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  1. C

    Exoplanets and the search for habitable worlds, Sara Seager

    With the recent news of the planet around Gliese in the habitable zone, I found a nice popular video lecture about exoplanet search. Sorry if this has been posted before.
  2. C

    Ufo's and Nukes: fair assumptions

    I am wondering about two things: If unusual events a and b, both which can occur by themselves, occur simultaneously. When would you believe that they occur independently simultaneously and when would you believe that they are related. Secondly if event x is probably not member of the set...
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    AI and ET

    Actually with the advancements of the astronomers searching for extrasolar planets, I am starting to believe that they will beat the SETI to finding the first signs of alien life. From the first Jupiter like planets in the mid 90's to things like these...
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    CattleMutilations and Necrotizing fasciitis

    Yes, from what I read, they cut away the dead tissue in the hospitals prior to these pictures, but I think like "pixelsmith" said, this cutting could be done by beetles and larvae in nature. I think they are known for eating scar-tissue. I take your word for it since you have really looked...
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    Molten salt reactors and UFO

    From what I have heard there are several ufo indidents where observers have seen something like molten metal coming out of ufo's. I was just wondering what the possible connections are to molten salt reactors that have been used in aricraft experiments. Here are some random facts 1) The early...
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    CattleMutilations and Necrotizing fasciitis

    CattleMutilations and Necrotizing fasciitis (Warning offensive pictures) I was just wondering about connection between cattle mutilations and Necrotizing fasciitis. They often mention predators and pranksters being the cause but are the lesions...
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    ET precence on the internet and NSA

    ET presence on the internet and NSA I was able to know what the "joke" was about when I found out what the link was about. I am sorry if I came across as a being hostile in commenting the replies, but I was not being a jerk, I was frustrated that the thread was going into the direction of...
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    ET precence on the internet and NSA

    ET presence on the internet and NSA Well this was not the kind of discussion I was hoping for. I did not mean ETI posing as humans in social networking sites. For instance for 1) If the NSA would see very suspicious cracking coming from civil addresses, that were performed in ways not...
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    ET precence on the internet and NSA

    ET presence on the internet and NSA It seems like you have an opinion about this, I would love to hear about it.
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    ET precence on the internet and NSA

    ET presence on the internet and NSA For me clicking the attachment yields:
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    ET precence on the internet and NSA

    ET presence on the internet and NSA Could you please specify what you mean? (I cannot see the attachment perhaps that explains it.)
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    ET precence on the internet and NSA

    ET presence on the internet and NSA As this is my first post and being new to the area of ET speculations this question may have been discussed many times before. (I could not find it when I searched the forums.) (I assume that ETI is defined as a extra-terrestrial-intelligence in what...