Recent content by mrchef

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  1. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Sorry, it wont be that easy. I never said I was going anywhere. I said "feel free to remove me" since I will not promise to not treat a child like a child. Is reading comprehension a common problem here? Mr. Biedny, seemed to make it clear that I would be removed unless I pretended that...
  2. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    David Biedny, Well to be fair, I was already less than welcomed here in the first place. I've been on the receiving end of the same kind of behaviour. I suppose you may have contacted those people privately to let them know to tone it down... but then I had to provide an email address to...
  3. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Pair of Cats, That would be a bad thing... as long as you ignore the fact that Mr. Mamer is a technical writer that was asked on the show because he wrote a favourable article. If you stick to the facts, then it seems petty to complain that Mr. Mamer was unprepared to talk about something...
  4. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Pair of Cats, Exactly what facts was he, or anyone for that matter, unaware of? Let's see, people see things or take pictures of things, and because they can not explain them, they must be not of this world. Did I miss any facts? "So you think he was coming on to the show to talk about...
  5. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    DavidRavenMoon, Well, from the innocent observers standpoint, 3, 4, and 5, are all things that he/she can not explain.
  6. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Decker, Regarding your Sept 2nd post. I am sorry to hear that you and your family are in such a bad spot. Hopefully this post finds you all safe. As for the tone of your posts. They did seem a bit too confrontational. But given the circumstances, I can see that other things may have been...
  7. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Phil (A Pair of Cats), had this to say: Debunking? No. Thinking? Yes. You have to understand that "research" means more than just looking for reasons to believe. I think that since he was asked on the show because he wrote a favourable article about the podcasts and hosts, it seems...
  8. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Unky, I must apologize. As I said, I am new to not only this site, but this kind of discussion. To be honest, I dont even know what a "hard return" is, or what the proper quoting methods are. It's getting late here. In the morning, I will go through the forum looking for some kind of...
  9. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Marduk, First, your experiences are your experiences. I see no need, or feel no need to question them. You can interpret them as you see fit... let's face it, you saw it. Not me. Flashbulb Memory. You bring up a couple of interesting points here. First, science does know that the...
  10. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Pixelsmith, I was wondering when it would happen. Certainly no free thinking individual would agree with Mr. Mamer! Therefore, mrchef must be Mr. Mamer! QED. It's scientific proof! Wow. My name is David. Not Karl. I am presently a Chef. Not a... what was he? A technical writer...
  11. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    "I'll tell you who Don Ecker is - a highly valued member of these forums, and a close friend of the show. You're new here, so kindly chill out when addressing folks like Don, comprende?" David, So, I cant disagree with Mr. Ecker? It is perfectly acceptable for him to misrepresent a guest on...
  12. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Decker, "Well, at the risk of sounding snarky, I am already getting somewhat bored at the direction of this communication ... event." Why is that? An honest discussion of an event is boring? I see. "Muslims? Soldiers making errors? Eyewittness reports are always unreliable? What line of...
  13. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Gojira, I honestly can't see what from Decker's post would lead you to believe he could not be mistaken or in error. Are there any verifiable facts? No. But that is besides the point. The real question is, what is Mr. Cooper actually saying? He didn't actually see anything. He saw a few...
  14. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Cybernia, "This whole brain makes mistakes argument is bogus. Sure it does, but why when someone sees something weird does the skeptic automatically include that in his repertoire of reasons why the person couldn't have seen what they thought they saw?" I can answer that. First of all they are...
  15. M

    August 30th Episode with Karl Mamer

    Decker, <O:p "Well Friend, to answer your question .... Do I believe there is a God? Maybe. Jesus.... yeah I think he may have been around, but his press reports got inflated. Allah ... depends on what you mean. Allah is the Islamic name for God ... a rose is a rose and smells as sweet ... well...