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September 18, 2016 — Shop Talk with Gene, Chris and Goggs

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
A wide-ranging discussion that does not cover politics, comic books or rock and roll. It focuses on UFO research and the lack of progress in getting to the bottom of the mystery.

This discussion continues in this week's After The Paracast, where forum member Ufology (Randall) joins in the discussion.

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Regarding the discussion with Chris expressing frustration about his work not being recognised by the field....

In my experience Chris this is a norm of the human condition in the sense that the big personalities take centre stage in any group and not the most intelligent or dilligent or hard working.

E.g. the companies where I have worked. The higheat paid and senior staff are not normally the most intelligent or the hardest workers... it's those who can best publicly communicate their opinions and solutions e.g. It's about the size of your personality

You can apply this to most groups, take the music scene. Personalities and front men can take the limelight where the brains of the operation can be almost unknowns.

This must have provided a survivability advantage for groups in preceding generations for it to be so prevalent in human groups today.

Keep your chin up Chris there are lots of intellectual unappreciated out there just like you but your are definitely appreciated and valued by the paracast listeners and your work will be also in time to come.
Neat little episode. Regarding the variations of paranormal phenomena associated with certain areas in lieu of an interdimensional possibility, where would you guys fall as far as the possibility that these manifestations are the result of extraterrestrial beings that are toying with us, sort of outer space psyops. Maybe the fact that many reports come from various valleys and basins means that there is something else there that would attract an off planet population?

@Christopher O'Brien As far as your mentioning the phantom buckboard ( not unlike Paul Enos mention of oxen carts in Bara-Hack) do you think this could be an all together different thing and maybe it would be this element that would attract another advanced race to that location ?
As far as your mentioning the phantom buckboard ( not unlike Paul Enos mention of oxen carts in Bara-Hack) do you think this could be an all together different thing and maybe it would be this element that would attract another advanced race to that location ?
I'm not sure what "a different thing" is, but I've wondered if there is some sort of geophysical property that might be responsible for location-specific phenomena.
I could have phrased it better but I was kind of working towards an idea that these locations, due to their geomagnetic properties could be attractive to an off planet race and this off planet race could be responsible for the phenomena that is observed there.
I'm not sure if he will see this, but I thought I'd offer a bit of constructive criticism towards Goggs.

You seem like a sincere person and I'm not criticising you regarding your opinions, I'm just making an observation that it seems to take you a long time to make your point during episodes you co-host.

There were many times during this episode where it took you 3 or 4 minutes, (or more) to make your point.
It's difficult as a listener because I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, and after about a minute of listening to you trying to explain your opinion I am already kind of getting the concept of what you are trying to say, but a lot of the time it takes you another couple of minutes to get it out.

I just thought I would mention that.

Yes he'll see it!

Don't worry, I'm not at all full of myself and always welcome polite, constructive criticism. I've never been a professional radio/podcast speaker and I only do it occasionally to help out really, often like the other day, at the last minute a guest pulls out and we are literally just making it up as we go, so I'm not surprised when trying to contribute, the mind wonders, or gets there slowly, I usually don't know what my final point is going to be, so I just meander! I'm not shy about public speaking and I'm happy if I can contribute the odd nugget. My friends know me as someone who talks too much so there you go!
I could have phrased it better but I was kind of working towards an idea that these locations, due to their geomagnetic properties could be attractive to an off planet race and this off planet race could be responsible for the phenomena that is observed there.
Sure, we can't rule that possibility out, but I intuit that it's home-spun phenomena—not something off-planet—that is manifesting at these locations. Just my opinion, of course...
If you generally dislike my appeances then I suppose just avoid listening to those shows in which I feature - there are plenty of guests or hosts on other shows I dislike and I don't bother catching those shows so I can only suggest you exercise that same freedom of choice.
Or email Gene/Chris to register your displeasure at my appearances and suggest not having me back on. If there are a fair number of Paracast listeners who feel the same way as yourself I'm sure the listenership, as the consumer whose tastes must be catered for, would effectively have the final say as it would be crazy to knowingly piss off them off en-mass.

I'm sorry you haven't enjoyed any content featuring me but I am who I am and I can't change that, so just enjoy the huge number of shows that don't feature a single trace of me!:D
Let's stop it here: We love having Goggs on. He's not an experienced broadcaster, but does really well. He's smart, articulate, and always asks the right questions. There are lots of guests who take their time to get from the beginning to end of a comment, so let's give him some slack there. With experience, he'll grow. Remember that, when Chris first appeared as co-host of The Paracast, he wasn't an experienced broadcaster and had to get his legs. Don't ask how I sounded on my first couple of radio jobs. It took a few years to get a rhythm going.
Don't worry Gene I'm not at all bothered that someone finds fault, no-one is universally liked and I get more positive comments than negative, a not bad score in most walks of life. I'm fully aware that Gene and Chris like to have me on from time to time and I like being on, and as we all understand no-one is forced to listen to me (or anyone else for that matter) then if a forum member/Paracast listener wants to explain what they do not like about me or shows I appear in, I'm a big enough boy who like others, have come through real trials in life, a bit of criticism, constructive or not, won't ruin my day and as long as it's voiced in a civil manner, people have the right to praise what they like and criticise what they don't.
My pride is intact and I'll continue to be myself - because I don't know how to be any different. Maybe Matt Damon does!:p
Don't worry Gene I'm not at all bothered that someone finds fault, no-one is universally liked and I get more positive comments than negative, a not bad score in most walks of life. I'm fully aware that Gene and Chris like to have me on from time to time and I like being on, and as we all understand no-one is forced to listen to me (or anyone else for that matter) then if a forum member/Paracast listener wants to explain what they do not like about me or shows I appear in, I'm a big enough boy who like others, have come through real trials in life, a bit of criticism, constructive or not, won't ruin my day and as long as it's voiced in a civil manner, people have the right to praise what they like and criticise what they don't.
My pride is intact and I'll continue to be myself - because I don't know how to be any different. Maybe Matt Damon does!:p
As you know there are also hate brigades out there. A few have no problem defaming me for one imaginary offense or another, and one of the worst offenders posts on a blog system that won't accept takedowns unless I win a judgement in court, so they have the freedom to lie. Comes with the territory.
I said right from the start that it was constructive criticism.
Actually, I appreciate it when I get constructive criticism and I'm working on trying to be more succinct in both my writing and speaking. I'd welcome any similar advice you may have for me. Thanks :).
Didn't say it was. You want him to discover some brevity. I suppose you could say the same and more about a few of our guests, however, who often take a full 9-11 minute segment to get to the point.
Maybe read through what I said to Goggs, Gene.
It wasn't an attack.
Don't worry about it. Sometimes it's hard for people to be objective about themselves and we all like Goggs here, so like you say, it's probably a knee-jerk reaction to protect someone we think of as a friend. I personally don't see any malice in your criticism whatsoever.
Didn't say it was. You want him to discover some brevity. I suppose you could say the same and more about a few of our guests, however, who often take a full 9-11 minute segment to get to the point.
No kidding Gene ... lol. But seriously, I think you do a pretty decent job of moderating too, and what the listeners don't realize is that Chris had some serious Skype problems where he just dropped out, so there were also times when we were filling in while he tried to fix his connection. I really thought this episode was going to come out much worse than it did. Great work splicing it all together to make it flow smoothly!
The key with Skype is decent upload speeds, and Chris was getting roughly 2G speeds, about 200 kilobits, which is just not sufficient. So there was a lot of packet loss, and I had to work hard on both shows to clean it up. I hope he's gotten a handle on it by now. ISPs can be troublesome. Chris should be getting 15 times that.

My own free Internet (provided by the housing complex) delivers speeds of 15 megabits down and 3 megabits up. Not fast, but very consistent, so I'm getting a level of performance some don't achieve with advertised speeds of twice that level.
The key with Skype is decent upload speeds, and Chris was getting roughly 2G speeds, about 200 kilobits, which is just not sufficient. So there was a lot of packet loss, and I had to work hard on both shows to clean it up. I hope he's gotten a handle on it by now. ISPs can be troublesome. Chris should be getting 15 times that.

My own free Internet (provided by the housing complex) delivers speeds of 15 megabits down and 3 megabits up. Not fast, but very consistent, so I'm getting a level of performance some don't achieve with advertised speeds of twice that level.
I was supposed to be getting "up to 5 mbps upload but I'm only getting around .52 mbps, and the Internet providers here are hard to deal with. I may be switching from Shaw to Telus.