Recent content by zaneivy

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  1. Z

    I didn't see one so... March 1st 2009 show - S. Bassett.

    Well, I appreciated the interview, but that's because I wanted to hear what Steven Bassett had to say. I can't stand Biedny's style...but I'm always ready to give him a listen. At least though, Mr. Biedny gives himself "room to be wrong," which I personally think he often is.
  2. Z

    Dr. Steven Greer --> Here we go ...

    I don't know, maybe I live in a different universe (I certainly live in a different country), but I found David Biedney's tone much more hostile and difficult to listen to than Dr. Greer's. I am not a "follower" of Dr. Greer, nor particularly on board with his approach, but I still thank you...
  3. Z

    the mac tonnies show

    Some interesting discussion. If you haven't, please check out the ideas posited in Aeolus Kephas' book, "The Lucid View" which runs along para-lines at points with your discussion. Also, John Lash and his work on the "archons." Both of these guys might be a little far out for David, but...
  4. Z

    Get rid of Biedny

    Ooooo...tough poll question. David Biedny asks some good questions...but he can also be quite annoying. But hey, I can be annoying too...maybe that's just the human condition. I frequently disagree with David's opinions as much as I agree with his observations. I'm sure David's role is a...
  5. Z

    Steve Bassett and two part shows

    Really enjoyed this latest podcast. It was nice to observe the old brain cells firing up on this one. Whether one agrees with Bassett on his various points or not, I think he deserves major "cred" for this display of "realpolitic" think and contingency planning. Personally, the problem I have...