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When is somebody going to show us some good eveidence?

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Paranormal Novice
This is absurd! How can we be taking photo's of UFO's for over 50 years and not one single photo is in picture perfect quality that is undeniable????? Seriously, this is starting to irritate me. For example, the last UFO post about the Argentinian sun pyramid sighting??? What was that? Why does everything have to be so blurry? What's with all this beating around the bush?
This is absurd! How can we be taking photo's of UFO's for over 50 years and not one single photo is in picture perfect quality that is undeniable????? Seriously, this is starting to irritate me. For example, the last UFO post about the Argentinian sun pyramid sighting??? What was that? Why does everything have to be so blurry? What's with all this beating around the bush?

If it's the intention of the phenomenon to avoid humans or not leave proof that they're here, the current state of affairs wouldn't be surprising. Still, there are a number of good pics like the McMinnville ones, the one taken in September '71 etc. They aren't blurry. :)
Someone is trying to extort it out of me. Right now, I have to go take a nice big fecal dump. I will put it all on a plastic sheet (shee'it) and search for it in there. (I slid a sheet a sheet I sit, and on my slidded sheet I ***) I know that angels would fly out of my *** before getting next to the likes of IT, but maybe I can pull a rabit out of my *** .
Someone is trying to extort it out of me. Right now, I have to go take a nice big fecal dump. I will put it all on a plastic sheet (shee'it) and search for it in there. (I slid a sheet a sheet I sit, and on my slidded sheet I ***) I know that angels would fly out of my *** before getting next to the likes of IT, but maybe I can pull a rabit out of my *** .

WTF are you talking about?
Simone, I hope you are able to express some of your frustration and hopes here if it helps. It's just that sometime you seem to just let your thoughts flow. It kind of reminds me of how I talk at times. I'll be thinking of something and just start in mid sentence. My wife or somebody else will say "What are talking about?" :) Sometime, ya gotta give a little context so people will know how to follow the conversation. I do enjoy your post. I have always had a casual and kind of skeptical interest in the ufo experience. I'm not a beleiver in nuts and bolts alien ships. But, the abduction expereince is very interesting to me.

Peace. :)
Ever googled a word and then thought maybe you were better off not knowing what it meant? :p

Scatological studies allow one to determine a wide range of biological information about a creature, including its diet (and thus where it has been), healthiness, and diseases such as tapeworms. The word derives from the Greek σκώρ (genitive σκατός, modern σκατό, pl. σκατά) meaning "feces".

"I didn't need to learn what I learned today." -- Jesse Ventura.

A U.F.O.? Oh, I thought you meant a ...Oh crap here comes my pa!..."Farmers Daughter to the traveling u.f.o. researcher. :p
I don't see how anyone could claim that the Belgium triangle or Lago de Cote photographs are indistinct or blurry or whatever. But yeah, it is definitely a problem that there isn't more like that. Additionally, it's an enormous problem that we don't have better videos than we do or that more quality photographs are not emerging in a time when virtually everyone is walking around with digital cameras and/or cell phones with cameras built into them.
1956safrica.jpg"1956-Rosetta/Natal, South Africa. July 17. Photograph was taken by a well respected member of South African society. Her husband was a major in the South African Air Force, and Elizabeth worked for Air Force Intelligence. Seven photographs were taken in all. There were also two witnesses to the taking of the photos. Taken in the foothills of the Drakensburg Mountains, and so-dubbed the Drakensberg photos. If these are real, they are extremely impressive. She never changed her story. She died in 1994, at the age of 83."
the mcminville pics look like a pie-plate. really, guys.
The Hessdalen pics are at least more interesting, but still could be anything. Anything at all.
1870-Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. This photo is dubbed, "the oldest UFO photograph ever taken." This item was the subject of bidding at Ebay in 2002, when finally the photo was purchased for $385.00 by Samuel M. Sherman, who was the president of Independent-International Pictures Corp. This was originally a "stereo" photograph. Certainly it was difficult to manipulate photos at that time, and remember, there were no flying objects then; at least, not from this world.
Thanks to a reader, we now have the "stereo" photo

Australia, 1954. This very compelling photograph of a clearly defined round UFO with top and antenna was taken by sheep farmer W. C. Hall in 1954. If you look real closely, you might see another unknown object in the distance just above a mountain. An excellent photo, and for a newspaper clipping, it is in excellent condition.
Here is additional information provided by a reader:

August, 1954 - Australian Sheep Grower W. C. Hall saw six petrol tank shaped UFOs land on his ranch in North Queensland, Australia. His chickens, cattle and even the jack rabbits on his farm were affected by an oddly colored exhaust fumes of the UFOs, which he believed brought about a change in the genes of animal life on his ranch, due to Atomic Radiation, as various freaks were born afterwards.

1927-Oregon. Taken in Cave Junction, Oregon. There is some question as to whether the photo was taken in '26 or '27, but nonetheless, if this is an authentic photograph it is incredible. Reportedly snapped by a volunteer fireman. oregon1927.jpg
fostercitylarge1.jpgfostercitylarge2.jpg2001-Foster City, California, May 18. This photograph, and its companions needs much more information than I presently have. All I know is that it was taken by someone who called themselves Ilem.
The photographer took several superb photographs of a UFO seen clearly in the night sky of California.

All of the pictures posted by me in this thread have been gleaned from this site.
UFO Casebook, UFO Case files, UFO Photos, UFO Video, Aliens, UFO News, Magazine
1870-Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. This photo is dubbed, "the oldest UFO photograph ever taken." This item was the subject of bidding at Ebay in 2002, when finally the photo was purchased for $385.00 by Samuel M. Sherman, who was the president of Independent-International Pictures Corp. This was originally a "stereo" photograph. Certainly it was difficult to manipulate photos at that time, and remember, there were no flying objects then; at least, not from this world.

Photo manipulation was not all that difficult back then. This photo from 1860 has Lincoln's head and John Calhoun's body.


  • lincoln1a.jpg
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Certainly it was difficult to manipulate photos at that time, and remember, there were no flying objects then; at least, not from this world.
So why would anyone add an object like that into such a photograph in 1870? What purpose would it serve? It doesn't make any sense. It would make more sense that there was an artifact of some sort on the lens.
There were a few flying objects back then. I think it is just a processing/printing/object on lens problem that we see in the photo.

1793-1864-The first manned balloon flight in North America was made by J.P.F. Blanchard on January 9, 1783. It was several decades later on July 1, 1859 that famed American balloonist John Wise made the first airmail flight from St. Louis to New York. During the Civil War, both the Union and Confederate armies made extensive use of balloons as tethered observation posts.