Recent content by corechakra

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  1. C

    The horrible truth about the horrible truth

    what is the point of having a theory about all "conspiracy theories"? the entire term is just a tool for dismissing discussion of some realities that people find very troubling, and so for mental comfort people link serious discussion of things like assassination and financial manipulation to...
  2. C

    Gary MacKinnon

    I'm a bit skeptical that somebody with medium level hacking skills and no other professional training would know how to interpret any of the information he gained access to, even photographs. I do agree there seems to be a sort of set-up here. We probably all saw the disclosure documentary that...
  3. C

    The horrible truth about the horrible truth

    "It's easier and more comforting to believe in order, even if it is a twisted one bent on world domination, than it is to believe in chaos - that human affairs or a group larger than say a couple of thousand people is largely unpredictable." I think it is the other way around --it is easier to...
  4. C

    "rock concert lighting" sighting

    nope. i was absolutely sure that a reasonable answer would occur to me by morning. hasn't happened yet.
  5. C

    Rendlesham Forest?

    There was a Peter Robbins interview not long ago, I think. I remember David asked whether it could have been a psy-op, which I suppose is possible, but I must say the accounts have many specifics that very, very strongly suggest a test of a EMP weapon, along with a few conjuring tricks (either...
  6. C

    Catherine Austin Fitts - is she credible?

    If I've ever had basic doubts about Fitts, it would be based on her fairly hard-core Republican background. I've listened and read for years her commentary on economic conspiracy (a well-defined crime in US law), and I think she is credible in her training, her information, and in her reasoning...
  7. C

    "rock concert lighting" sighting

    I'm a long-time listener of Gene and David. I've registered in order to relate the following sighting, which I've now given up trying to explain in the normal way. This happened, I believe, in the spring of 2003, within a few hundred yards of my home in a rural section of the northeastern USA...