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A Gnostic Gauntlet I Throw!

Robert Baird

Paranormal Maven


Back to the Gnostic Roman Christian fools like Artful Revealer (even Gnostic Bishop) at Vigilant Citizen where christian extremists and Muslims flourish under the mercenary gaze of a guy who banned me for putting up facts galore - which prove him wrong.

I asked many times if any of them understood that the Corpus Hermeticum of Thoth/Hermes and Imhotep/Asklepios was a more correct Gnosis than any Roman Gospel. I mentioned how the Cathar language Langue D'oc is Langue D'Occamy (alchemy) and tried to get any person there to address the roots of the family of Jesus and Solomon's knowledge. I have had this debate at every Christian or Biblical site - as well as every history and alien site - and I have been to them all - it seems. People lie and attack me all the time - because I do KNOW, have the WILL and DARE not 'keep silent' (removed from the law of the Magi) early last century (IMHO). I have joined Alchemy sites (Rosicrucian wanna-bes) and more. At World-Mysteries people were telling me about alchemy - and quoting people who took my work and did not give me credit. These people refused to debate me - and it is sad indeed.

Atwill and the Caesar's Messiah scholars are way behind the curve - Archarya S is pretty good and I have communicated with others who were good. Truth is - no person who actually studies hard with an open mind really wants to waste their time arguing with those who do not study. So please refrain from making the usual ad hominem or born again arguments born of brainwashing. Invite any you know who you think are knowledgeable. "I'm your Huckleberry!"

The Astralpulse forum, and Icke's forum are just as bad. At Hancock's site they told me they had easy step by step descriptions of how to heal by Firewalking or make a Stone - the Great Work is part of almost every video game (not to mention TV shows etc) in one way or another - and Harry Potter is the best of them - but no one really wants to study. They all want power and ego. I have yet to find a person with much knowledge about esoterics who really will study what is good for all life on Earth - RIGHT THOUGHT = RIGHT ACTION (one of the three Magian Laws). If any one knows anyone who will address what I have compiled and rip my threads on these matters apart - I have always offered to address the FACTS and debate - PostFlavian fools to Philosophy forums with top teacher-types - all vacuous vascerri at best!!!!!!!!!

Here is a site offering free alchemy courses - a Gnostic site.

If it is true that knowledge is power and that power corrupts when few are in possession of it - is it any surprise that there is a disconnect of immense proportions in our society? The near vacuum in the region between adepthood or wisdom and the hoi polloi or commonly held belief or civic morality varies from region to cultural region but the breath of the disconnect or vacuum stays pretty similar. Of course there are distinctions or hierarchies which have been fostered and the role of specialized knowledge has become synarchy instead of anarchy or democracy. The use and abuse of words like anarchy or liberal and conservative in political venues from communist to Nazi or fascist makes it somewhat difficult for a poor wordsmith like myself to capture the immensity of our malaise or full out ignorance which the Gnostics say is the Original Sin. Sin, and evil are words worth deconstruction and my nieces once told me 'sin' is self-inflicted nonsense - my oldest brother is a fine example of it. The spiritual milieu or ether of energy which surrounds us has what early adepts or shamans over two million years ago sought to make sense of - and tried to convey that 'sense' to others long before language as we know it, developed . Specialized jargon, anaphora religious terminologies and metaphors or analogies, story tellers and troubadours, or outright political liars and ecclesiasties of feudal Dark Age deceit still remain from the beginnings of Empire and the needed management of people.

The stages of language development and timing thereof is a large philosophic debate which hard scientists studying the human physiology are focussing on to the extent that some people say we only recently had the speech lobes to be able to talk and therefore language or communication did not exist. I heartily contest that myopic and cultural bias which was truly 'evil' when John Locke developed a Scale of Nature with a 'tabula rasa' saying no consciousness could be existent without language. That Scale of Nature put the English WASP at the top of the charts and black man down with the Hottentot that some thought had come into existence from the interbreeding of an orangutan and human. In his early life Thomas Jefferson held this revolting concept that still pervailed (a word I will leave here even though it was a typo, because a pervert prevails would not be acceptable linguistic usage) - and in my own lifetime some people have proposed similar unscientific viewpoints. It is said Neanderthal only developed speech lobes about 150,000 years ago and we now know they interbred with other hominids. But they had a larger brain and I think were entirely able to consciously apprehend nature and reality as well as share it through a variety of communication forms - signing became one origin of Ogham, ESP another. The Sumatran Gibbon or Bonobos in Africa have language as do porpoises and some day we may even learn to speak with our 'diggies' who certainly understand words like 'walk'. Kanzai, and Koko could teach John Locke a lot.

There is 'of course' no such thing as evil demons to the extent some religions have built the pantheon and I consider Gods to have a rather recent origin of an anthropomorphed psychological 'easy answer' and political 'social engineering' Genesis. I did not need Francis Fukayama in his book The End of History and The Last Man to confirm or confess "all absolute religions have been tools for social engineers" like himself. He deserved his promotion from the US Department in charge of Policy to the shadow governing ethos or construct and Rand Corporation role in that Shadow Government which has devolved or evolved from various Illuminized (Gnosis translates as wisdom or 'enlightenment' not Salvation as Romanism foisted or injected into a cult similar to Christian Gospel lies now called Caesar's Messiah by some scholars) efforts including the advent of organized religion about 600 BCE. Even Confucianism and Buddhism which have no God are found coming out of the woodwork at this particular point in time. The title of my first book Diverse Druids gives some idea of earlier origins before 600 BCE. But I do not think it (What one language calls Druidry) was as much a religion as it was a scientific shared Brotherhood with transparent and freely available access to higher layers of study - if a person wished to study! Before the time of Caesar it was a 25 year course of study and included Bairds, Ovates and Druids as well as vascerri (priests), pheryllts (scientists or alchemists like Merlin), bards or kapnobatai like Orpheus and later Pythagoras, all starting with mimes, minstrels and jesters who might become orators and language experts before moving into more specialized realms of study as they showed merit and had interest.

That brings me to the first area we would have to stipulate to or agree upon if we were to debate the origins of Gnostic or Hermetic thought. Was mankind conscious and able to communicate 2 million years ago - after he had developed tools greater than those we know apes used.

It reminds me of a comment by a Mr. Tulip on a Biblical Interpretation site I was recently revolted by as they ridiculed any attempt to deconstruct the Biblical early writings as mere Phoenician or Keltoi mythology as the Father of Biblical Archaeology asserted from his lofty professorship at Johns Hopkins. Mr. Tulip and I agree Acharya S has done good work penetrating the ethos of Empire and I supported her contention when she, I and Vincent Bridges discussed the Language of the BRDs (my last name therein) about a dozen years ago. Here is my response to him just before leaving the austere company of Mr. Hindley et al.

Dear Mr. Tulip

Hurray - some actual thought in the wilderness!

I remain of the view that this patronising attitude towards analysis of pagan parallels is evidence of mental blockages towards simple evidence. The reasons for such blockages are complex. A key part of it is the failure to understand the role of Gnostic spirituality, and how Gnosticism was an old movement based on links between Judaism and other cultures. These links are denied point blank by the “nuts” premise of this thread which Godfrey and Huller and now Hindley have rather crassly supported.
The meeting of remarkable men is seldom witnessed - this is true for the reasons this author states but at some level (astrally or empathically) it is less true. The definition given about Zen in relation to black magic and so-called demons is one of the best I have ever seen. It mirrors J. Krishnamurti's admonition against allowing a focus to go away from the upward energy path towards the Lotus chakra. He also eschewed siddhis or powers. Perhaps I say this because it fits with my own experience and book titled Demonology. Gurdjieff and Crowley both played for their audience in a self-fulfillment imposed by their image in the eyes of society and most importantly (for their egos) those closest to them. They drew great energy from their students and Gurdjieff used it to heal himself at a very advanced age after being hit by a car. The author also notes the egos of the students are all enthralled and attached, thus preventing much true growth. So when Crowley says he is 137 to Gurdjieff's 12 (If as the author says any of their confrontation is true.) you would be witnessing coded information which they both knew. http://ebony.gomen.org/

Does a prior civilization and their gods leave the energy to allow sensitives to see demons? Is that all Crowley invoked? Yes, to the former and no to the latter is what I say. I saw little indicating this person fully comprehended Gurdjieff's influence on the world - through politics and control of people like Bernard Baruch, Frank Lloyd Wright and thus upon FDR. But one can only cover so much in a short time - I must tell myself often.


The whole matter of spirituality in this article deserves serious retrospection and study. It addresses the nature of closed-minds or people through their ego, only getting to see what they want in a trance borne of fool-owing. It clarifies the purposes of occult methods as a means to know the inner being rather than the common perception of it being a way to trick others through magic (Like Randi or workers in lesser magick.). And in that inner self one connects to something greater than ego and begins the process of awakening to the collective. In the notes it is addressed and shows Crowley in a light most power-seeking neophants never grasp.

"Crowley used standard “Solomonic” ceremonial magick. This generally involves a magician sitting in a circle that is fortified with holy names (usually Hebrew). Outside the circle is the “triangle of art,” in which is usually a piece of glass that is painted flat black, and functions as a device to gaze upon. Various magical formulae are spoken or chanted, placing the seer or magician into an altered state of consciousness. What follows then may variously be understood as shamanic journeying, communication with discarnate intelligences, or what Jung called active imagination, that is, direct communication with elements of one’s own subconscious mind. However understood, the point is to gain mastery over aspects of one’s own self as one encounters whatever experience may unfold in the ceremony. Lower forms of this type of magic involve evoking entities to gain power over situations in one’s life, or even over others. Crowley did on occasion explore this type of “low magick,” but overwhelmingly he was concerned with the invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel, or Higher Self—i.e., High Magick."

I say the blackest magick is that which empowers the few over the many to the highest degree. If you circle around looking for a reason to disappear into the void of non-reason you will find ample opportunity in every religion. In some cases you will find fraud being accepted as dogma and different sects of the same cultus going to war against each other. All the while with pious sounds while pounding pulpits full of Armageddon and self-fulfilling prophecy. They suck and blow simultaneously out of every orifice.

Unfortunately some people who wish to have power over others have dragged all life on earth into this apocalyptic maelstrom. It really isn't funny to suggest anyone can learn the Torah or Kabbalah (spelt many ways and having numerous histories - including liars according to the eminent scholar who recently re-wrote the Zohar). This allows a lot more people to argue how many angels fit on the head of a needle while fleecing and ripping off the rest of life on earth; who long ago grew weary of debating with children. The development of soul is not in reach of smiling-faced purveyors or back-slapping deviates who engage in every criminal and immoral act over "Devoted Ones". Halakah allows genocide by elites against their Judaism converts through political efforts - the Khazars. What allows the Jews to claim a Holocaust when it was their own elites who did it?

But there is great wisdom encoded in the archaic books and oral trads (Qabala or Bairdic Tradition). We should get rid of codes and speak without the tongue that is forked before we are totally f**ked I say.

I think I have put enough confessional material (Fukayama for one) and factual material before people regarding the use of religion and the so-called occult to control people throughout history. I don't know if people believe they had a remote killing weapon in the time of the Borgia Popes (The tepaphone) or that the staffs of Moses were part of the same genre. Hell I don't even know if there are any humans here who can think anymore. Snowden has his people protected with a Faraday cage to interfere with and neutralize incoming energy. In the past there were things the mind of an adept could do - but HAARP and satellites plus ground based Frequency Fence technology has the ability to make any adept unable to breathe - if not now by 2020.


"When I was in graduate school, I used to take Biblical text study courses. Studying Torah (Bible) is another very detailed word-based discipline. Every word is thought to be significant, and we would often debate why one word may have been chosen over another, and read about what the great Rabbinic commentators' thoughts were about these choices. Detailed text study gave me a profound respect for the process of choosing words carefully.

When I learned Reiki, I became fascinated with the studies of Masaro Emotu. He determined that words have energy. Positive energy and negative energy are emitted by spoken and written words. The words absorb the intention in which they are spoken or written and emit that energy to others, water, or where the words are directed. Emotu's experiments with water are truly inspiring. Some of them involved writing the word "Peace" on a piece of paper and affixing it to a container of water, and writing the words "You Fool" on another piece of paper affixed to a different container of water. The water came from the same original source. After a few hours, droplets of the water were quickly frozen and examined under a microscope. The water with the word "Peace" had grown beautiful detailed crystals. The water with the words "You Fool" had disjointed, chaotic pieces of broken crystals, and a muddy appearance."


Alice Langholt is a multi-disciplinarian and healer whose words have more meaning than most scientists and academics will want to give credit for. She also uses Kundalini Reiki and no hands approaches - which means a mere thought is all we need to assist each other.

It is so sad that we pay drug pushers to abuse us and butchers to cut open our bodies. So many healers are not only more capable and disciplined they actually prevent further harm. There is a place for modern medicine but Dr. Zoltan Rona (Search for him and Daniel Matt as well as Emotu - here, to get more about all these matters.) gets it right when he says our vaunted modern medicine "is a blip" on the history of the healing arts.
Raymond Tallis deserves kudos for his ridicule of the Augustinian Credo which seeks to expand the reach of Christianity by not standing in the way of belief (See Bobik of Notre Dame's book on Aristotle). Any belief is welcome if the believer will 'testify', 'confess' or pay allegiance and money to the Holy father who is entirely UN-holy. "By their acts, shall ye judge them."

A simple Wiki search for Tallis and Augustine will bring more bounty.

Perhaps I should not pick on insanity in Crowley and his ilk so much. There is a lot of it in society, and sometimes I think we might do better if we exchanged those in Congress and in charge of religions with those in jails. I am quoting Springmeier again even though I consider his work biased and beyond intellectual integrity. I should note that an employee of mine was a Scarlet Woman in Rosicrucian circles who had a relationship with a person considered to be a prophet of the Mormon Church - just before he became the head of it. That does not make Ezra Taft Benson a bad man - nor is Joseph Smith just because his family practiced witchcraft. Springmeier is a fool who never seems to look critically in the mirror or from whence his own religion sprang forth from and who wrote his Bible.

As bad as Fritz is - there are worse offenders against critical thinking.


Freemasons feed into Rosicrucianity and the abuse of rituals black or worse are in all religions. Yes, I am always saying things like that and I know some people already know it - generally. But the extent of it is amazing even to me, I did not know there was a handbook on how to create a new religion that Masons even allowed to be on the web when I sojourned into the web around a decade ago - I found it. No longer do I find it; perhaps I spread it around too much. That book was used to create Scientology, Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses (See Russell family and Fritz). I think the same template was around for almost every religion created in the era after Reformation. OOPS, that means Fritz is also a Masonic devil!



When you hear the word 'divination', chances are that certain images-- will spring to mind: dark gypsy fortune-tellers, tea-leaves, and crystal balls; a scene in a movie when the Ace of Spades falls in a card game or a strange figure draws the Tarot trump Death; charlatans, ouija boards, and phony swamis; or, perhaps, witch doctors and medicine men chanting around a fire. If you look a little deeper, you might see another kind of image lurking in the background: dark magicians in graveyards seeking forbidden knowledge, conjuring demons and the spirits of the dead.

These images express attitudes - ridicule and fear - with a long history. For well over a thousand years, divination was a mortal sin and a capital crime in Western culture, a 'conversation with the devil' that was banished along with the old gods and the wise women. Divination is a central part of pagan culture and the pagan sense of a cosmos or 'living- world'. With the rise of the Church to political power in late antiquity, the old gods of this culture became devils and the living world became their work. With the rise of our modern 'scientific laws' of cause and effect, the devils in turn became superstitions, tales told by those considered to be marginal or uneducated such as women, lunatics, criminals, and savages. In spite of our inherited assumptions, divination is not a collection of superstitions. It is an outlawed way of knowing and speaking with a living world, a world ensouled and full of spirit."

Every aspect of life and many of the things considered to have no life or soul have been used in telling the intent and flow of nature. To say there is no destiny is common among the artists or scientists of each divinatory method and all understand the part we have to play. In the world of 'seems to be' that focuses on material and 'real' causes that MUST be seen (what can be called the "Toilet Philosophy") there is more superstition and destiny type of ideologies. Astrology is a refined mathematical method that has been considered a science even during the proscriptions against divinatory methodology and the rulers often were engaged in doing that which they tried to stop others from doing. We have dealt with some general divinatory methods such as 'divining rods' in 'Science' and we will cover others as we move along. The art and talent of knowing yourself and your 'center' or soul is clearly something 'free' and beyond acceptance of interpreters or priests. It was necessary to stop this freedom in order to gain total power or as close to it as possible. This book has an Orisha practice that is used in supposedly Christian Santeria. Having studied the use of what they call 'El Coco' or the casting of coconut shells I made a point to look for it. To my surprise I saw a word that looked much like Ogham or Ogam, which are variations of Ogham. The word 'ogun' was part of the process in what I think was one of the earliest methods of divination outside personal judgement or intuition.

To center oneself in Bibliomancy is a good way of showing what an important flux or conduit our soul can be in taking all things into consideration rather than just what the eyes or ears perceive, and the mind or ego often insist is the only reality to recent western theology. 'The Book of Answers' gives a short description of the process we think will be helpful for learning to accept your soul does exist and wisdom doesn't always allow itself to be seen.

How to Use the Book of Answers

1. Hold the closed book in your hand, on your lap, or on a table.

2. Take 10 or 15 seconds to concentrate on your question. Questions should be phrased closed-end, E.G. 'Is the job I'm applying for the right one?' or 'Should I travel this weekend?'

3. While visualising or speaking your question (one question at a time). Place one hand palm down on the book's front cover and STROKE THE EDGE of the pages, back to front.

4. When you sense the time is right, open the book and there will be your answer.

5. Repeat the process for as many questions as you have."


My recommendation is to ask only important questions and make sure you have no other questions in your mind at the time. In beginning to read a book it is good to do this and then record what you read and thought about the contextual idea expressed. When you have read the whole book turn back to what your first question was and see if you found the most important part for yourself at that point in time. This will test your effectiveness in centering yourself as well as attuning with the knowledge in the books you read.

Many methods of intuitive thought are forms of divination. The common way we judge people by body movement and language has been very popular in sales as long as salesmen or saleswomen have been on this earth. Many top corporations ask astrologers to give their input on important decisions once they've narrowed their choices and contemplated their options. It is never a bad thing to have one's mind open to other possibilities and opportunities. However, over-dependence and reliance on such things will turn the process into a fear-driven experience that has no freshness or attunement at all, and may lead to negative self-fulfillment. If you are doing Tarot readings for yourself or any one person it is said every two weeks is enough. Bibliomancy answers are different because Tarot integrates many aspects beyond your primary question.

1) The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Divination, by Stephen Karcher, Element Books, Shaftesbury, 1997, pg. 7.

2) The Book of Answers, by Carol Bolt, 1999, Hyperion, front of book with no page numbers.

When did the potential of consciousness become useful? A long time before there was a word for alchemy most likely. Here are some links of value to any person.


http://www.gnostics.com/review.kybalion.html I suspect William Walker Atkinson whose books and nom de plumes can be found freely offered at The New Thought Library would love to see how much money The Secret made from his work.
There are solutions to the issues of synarchy and power abuse in government which could forestall humanity's impending replacement by robots.

Miracle in the Void: The New Energy Revolution

I met Blue Harary at the Psychical Research Foundation over 40 years ago. He was working on the early stages of what we hear so much about today but which is a very ancient investigatory technique including Remote Viewing. How much is objective and how much is subjective or run through the cultural rose-coloured glasses I cannot say. An older woman who was a top Remote Viewer with Ingo Swann impressed me about these things and with her wisdom a little over a decade ago. I know natives who dream what will happen before the hunt or dance to make it happen (Carlton Coons was a top anthropologist saying these things.) probably had much more focussed cultural influence and power than any of us today exhibit.

http://www.multidimensionalman.com/M..._Universe.html Do not be afraid to use some elbow grease and browse for multidimensional man if the error message appears.

And for those who watched The Da Vinci Code and wondered when the Rose Lines were situated through Paris or if they are connected to Karnac in Egypt which was built after Carnac in Brittany - you might want to read this book.


“It’s a true art to travel beyond the veil and bring back coherent information for the rest of us to learn from and that will help us in our personal search for higher states of consciousness” (Rhasya Poe, Lotus Guide, July 2011)

“Chris Hardy is one of the most intrepid explorers of the frontiers of consciousness. The Sacred Network provides its readers with a blueprint for their development both as individuals and as members of the human species.” (Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., professor of psychology, Saybrook University, and coauthor of Personal Myth)

“A scientist mind meets a visionary sage in author Chris Hardy. She foresees our individual souls weaving networks that will connect all over the world. One of the most creative and original books of our times.” (Allan Combs, professor of transformative studies, California Institute of Integral Studies, and coed)

“Few among us are willing to follow our thoughts and intuitions until they bloom with discovery. Chris Hardy has devoted her life to finding out what lies beyond the veil and bringing it back to us so that we might share in her vision. The Sacred Network is nothing less than fascinating.” (Linda Dennard, Ph.D., associate professor of Political Science and Public Administration at Auburn U)

“Chris Hardy has been exploring the complex relationship between mind and matter over her entire career as a researcher and consciousness explorer. Now, with The Sacred Network, she’s provided the definitive work on ley lines and other physical locations of power and their relationship to the psyche.” (Robin Robertson, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, associate professor at the California Institute of In)

About the Author

Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D., a former researcher at Psychophysical Research Laboratories in Princeton, has spent many years investigating psi capacities, altered states of consciousness, and the mind at large. She has authored 17 published books, including Networks of Meaning. She lives in France.