyst than he is, so it makes sense to request this sort of thing from someone who knows their stuff.

Similarly, though there are plenty of contentious figures in the field, there does seem to be a reasonable consensus among paracasters about certain researchers/luminaries in the field who definitely are credible. Surely an authored list of those with links to associated articles (perhaps voted for via a forum poll) wouldn't be a bad idea?

Anyhoo, just an idea.
Sorry Frazmacaz I didn't mean to "offend" you. :p It's just that I respect Gene and David. I would want David on my side in a zombie attack or if Richard Dawkins decided I was a mental defective or a woo woo pitcher. :rolleyes: Still, I don't agree with every evaluation of others that Gene and David make. They have their life experience and I have mine. I listen to em but I don't check with em before I decide if a researcher is worth my time to listen to. I do take it into account but that's about it. I've been over to the Richard Dawkins forum or the James Randi forum on occassion. Those folks over there just take whatever the "master" says and that's it. Case closed. Anyway, again I wasn't trying to offend and at the risk of offending...let me say this. This is a really good and challenging forum. We have everything form Athiest to Christians to folks in between. Ya gotta have thick skin cause you will be challenged. So anyway "welcome" to the forum. :cool:

I hear you, it's difficult and time consuming to get a handle on who's who and what's what.
Just for starters, in addition to the links the others have provided, you might check out .http://www.ufoevidence.org/
There is a lot of material and it's not just believer-ville or debunker-ville. It's a pretty fair assortment of pics, articles, and whatnot.
Yeah. UFO Watchdog is pretty good.
But let me give you a little advice.
Google "Out of the Blue" and "I know what I saw" by James Fox. Watch them. Then come back and we will talk. OK?

And I am sorry. I did not mean to come across as a smart ass. I was in a bit of a hurry and did not think of what I was typing.

I would also suggest that you find the interviews here done with James Fox. You will find out that he is widely respected in the field of UFO documentaries. Check out Paul Kimball's stuff too. He is really good. And Paul is always here on the forum so he is available for you to ask questions. Stan Friedman is the grand daddy of all UFO researchers. He has several excellent interviews here. Stan is such a icon that a lot of people have taken up trashing him just to get noticed. Saying that he is behind the times. I say they are just jealous of him. Frank Warren and Dennis Balthhauser are really good. Chris O'Brien is really good as well. He makes you think of different aspects of a lot of weird things that we all should consider.

That should get you started dude!
No worries at all Ondafritz and tyder001 - your clarifications are very much appreciated :) And don't worry, I'm not offended guys - I put it down to forums being a clumsy form of communication, full of possibilities for misunderstanding.

Also - it is a very good point that hero worship is one of the more obfuscating elements of this realm and I fully agree that while it's great to have upstanding chaps like Gene and David to look to for guidance on the topic, we should still remain as critical of them as they are of everyone else.

At any rate, thanks again for the reading suggestions, I'll be sure to post back to tell you how I get on with it all.