Recent content by En4cer

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  1. E

    Alien Video To Be Shown In Denver Friday.

    We are all waiting for Ufology’s smoking gun to appear and every time it seems like it might eventually present itself, something like this carnival show alien video comes along to lay down a smoke trail again. Interesting how this pops up after two weeks the Vatican allegedly makes statements...
  2. E

    Alien Video To Be Shown In Denver Friday.

    Just when you think Ufology is starting to be taken serious along comes a pile of crap to knock it back down a few rungs on the ladder.
  3. E

    Peckman's alleged video?

    Just when you think Ufology is starting to be taken serious along comes a pile of crap to knock it back down a few rungs on the ladder.
  4. E

    New Drone Craft ?

    LOL - Good One. Linda M. Howe, another bottom of the barrel D-List Ufologist. She has no physical evidence to present to us but because the witnesses sounded so sincere, she is certain their story is true. Maybe the flying penis chased away all her honey bees.
  5. E

    Is There a Disclosure Slowly Happening?

    I'm sure the Vatican has high hopes but I tend to think their interest lies more in the suppression of information and damage control rather than wishful thinking. On a lighter note and I can just imagine Greys and Reptilians standing in line to receive Holy Communion. For hypothetical sake...
  6. E

    Is There a Disclosure Slowly Happening?

    Perhaps it’s not a slow disclosure where they (Government, Illuminati, Bilderbergers, etc. – string pullers) are willingly spoon feeding us a so called part of the truth behind the mystery that is Ufology. Maybe they’re hand has been forced by some unknown event and they are merely testing the...
  7. E

    Governments Ability to Fabricate Images

    Another question if you don’t mind. With all the significant advancements in CGI and image rendering software in the past few years, have there been equal advancements in video and imaging software to detect fabrications?
  8. E

    Governments Ability to Fabricate Images

    Keeping in mind that the technology being utilized by the government is usually several years ahead of technology that is currently available to the commercial and private sectors, I would like to pose a question for Dave, Gene, and any of the other video / image experts on this board. With...
  9. E

    New Poll Request: Postive Influence on Ufology

    If possible, I would like to propose a new poll. Since we take time to recognize the negative, why not acknowledge the positive. Who do you feel since the turn of the new century (Past Decade) has had the most positive influence overall in the field of Ufology? Stanton Friedman Peter B...
  10. E

    Most Annoying Person in the Field

    I heard Linda Moulton Howe state that George’s Mustache is protected by an invisible electromagnetic energy field. She heard it from a source in Brazil who cannot back his claim but seemed so sincere that it must be true.
  11. E

    Most Annoying Person in the Field

    Since we seem to be putting on our waders here and the list contains some of the usual BS artists (Dave excluded of course), how about John Lear? I enjoyed his latest claim. The one that ATS is a CIA front.
  12. E

    new ufo pics from C2C

    Thank god for shows like "The Paracast" where the hosts engage the guests in stimulating debate and ask the tough questions that need to be asked. Coast to Coast started off on the right foot many years ago but drifted in to a stagnant sea of mind-numbing garbage. I never rate a show merely on...
  13. E

    new ufo pics from C2C

    Thanks to improvements in software imaging technology (Adobe, Macromedia, etc.) over the last ten years, the photos on C2C are like the Adamski photos on steriods. But then again - "George Adamski and Billy Meier did it with monofilament and garbage can lids."