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  1. Con

    Moon Landing is a Fake

    I like the internet. At the internet one can do alot of things, and one of those things is fabricating a personality based on the text one submit. Many people do that as it tends to soften the blow when opposed. They spend a long time with their posts, refining them and often editing them to try...
  2. Con

    Moon Landing is a Fake

    "Moshi Dayan", It is now apparent that the issue lies not in the conspiracy itself, but rather more in you. You seem to have a very strong will towards not dealing with the facts that oppose you. Something about this gives you psychological 'perks' i.e. makes you feel bigger or smarter, hence...
  3. Con

    Moon Landing is a Fake

    Now please elaborate this statement, why would this be so?
  4. Con

    Moon Landing is a Fake

    It always have and will always be that when facts is shown, that is contradictory to ones belief, belief being based almost entirely upon will, there will always be denial. What Neil & Buzz Left on the Moon - NASA Science