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April 17, 2016 — David G. Robertson

Free episodes:

Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
The author of 'UFOs, Conspiracy Theories and the New Age" explores the whys and wherefores of the UFO mystery and how it became prominent, focusing on three key figures who had a large degree of influence in these fields: Whitley Strieber, David Icke and David Wilcock.

This is definitely not a nuts and bolts discussion of the possibility of UFO reality.
This interview would have been far far better if so much air time had not been used by the hosts and their various opinions and off topic discussions. Much more useful on topic information is now missing from Robertson because of this.

For just a few examples of what went wrong:

Please save Stanford, Trump, Election Politics, Super Girl, etc etc for After the Paracast.
I will not speak about Ray on the Paracast again.
I wanted to learn a lot more from this guest actually doing the talk time about what he knows, so an opportunity was lost, imo, though it is still worth listening to.
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This interview would have been far far better if so much air time had not been used by the hosts and their various opinions and off topic discussions. Much more useful on topic information is now missing from Robertson because of this. For just a few examples of what went wrong: Please save Stanford, Trump, Election Politics, Super Girl, etc etc for After the Paracast. I wanted to learn a lot more from this guest actually doing the talk time about what he knows, so an opportunity was lost, imo, though it is still worth listening to.
Go complain to your blow-up doll, ok? It's our show and we will say and do what we want. If you don't like it, don't listen and go start your own show since you obviously think you can do a better job. But then again, you are just like all those anonymous pot-stirrer's out in fantasy 'net-land—too afraid to proudly claim their identity and too proud to admit their fear of their own personal truths. And since you have so many problems w/ me (and Gene?) and others on the forums, summon up the courage to take a hike out of your mom's basement and try to start your own forum community. You think it's so easy doing what we do and you obviously forget that it is a privilege to be a part of the Paracast community, not your right. Stop being like your typical, trollish pain-in-the-asswipe or you are GONE. We'll listen to what Gene has to say to you...
It's our show and we will say and do what we want. If you don't like it, don't listen and go start your own show since you obviously think you can do a better job. But then again, you are just like all the anonymous pot-stirrer's—too afraid to be proudly claim their identity and too proud to admit their fears. Go complain to your blow-up doll, ok? And since you have problems w/ me (and Gene?) and others on the forums, go take a hike out of your mom's basement and go start your own forum community. Don't send me an invitation to join.
No opinions allowed CO. Where's the confusion:confused:
No opinions allowed CO. Where's the confusion:confused:
No confusion. He can opine all he wants and so can I. I simply stated my opinion as well. I don't like his constant badgering. It's our show & forum. We will say and do what we want. You are all welcome and appreciated guests until you are not.
No matter what guise HP/DS ..and yes i also noticed the resemblance...was under i thought he brought up some good points even if he does come off as a little overzealous.

That being the case if he truly does offend why not let individuals ignore him at their own will? Whatever shortcomings Honey Pot has he wasn't anywhere near as disruptive as that provacative blow hard from B.C. whose only mission seemed to be promote himself, own web site and insult all others by reminding us of his superiority. THAT went on far too long in my opinion.

If i recall Dissection Stalker was one of the first to try to tamper down Mr. Biard(?)
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This interview would have been far far better if so much air time had not been used by the hosts and their various opinions and off topic discussions. Much more useful on topic information is now missing from Robertson because of this.

For just a few examples of what went wrong:

Please save Stanford, Trump, Election Politics, Super Girl, etc etc for After the Paracast.

I wanted to learn a lot more from this guest actually doing the talk time about what he knows, so an opportunity was lost, imo, though it is still worth listening to.
As a Brit I'm not that interested in the race for the Whitehouse (Even though US politics has a world wide impact).I have even less interest in Super Girl.However I've yet to find a paranormal show that is as consistently good as the Paracast so Chris and Gene venting their spleen on whatever they like is a small price to pay.It is after all their show and making the effort to listen to the show is up to the individual,none of us are forced here.I'd also like to say disagreeing is fine,how we go about voicing our disagreement is key to keeping this forum adult and civil.Wether you believe in Stanford or not is up to the individual,I have my doubts but have enough faith in Chris O Brien to reserve judgment until all evidence is available.
Mind you, when i say i thought Honey Pot brought up good points, i WASN'T talking about his criticism of this episode. I haven't even listened to it yet and for the record i don't have any issues with the talk going off in different directions and maybe even going a little sideways just like some threads have. It's natural of course. has anyone ever been in a BS session out for the night with a bunch of friends and the discussion ever stayed to just one talkiing point ? I find that boring to say the least. I really admire Chris's defense of his friend and compatriot(spl?) and i did think that DS/HP was a little obsessed with Ray Stanford but as far as him being unhappy with this episode , blow it off guys, you can rise above such criticism especially when this field does lend itself to a lot of skepticism, scrutiny and negative comments. If you enjoy what you're doing let that carry you on. for every nay sayer i'm sure there is a dozen people who appreciate the work that you do, but not every episode is going to be a winner, there are a few that i didn't much care for do but i don't expect perfection and i do appreciate the effort.
for every nay sayer i'm sure there is a dozen people who appreciate the work that you do, but not every episode is going to be a winner, there are a few that i didn't much care for do but i don't expect perfection and i do appreciate the effort.
HP obviously did not appreciate our efforts or he/she would have said so publicly or privately. All we got from them was naysaying, arguments, badgering, whining, complaining and other types of negativity—all hidden behind changing IP addresses. Sure, scattered throughout were insightful comments and good perspective-driven observations, but all the other baggage became too much.

Overall, I think Gene & I are very accommodating and tolerant on the Forum. We let people speak their minds and actually strongly support their right to do so. But when certain troll-ish posters refuse to ratchet back the aggressiveness after repeated public (AND PRIVATE, I should add) requests to do so, hey, suffer the consequences...
HP obviously did not appreciate our efforts or he/she would have said so publicly... But when certain troll-ish posters refuse to ratchet back the aggressiveness after repeated public (AND PRIVATE, I should add) requests to do so, hey, suffer the consequences...
Offering an opinion that was not mean spirited or rude is not trollish. Where are the real trollish examples from Honey? Honey still recommended listening to this very show. Didn't he.

I'm new here. I was enjoying reading the Socorro thread too. Honey was clearly attacked for questioning aspects about Socorro. I wouldn't dare to post on that thread because of the Socorro MUFON and Stanford supporters that have lashed out. You're nice on the Paracast show Chris, but your personality is quite different here when not in agreement with your opinions.

You say he doesn't appreciate your show, but I disagree. It's obvious Honey cares enough to make thoughtful contributions here and about the show too. Look what he wrote about last week's show:
Best show in a long long time... I thought the Naval Intelligence Dark Skies proposed midnight cemetery meeting was quite revealing. Can't get more creepy and paranoid than that, and that meeting was obviously intended to be intimidating and threatening. Really weird.

Why would spooks want to do this type of meeting?

Well, I wish they had "the balls" to do it, and they should have insisted on finding out about the vile of gold fluid when it was presented. Why not?

One thing this absolutely proves is "the spooks" have infiltrated some Hollywood UFO/ET productions to such an extent that they know what the script, etc. is all about before it seems possible to know. It's confidential only known to a few. There are moles!

Plus, they willfully and deliberately attempt to intimidate, influence, and "shape shift" the story the way they want it to be told. I wonder if there are more recent examples within the last 10 years?
Please don't ban people because someone is in disagreement with your opinions. I agree with Wade. Chris, just put Honey on your ignore list and move on.

Chris and I are benevolent dictators. We allow for a lot before it becomes too much.

I also recently banned yet another Emma Woods sockpuppet, and some of you might know who that person was, but I won't name anyone here.
No confusion. He can opine all he wants and so can I. I simply stated my opinion as well. I don't like his constant badgering. It's our show & forum. We will say and do what we want. You are all welcome and appreciated guests until you are not.
No doubt I was just baffled at the comments saying you and Gene shouldn't express opinions on the show.:cool:
It's our show, our sandbox, our company. We do what we want, and GCN only insists we don't get sued, and don't violate FCC language limits.
Back to David Robinson. I did enjoy this interview. He seemed very insightful. Just two points of contention. He mentioned David Icke way too often. The less said about Icke the better. David also pronounced Whitley Strieber's name incorrectly, even after Chris & Gene said it properly time and time again. A minor point, I know.
Robertson brought some interesting information to the table about conspiracy and UFOs, probably because he is a UFO out-sider, though interested in their social effects.

Regarding comments made about Adamski's photo fakery, I would like to suggest a motivation that I don't recall being mentioned, which law enforcement terms 'Noble Cause' Corruption. In other words, noble "ends" justify less-than-honest "means." Someone said during the broadcast that Adamski actually did have a sighting (and photo?) that was credible. And he was evidently also involved in the occult a long time. If so, then Adamski was very likely convinced that he'd contacted superior beings. After contact dried up, he may have felt justified promoting fake photos to further the "noble cause" of making people aware of the space brothers simply because he (in his own mind at the very least) actually did know that he'd really been in contact, once. This "noble cause" motiviation would obviously be in addition to other motivations, like personal fame, economic, etc. Personally, I think noble cause corruption may have affected many of the more famous people under the UFO circus big top, who've actually had some inexplicable experience. For example, did Billy Meier actually have some sort of real experience before he started making ridiculous photos? I don't know, but I suspect he did.

I hope you'll invite Robertson back to The Paracast down the road.