Recent content by PurrlGurrl

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  1. P

    Custom Titles?

    Sticks and stone . . . etc. Grow up, Jeff.
  2. P

    Custom Titles?

    There appears to be no way to change titles. I don't know how I got "Skilled Investigator" because I would never have chosen that for myself. It's just not true. I think it was randomly assigned to me when I signed up because maybe I didn't chose a title since none of them fit. Hey, whoever is...
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    September 16, 2012 Nick Redfern

    Come on. Who wants to get e-mails from crazies (which is what often happened when I used my real name)? I rarely got rational e-mails. Instead, I heard from people I was afraid I might some day encounter when I was alone on a dark street (which is a genuine concern for any female in our random...
  4. P

    September 16, 2012 Nick Redfern

    Funny thing. Whenever Nick Redfern (who I totally enjoy as a guest) is on the show I have problems with the audio frequently cutting out. So I stopped listening to his shows live and thought I'd solve the problem by downloading the broadcast later. Even doing that I have problems with the...
  5. P

    Mike Bara :P

    This dude is a total putz. Does Bara think we're all stupid? I love how he just makes stuff up and presents it as proven truth. If you find yourself agreeing with or believing him, it's time for you to conduct a reality check for yourself.
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    Mike Bara :P

    He's among the craziest guests or biggest BS artists ever featured on the show.
  7. P

    New GCN Broadcast Sucks

    Hey, I know it costs money to keep doing this but . . . 1. Frankly, I don't support the mindset of some of the sponsors. I'm not a survivalist nor a Tea Party advocate and their commercials seemed specifically aimed at that demographic. I'm interested in paranormal activity, and guess what...
  8. P

    Best Evidence: Top 10 UFO Sightings

    Wow :exclamation: Thanks for posting this. Saw the excerpts on your blog and have been looking for the film with no success. One more time I mystifyed by the Roswell obsession, when cases such as these (and others subsequent) are far more compelling and substantiated. My list would have...