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Redfern Out, Kimball In - 8 October 2017

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You are putting the cart before the horse here, assuming Fox is not invited to return to The Paracast. He is. So settle down with the accusations, OK?

Thats very vague. Im saying he should be made aware of this segment specifically so he can respond. If he does not want to then fine.
My fondness for many of @Paul Kimball viewpoints, his straightforwardness and intellectual honesty, aside, as well as his taste in music, why the hell would James Fox care what he has to say about him? Everyone should take the @Walter Bosley approach to these type of online forums and the comments shared within and simply not give a fuck what anyone else has to say when it comes to comments and/or criticisms. I would also add to that the @SpaceBrother current mantra "Do Not Engage" as sage advice.

That said, if James Fox wants to jump into the fray and share his two cents with Paul and the rest of the forum members, I say welcome to the jungle!
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My fondness for many of @Paul Kimball viewpoints, his straightforwardness and intellectual honesty, aside, as well as his taste in music, why the hell would James Fox care what he has to say about him? Everyone should take the @Walter Bosley approach to these type of online forums and the comments shared within and simply not give a fuck what anyone else has to say when it comes to comments and/or criticisms. I would also add to that the @SpaceBrother current mantra "Do Not Engage" as sage advice.

That said, if James Fox wants to jump into the fray and share his two cents with Paul and the rest of the forum members, I say welcome to the jungle!

Good advice. Wander over to Amazon and look at the ratings for Ghost Cases - lots of people hated it (and some people really liked it). You know how many of them I sent threatening Facebook messages to? That's right - zero.

If you're comfortable in your own skin, and happy with your work, who cares what other people think (although one can always learn from constructive criticism)?

And then there's James Fox... ;)
Here's he is recently, pretty much trying to have his cake and eat it too in terms of trying very hard not to say that he believes in space aliens when we all know that he does. There's an intellectual dishonesty at work with him that just rubs me the wrong way.

My fondness for many of @Paul Kimball viewpoints, his straightforwardness and intellectual honesty, aside, as well as his taste in music, why the hell would James Fox care what he has to say about him? Everyone should take the @Walter Bosley approach to these type of online forums and the comments shared within and simply not give a fuck what anyone else has to say when it comes to comments and/or criticisms. I would also add to that the @SpaceBrother current mantra "Do Not Engage" as sage advice.

That said, if James Fox wants to jump into the fray and share his two cents with Paul and the rest of the forum members, I say welcome to the jungle!
Not that anyone cares what I think, but for me, it would just be affirmation; I've always not liked James but have always liked Paul.