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Redfern Out, Kimball In - 8 October 2017

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Granted this video that I'm including the link for is fake. But IF IT WERE AUTHENTIC - what other explanation would there be besides a ghost/poltergeist?
Here's how I look at it: Because invisible dead people in afterlives is impossible, if the phenomena is genuine, that is to say it doesn't have some sort of natural cause, like wind or earthquakes or some other change in the orientation of the room like it being on a boat in heavy seas or a staged setup ( whatever the case - you know what I mean ), then the explanation must involve something else. Therefore we have to ask: What sort of other invisible thing could be the cause? When we do that we can hypothesize a couple of things:

1. Something living that is using some sort of active camouflage.
2. Something living using some sort of technology capable of remotely moving objects.

Both types of phenomena are associated with certain UFO reports, which means they have the technology. So all they need to do is apply it to studying how we behave when faced with it in these sorts of situations. This makes much more sense than invisible dead people. Invisible dead people is an association made by those who have traditionally had no other explanation. But to me it's the same as the cargo cults assigning magical powers to airplanes. It's a primitive interpretation based on magical thinking and wish fulfilment.

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Here's how I look at it: Because invisible dead people in afterlives is impossible

The guy who believes in space aliens flying structured craft visiting Earth states as an absolute certainty that invisible dead people in the afterlife making contact is impossible. :rolleyes:

It's hard to unpack the combination of belief, hubris and ego loaded into that, so I won't even try. It did make me chuckle, however, so that's always a plus.
The guy who believes in space aliens flying structured craft visiting Earth states as an absolute certainty that invisible dead people in the afterlife making contact is impossible. :rolleyes:

It's hard to unpack the combination of belief, hubris and ego loaded into that, so I won't even try. It did make me chuckle, however, so that's always a plus.

Thank you! I wanted to comment but restrained myself.
The guy who believes in space aliens flying structured craft visiting Earth states as an absolute certainty that invisible dead people in the afterlife making contact is impossible. :rolleyes:
Not necessarily "space aliens". I'm not sure where the aliens come from exactly. But at least "space aliens" are possible.
It's hard to unpack the combination of belief, hubris and ego loaded into that, so I won't even try. It did make me chuckle, however, so that's always a plus.
Because you haven't unpacked it and don't want to try, the obvious conclusion is that it's simply an offhanded remark that lacks substance and deflects from the subject. But I had a good chuckle earlier too so that makes us even :p .

NOTE: Your comment is an unsubstantiated character attack that fails to address the issue at hand. Ironically, unsubstantiated character attacks are a reflection of the same flaws that you have projected onto me. Hence the phrase, "Project much?" In the future please try addressing the issues with valid counterpoint. You will be doing yourself a favor.
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There is only one way to settle this:

A google fight! well actually I can't find the old website so I did it manually:

Ghost = About 510,000,000 results


UFO = About 144,000,000


Alien = About 327,000,000


God = About 1,820,000,000


Reason = About 1,510,000,000


Logic = About 399,000,000


This will make you laugh:

Belief = About 239,000,000


Trust = About 1,030,000,000


Truth = About 846,000,000


According to google searches anyway
There is only one way to settle this:

A google fight! well actually I can't find the old website so I did it manually:

Ghost = About 510,000,000 results


UFO = About 144,000,000


Alien = About 327,000,000


God = About 1,820,000,000


Reason = About 1,510,000,000


Logic = About 399,000,000


This will make you laugh:

Belief = About 239,000,000


Trust = About 1,030,000,000


Truth = About 846,000,000


According to google searches anyway

I can tell you with absolute certainty that programming related to ghosts is far more popular than programming related to UFOs, and accordingly easier to sell to a network. What that proves... who knows? But in the world of entertainment and the paranormal, UFOs aren't even close to ghosts in terms of popularity and longevity.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that programming related to ghosts is far more popular than programming related to UFOs, and accordingly easier to sell to a network. What that proves... who knows? But in the world of entertainment and the paranormal, UFOs aren't even close to ghosts in terms of popularity and longevity.
That's perfectly fair. But I would suggest that there's a way to blend the two and gain even more of an audience. After all if the theory is true that the phenomenon is something alien rather than invisible dead people, and you happen to stumble upon evidence of that, don't you think your ratings and popularity would skyrocket? Just try to keep an open mind about it while you're out there poking around. Besides, if the scare factor is what you're after I'd certainly be more unnerved by something real and alien messing with me than my dear departed grandmother.
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That's perfectly fair. But I would suggest that there's a way to blend the two and gain even more of an audience. After all if the theory is true that the phenomenon is something alien rather than invisible dead people, and you happen to stumble upon evidence of that, don't you think your ratings and popularity would skyrocket? Just try to keep an open mind about it while you're out there poking around. Besides, if the scare factor is what you're after I'd certainly be more unnerved by something real and alien messing with me than my dear departed grandmother.

When you hear the show you're going to feel a bit foolish making all these suggestions to me like I haven't been doing this for two decades, and like I have a closed mind.
Sometimes I don't have the exact words to convey what I mean:

The way I see it is that sometimes listening to an argument that 'excludes' an element or factor only seems to make it conspicuous by it's abscence. (gaps appear)

Like for example if you exclude evolution from the story of our origin.

I will tell you that Mr kimball drew my attention to the C. L. Johnson sighting and report and that you (Ufology/Randall) made me take it seriously.

It was actually one of the first threads I participated in after joining the Paracast in 2010

What I am trying to say is that you have both contributed to my interest in the "paranormal" which in my lingo encompasses UFO's, Ghost's, and just about anything going ;)

I just want to know why, like we all do. (including both of you) and of course 4,090,000,000 google searches ;)
Sometimes I don't have the exact words to convey what I mean:

The way I see it is that sometimes listening to an argument that 'excludes' an element or factor only seems to make it conspicuous by it's abscence. (gaps appear)

Like for example if you exclude evolution from the story of our origin.

I will tell you that Mr kimball drew my attention to the C. L. Johnson sighting and report and that you (Ufology/Randall) made me take it seriously.

It was actually one of the first threads I participated in after joining the Paracast in 2010

What I am trying to say is that you have both contributed to my interest in the "paranormal" which in my lingo encompasses UFO's, Ghost's, and just about anything going ;)

I just want to know why, like we all do. (including both of you) and of course 4,090,000,000 google searches ;)

Do you think that UFOs could be supernatural in nature, as opposed to technological?
Do you think that UFOs could be supernatural in nature, as opposed to technological?

I am not at a stage to draw any conclusions.

I just know that the goal posts move. As to how and why, that is another story, hence my interest in hearing as many as possible.
When you hear the show you're going to feel a bit foolish making all these suggestions to me like I haven't been doing this for two decades, and like I have a closed mind.
Hey you're the one who said, "Whilst I would prefer for this to be a "UFO free" episode, so that's all I've got to go on here. If the show opens up on that discussion then great. Why would that make me feel foolish? I liked the last couple of shows with your participation and look forward to listening!
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I am not at a stage to draw any conclusions.
Interesting. In your view, where's the problem in coming to some basic conclusions?
I just know that the goal posts move. As to how and why, that is another story ...
Any ideas on that?
... hence my interest in hearing as many as possible.
No shortage of that here. Maybe we should look at these issues a little closer?
Interesting. In your view, where's the problem in coming to some basic conclusions?

Human perception #1 human motives #2 etc

Any ideas on that?
re: I just know that the goal posts move. As to how and why, that is another story ...

Yes but they scare me and I don't want to cause distress to other people who might have the wrong interpretation ;)

No shortage of that here. Maybe we should look at these issues a little closer?
re: ... hence my interest in hearing as many as possible.

Maybe we are looking as closely or as far away as we can for now, there might be a break through in many areas that could change everything.
E.G microscopy/Macroscopy*

Sorry for strange message format, I couldn't seem to quote the entire post including my original message.

*Ok so that hasn't been invented yet or I am using the wrong word (most likely), I mean looking at a big scale. As in the Antonym of Microscopy.
Ok: Human perception #1 human motives #2 etc
Do you mean human perception as in sensory perception, or as in assumptions based on worldviews?
Yes but they scare me and I don't want to cause distress to other people who might have the wrong interpretation ;) .
;) indeed. If I were to say something like moving the goalposts has more to do with satisfying bias than truth seeking, would I be on the right track?