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  1. Q

    Black Triangles

    Thanks Tom...Yep..I'm a lady..I don't know if I'm so young though...I'm 46.;) Thanks for the compliment anyway :)
  2. Q

    Black Triangles

    Oh wow..that sure looks like the same one I saw...the one in the video wasn't flashing like the one I saw, except for when it was leaving town it looked more like that without the lights. You can't really see detail of the ship in the video..just the lights, but I'm pretty sure it's the same...
  3. Q

    Black Triangles

    The ship actually changed it's shape..I saw it with my own eyes. It moved up onto it's side, the nose started turning it's front point inward and was engulfed into the bottom of the ship....I was seeing this very close up with my binoculars and the whole craft turned into a rectangle. I could...
  4. Q

    Black Triangles

    Hi's ok if you use my report...I don't know if I could really add much more except for what I'm about to tell Noanswers...btw...Noanswers and Tom..I appreciate your concern... thank you! When the craft changed shape it happened pretty quickly..that's why I was so startled at it...I...
  5. Q

    Black Triangles

    Oh you're welcome :) Well, when I first saw the headlights, they were right above the treetops. Our pines are pretty short actually, that's pretty close to the ground. Then, when the headlights went off, it was a bit higher up in the sky. It stayed in one spot hovering silently for several...
  6. Q

    Black Triangles

    Hi Tom! You first I was fascinated by the thing...the lights could be described as beautiful because they sparkle like jewels. But after I got a good close look at it, I started feeling apprehensive and even frightened. Especially since it stopped to hover over me and my daughter. It...
  7. Q

    Black Triangles

    Thanks for the welcome :) Actually, a lady from MUFON called me and talked to both me and my daughter..I drew two pages of pictures to show to her. I can share them here with you all as to what I saw...It's kind of crude drawings but this is what we saw. It happened at 9pm at night and it was...
  8. Q

    Black Triangles

    I'm new here because I was looking for a UFO board to tell somebody what happened to me and my daughter. I'm 46 and my daughter is 25. We live in Illinois. This past February we both saw a triangle UFO and what I saw convinced me this thing is otherworldy! It actually morphed from a triangle...