Recent content by emptydrum

  1. emptydrum


    Holy cow! Given the paranormal creds of your new location, you'll probably be getting some EVPs on your fillings! :p
  2. emptydrum

    Why is RSPK the primary explanation for poltergeists?

    The point about there being no real "control" case against which to measure street-level paranormal phenomena is a good one though. It's like trying to diagnose a sick person without having some baseline definition of "health". So we are left with investigators making arbitrary use of measuring...
  3. emptydrum

    Why is RSPK the primary explanation for poltergeists?

    Tonight on <b>America's Least Frightening, Most Non-Haunted Houses</b>:<p> Our team goes hunting for absolutely nothing out of the ordinary -- <i>and finds it!!</i>
  4. emptydrum

    Shadow People

    Just FYI, the term "Shadow People" is considered offensive; we prefer to be called "Corporeally Challenged Entities". Thank you.