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January 3rd: Terry Hansen

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I loved this episode. Mr. Hansen is an educated man and lucid speaker that gave really good insight on the dis/mis information that the media takes part of to the UFO topic in general. I will be getting his book.
Fantastic episode. I found Terry Hansen credible and he really does seem to know his stuff. I listened to it twice already. I think I may just be grabbing a copy of that book.

Thanks Paracast ! :D
Fantastic show. I listened to it in parts, and then finally last night I had the time to listen to it all again from start to finish. Top notch throughout, and I appreciate Mr. Hansen's breadth of knowledge on the subject matter. I'll certainly be checking out his book.
Liked the episode a lot, though Mr. Hansen actually seemed a bit intimidated at certain points ? Nice guy and more power to him and his research.
Hansen is a knowledgeable guy, certainly. I still give him the benefit of a doubt since I haven't actually read his book. But it seems he's one who basically writes books about what he's read in other people's books. There are good writers out there that do much more research than that.
Anyway, my point isn't that he's wrong necessarily, but that it sounds like it's the kind of book several people on this forum, or David and Gene could've put together.

A few things irked me though. One is that he starts off saying the media is generally in the pocket of the government, not just with UFOs but everything else regarding policy. Was he not around during the last 8 years when the Bushies were challenged on most every freaking move they made after the invasion of Iraq? I know I was, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Does something really "gotta" be going on with American media when it doesn't acknowledge the Mexico City UFO flap? Could it not be simple apathy?
And if the government wanted the media to stay away UFOs it failed to a large degree with the Stephenville case, didn't it? Or wait, are we going to say Stephenville must have been a CIA trick and that's why it made it onto CNN?

And lastly, so the National Enquirer might have been set up to discredit the idea of UFOs at the behest of the CIA? Weirder things have happened I guess, but I'd need to see some evidence.
Another good show and a good guest. Regarding the Enquirer CIA connection, I think this is possible based on the dude who founded the tabloid who seemed to have connections to the CIA.

Schuyler's point about Corso is really interesting. I think we all agree he paints an unrealistic picture of his influence on american history. Schuyler's analysis further highlights his insanely overstated strong self image :)

It seems pretty obvious his rank and his claims (among other things) don't match up well. Here are some possible reasons.

1. He has a messiah complex and is totally delusional
2. He was asked to write this disnfo as a final assignment
3. He was telling some truths mixed in with his own personal twist (that he single handedly saved the world!)

Now, if we go with the 2nd option, this is a disinfo assignment, perhaps his rank makes sense. If I wanted someone to do a ridiculous mission for me (write a book about how UFO's won the cold war :) ), I might also pick the dude who is a low ranking 'wanna be' who I know will get fired up for the task.

If it's the 3rd option, perhaps his lower ranking was on purpose so he could operate on these sensitive issues with little notice from others which a higher profile person might not be able to get away with. So perhaps he was working on stuff and was so undercover that his rank was purposely low. But as usual on these matters, I'm talking out my ass, I have no idea or experience in the military.

Regardless, we all agree the book is not to be taken at face value because of his self aggrandizement at the least. I don't rule the book out as useless, I think there are clues to some insights into the governments involvement even if it's just disinfo.

Regarding the obvious traceable history of the development of the technology he claims was boosted from tech recovered from Roswell. Perhaps, as was pointed out with the analogy of taking a TV back in time in this thread, all the Roswell wreckage did was provide engineers who looked it over, confirmation that technology we were already working on was on the right track. If this is the case, maybe Corso, as is his style, completely exaggerated the impact the crash debris had. I have no idea how likely this would be, just thought I would throw that out there.
Regardless, we all agree the book is not to be taken at face value .... I don't rule the book out as useless, I think there are clues to some insights into the governments involvement even if it's just disinfo.

I'm still fascinated by LT COL Corso and wish I could travel back in time to meet him. Anyway ...

Your above statement reminded me of something I've wondered about his motivations for going public (thank you ahead of time for allowing me this indulgence):

I think about the fact that he dedicated this work to his grandchildren, that they and all the youth "deserve to know the truth."

Of course he made those statements in the context of his claims about Roswell wreckage and back-engineering, so naturally you'd assume the "truth" he's talking about had to do with dead aliens and their technology.

However, the question keeps popping into my head, "What was the actual 'truth' he was referring to, which the rest of us deserve to know?"

To parse it out, if his book is a fabrication, then he wasn't referring to its claims as the "truth" that he was one of the keepers of. It was something else, and that truth will significantly impact the future. Making that "truth" known will be the greatest thing he's ever done, he said.

-Maybe his family was threatened if he didn't do this.

-Maybe he put this stuff out expecting detectives out there would follow the clues he left behind by reading between the lines, eventually uncovering a "truth" that may or may not have something to do with the UFO phenomenon. Maybe his message has something more to do with government manipulation of the masses and the alien stuff was just the vehicle to attract attention. Or ...

-Maybe he was just off his rocker.

I've listened to many interviews in the past few months and even years.But I'd say this was probably one of the best interviews for me. Gene and David, Gold standard without a doubt was achieved with this interview. Terry was a great guest, insightful, not prone to outlandish claims and hopefully he be on again in the none too distant future. I have opinions to what came up in the discussion. But it late and I'm tired.
Agreed with the others - great thought provoking episode. At the risk of beating a dead horse, keep in mind this kind of government+corporate media deception doesn't end with UFOs. Don't know that I saw these links posted elsewhere, Terry gave a great talk at the X-Con, despite that dubious conferences origins. Check it out.


<embed id=VideoPlayback src=http://video.google.ca/googleplayer.swf?docid=-300603436332211775&hl=en&fs=true style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>
I Think we will never know the true extend of Corso's role if any in the UFO coverup, or even the motivations he had for going public.I'd be worried about the credibility of the source, but for one thing. Let us not forget he has a verified background and was indeed respected within certain circles or factions of the military. It's a good point Schuyler brought up in his post. I wonder why he did never reach general. Maybe it due to the fact and I'm not at all researched in how individuals with a military background get promoted and demoted. But maybe it was due to the fact. His role later and his career was in administration and he was never clued into or even involved with conflict engagements with enemies abroad, in essence he was not in the loop when the planning of battles, Wars and strategy of conflicts that took place within the convenes of a meeting. Were and I'm willing to be corrected that promotion would be more readily or easy to achieve.

Maybe in the end we will discover, he was a disinformation agent. I'm unsure, but we can not discount the possibility. Corso had an intelligence background and at one time claimed to be a spy?

Something occurred at Roswell in 1947. What that true is . We will never know in our lifetimes if ever. The UFO cover up has become too messy to be revealed, it will cause enmity among the populations of the world, especially within the United States, more so for obvious reasons.

As for Corso. The Roswell story has to be true, the myth for sure our his story is bunk, nothing he said could have happened or was even possible without the crashing of an alien spacecraft into the land at Roswell. Corso has certainly become a household name within the UFO Community. He probably would have never been remembered like his today, if the story he told, was never told.

One last duty for God and country is a possibility like I've mentioned before, or maybe he just had a vivid imagination and wanted to portray his own self importance to the world.

I'm still intrigued by his story. The Roswell part more so. The issue of the Spacecraft been a time ship. I have heard and read stories where time delays and missing time have occurred. I'll wouldn't be too surprised, if it was found out to be the case, that UFO''s are causing Time Distorientation due to the fact, they are travelling from other dimensions or that there using an unknown time travel device and Corso is a side issue here. I personally find from reading tales and myths from my own culture. The manipulation of time is ever present.
It's rare to get to General, percentage wise. The other thing about Corso that I only alluded to was the 'assistance' of Bill Birnes. We know that Corso was upset with Birnes for 'getting things wrong,' but we don't know specifically what points he was talking about. So in addition to potential flaws and disinformation, intended or as a result of Corso's memory, we have the 'Birnes Intruson' to deal with. With all this thrown in together we basically have a real mess on our hands. It's probably impossible to parse out the truth from his book. I don't want to dismiss it altogether, but I would be very careful using it as a source in any research.
It's rare to get to General, percentage wise. The other thing about Corso that I only alluded to was the 'assistance' of Bill Birnes. We know that Corso was upset with Birnes for 'getting things wrong,' but we don't know specifically what points he was talking about. So in addition to potential flaws and disinformation, intended or as a result of Corso's memory, we have the 'Birnes Intruson' to deal with. With all this thrown in together we basically have a real mess on our hands. It's probably impossible to parse out the truth from his book. I don't want to dismiss it altogether, but I would be very careful using it as a source in any research.
Yeah it would be nice to see Corso's original manuscript before Birnes got his rat claws on it.
It's rare to get to General, percentage wise. The other thing about Corso that I only alluded to was the 'assistance' of Bill Birnes. We know that Corso was upset with Birnes for 'getting things wrong,' but we don't know specifically what points he was talking about. So in addition to potential flaws and disinformation, intended or as a result of Corso's memory, we have the 'Birnes Intruson' to deal with. With all this thrown in together we basically have a real mess on our hands. It's probably impossible to parse out the truth from his book. I don't want to dismiss it altogether, but I would be very careful using it as a source in any research.

Bill Birnes has made some outrageous statements in the past, that people find ridiculous. I personally knew he was a disaster waiting to happen. And I'm able to back that statement up, with posts, I've posted on the forums before. When some of us were critical of him, when at that time, he was a friend of the show and was somewhat respected.

Bill is prone to coming to wild suggestions. You'd be right. I'll never trust the book as reliable information, since it is obvious Corso had serious problems with parts of the book, from what I've gathered. If the book is not accurate account of Corso's claims at any point. Then it is non relevant as a discussion point.

I have seen video's of Corso being interviewed. One video, was Corso being interviewed by a News personality from ABC and the other was by George knapp. He mentioned it was a time ship. I just found that interesting. I'm not saying in any way. We should take his word for it. It's possible the Whole story is crap. Just be open minded to other possibilities.

You've have given us some interesting questions to ponder. With your postings. And I definitely respect that.
Bill Birnes ... is prone to coming to wild suggestions. You'd be right. I'll never trust the book as reliable information, since it is obvious Corso had serious problems with parts of the book, from what I've gathered. If the book is not accurate account of Corso's claims at any point. Then it is non relevant as a discussion point.

I saw a YouTube clip of an interview someone did with Corso where he was flipping through a thick binder of notes, sketches, supposed documents, etc. as he talked. Does anyone know if that binder is being preserved somewhere, or if the original manuscript is available to those who would like to look them over?
I saw a YouTube clip of an interview someone did with Corso where he was flipping through a thick binder of notes, sketches, supposed documents, etc. as he talked. Does anyone know if that binder is being preserved somewhere, or if the original manuscript is available to those who would like to look them over?

That would be a real coup. My guess is this would be controlled by his heirs. I would think the best approach would be for an organization such as Mufon or CUFOS approach the family with such a request. If it were handled properly. perhaps with endorsement letters from respected luminaries in the field, perhaps his 'papers' could be made accessible.
I saw a YouTube clip of an interview someone did with Corso where he was flipping through a thick binder of notes, sketches, supposed documents, etc. as he talked. Does anyone know if that binder is being preserved somewhere, or if the original manuscript is available to those who would like to look them over?

I think you are referring to the interview George Knapp conducted. I think Schuyler is right. It more than likely all sketches, documents, hand written notes made by Corso, are in hands of his family or relatives. I believe he has a son. Who, from what I understand has spoken about his Fathers role in the UFO cover up.
If Corso really wanted disclosure for his grandkids... he had all the contacts, experience as an intelligence officer and knowledge of military infrastructure to press the right buttons in the right sequence.

A short and concise document listing the people (military and civilian), organization of operations around a crash event would have been enough to take the case to court and force the government into disclosure.

Instead he chose cash and a book tour LOL. My book is closed on Corso, this guy had no cause but his own.