Recent content by Richard Bailey

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  1. R

    James Randi Barredfrom Youtube

    Did any of you hear that the JREF has had their Youtube account closed?
  2. R

    Waterboarding Paola

    Wow. Paola Harris. Shredded. Good job guys.
  3. R

    Has Kal Korff the famous Bigfoot, Roswell & Meier debunker flipped his lid?

    Captained Korff says that David, Gene and Mac will be exposed. Guys, put you close back on. :p
  4. R

    Evelyn Paglini either predicts or exploits recent shooting tragedy

    Bookmark this folks. In late spring and summer of 2008 we will see multiple forest fires in California. ;D
  5. R

    Evelyn Paglini either predicts or exploits recent shooting tragedy

    Bookmark this folks. In late spring and summer of 2008 we will see multiple forest fires in California ;D
  6. R


    I am still looking into it. The guy just mentioned it in passing. I think they are trying to pass the EM involved without passing the voice frequencies. My father and I are both radio operators and that is the best theory we can come up with. I'll keep you posted.
  7. R


    I have recently heard that some are using a piece of hardware that uses a germanium diode as a mic element. I am still checking into it. Are you guys familiar with the work of Frank Sumption.
  8. R

    show about hills

    Thank you, I thought it was just me.
  9. R

    Has Kal Korff the famous Bigfoot, Roswell & Meier debunker flipped his lid?

    Most appliance operators beleive the claims of the redmond propaganda machine. See ya there.
  10. R

    show about hills

    You know those guys from Texas make a lot of sense 8)
  11. R

    Has Kal Korff the famous Bigfoot, Roswell & Meier debunker flipped his lid?

    Recheck your stats my friend and you will see who is rapidly approaching last place in the operating system war. hear is a clue it isn't Apple, BSD, Solaris, or Linux
  12. R

    2012...are the aliens warning us?

    I think it is time to have my towel cleaned and pressed.
  13. R

    show about hills

    IF good old Stan is infallible and if he is all knowing then what is the harm in asking a few questions or even expecting an answer. Now I am a fan of Mr. Friedman and have been for some years but if he can't answer a few questions maybe he needs to stick to lecturing. I wouldn't have expected...