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Triangles = U.S. Advanced Craft, Saucers = ?

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Loose Cannon
There are too many easily-Googleable triangular wind-tunnel designs, working drones, and proposed pilotless 60-odd-degree delta designs for the 'black triangle' not to be a garden-variety black project, in keeping with U2 and SR-71 tradition.


The lenticular discs, however, are not so easily dealt with...
There are too many easily-Googleable triangular wind-tunnel designs, working drones, and proposed pilotless 60-odd-degree delta designs for the 'black triangle' not to be a garden-variety black project, in keeping with U2 and SR-71 tradition.


The lenticular discs, however, are not so easily dealt with...

If any of the ufos are man made, and i really find that hard to believe. I believe the u.f.o in the belgian photo would be the most likely candidate.
The black triangles are the paranormal anomaly that I have both the most interest in and that I have the most experience of. Both me, and my room-mate have seen one of them, on seperate occasions and have had lots of discussion on.
He saw one in Devon (South West England) approximately 2002 summer whilst camping with some of his uni friends, whilst I saw mine in Newquay (SW England but not as far SW as Devon) around 1996 june/july hovering over the sea.
We have both only really developed a vague interest in UFO's in the last year or so, mainly because we both lived together and are really into documentaries and found ourselves watching things like out of the blue.

My housemate is an aviation fanatic and really doesnt think the triangles are anything extraterrestrial, he just thinks its another black project, whilst I am not convinced.
He sat with 5 friends and watched the triangle move extremely slowly for around 30 minutes... he says he knew from the minute he saw it that it was something special because of how it looked but never thought it was extraterrestrial. One day he walked in on me watching a documentary on the belgian triangle, and as soon as he walked in, he was like
"f*ck, whats that, i saw one of those in devon"

My experience was that I was sitting on a beach in newquay at about 2 or 3am on my own (its a long story as to why i was there) and I looked up to see a triangle hovering over the sea in front of me.
The sky was a blacky pink colour so I could easily tell the difference between the triangle and the background. The thing just sat in the sky for like 15 minutes, not moving at all, and then slowly moved out towards sea.

I am not adverse to it being man-made, but what both me and my housemate agree on is that it uses some technology we don't know about.
We also agree that what we saw was the same thing that is in the belgian UFO pictures.

For me its 50-50 as to whether its alien or man-made, but what I can't understand is:
1. Why would we build a craft that just hover around silently?
2. if we saw the same thing as the belgian UFO, there is no man-made explanation for the crazy manouveres that the belgian UFO made i.e. it jumped and lowered in altitude by 1000's of metres in seconds.
3. Why the hell would this craft be firstly flying round SW England randomly, and secondly why would it fly round belgium?

My housemate says, maybe the US or whoever were testing it in belgium to see what the airforce would do, but I think thats nonsense for so many reasons I wont go into here.

I doubt we'll ever know to be honest, but just thought i'd add my little piece in here. If i had to make a bet now, i'd probably go with extraterrestrial, but who knows.

NB: I'd just like to add, that neither me nor my housemate saw the craft do anything extraordinary other than hovering, there were no warp speed jumps or anything. Also, in my case I was on my own... have nobody to coroborate my experience and had had somewhere between 2 -3 beers. I was not drunk at all, and I had had those beers probably 3 to 4 hours before but it worth mentioning when assesing the validity of my case.
By Hoffmeister:

2. if we saw the same thing as the belgian UFO, there is no man-made explanation for the crazy manouveres that the belgian UFO made i.e. it jumped and lowered in altitude by 1000's of metres in seconds.
3. Why the hell would this craft be firstly flying round SW England randomly, and secondly why would it fly round belgium?

Those are extremely important points.

Isn't the idea of Black Ops to not advertise things? And the advantages of such technology would be too great for it not to be used in the mainstream Forces, wouldn't it? Also, would whichever Earth state they belonged to take the risk of alienating and insulting foreign powers which they would prefer to have on their side? These vehicles seem perfectly happy to ignore lawful protocol and while our governments are prone to do so on occasion I don't think they would do so in such a widespread fashion.

But, if they are ours, I think there will be many very annoyed people around one day!:mad:
By Hoffmeister:

2. if we saw the same thing as the belgian UFO, there is no man-made explanation for the crazy manouveres that the belgian UFO made i.e. it jumped and lowered in altitude by 1000's of metres in seconds.
3. Why the hell would this craft be firstly flying round SW England randomly, and secondly why would it fly round belgium?

Those are extremely important points.

Isn't the idea of Black Ops to not advertise things? And the advantages of such technology would be too great for it not to be used in the mainstream Forces, wouldn't it? Also, would whichever Earth state they belonged to take the risk of alienating and insulting foreign powers which they would prefer to have on their side? These vehicles seem perfectly happy to ignore lawful protocol and while our governments are prone to do so on occasion I don't think they would do so in such a widespread fashion.

But, if they are ours, I think there will be many very annoyed people around one day!:mad:

My thoughts exactly, not only would it be extremely dangerous to civilian air traffic, but it would also be a potential act of war! Its very unlikely...

Also, I can't think of why any government would want such a craft. The closest military use I can think of would be a silent military transport ship... i.e. for taking large amounts of troops and vehicles silently over into an enemies borders to strategically place them around the enemy country. Maybe its the Russians lol... :eek:
In answer to the questions raised, I'd recommend the following podcast at http://www.blackopradio.com/archives2008.html

Show #379
Original airdate: June 19th, 2008
Guest: Catherine Austin Fitts

The geopolitical value of a badly-held secret strategic capability is not well-understood, she would suggest...

BTW, I've no relations to the above 'cast.
A quotation, and some considerations, for thought and reaction.

"Is the U.S. currency market really a military futures market dependent on invisible, black-budget weaponry? In other words, I want to talk about the intersection between manipulation of the market and financial fraud with the black budget."
- Catherine Austin Fitts

Consider the known, well-reported spectrum of post-WWII technical development and operational deployment.

Consider a conservative extension of this spectrum, beyond the 'visible' to include the infrequently-reported aspects. This 'black-spectrum' would likely also incorporate parallel lines of development (which may compete as powerfully amongst themselves as the visible) and which would likely leapfrog WWII-era chemical rocketry and, perhaps, nuclear reaction-based technical implementations.

Consider such parallel, black-spectrum lines which - though exotic - are related to past discoveries which, for reasons of centralised economic and/or political expediency, have been sidelined, or specifically dead-ended by the typically-hierarchicalised research and development infrastructure.

Consider the possibility that the deployment of these black-spectrum lines involve manipulation of spatio-temporal aspects, at a local, field or non-local level.

Consider witness reportage relating ‘physically-impossible’ movements rates, whilst keeping in-mind that perceived movement is a function of subjective judgements regarding scale and movement-over-time, and the strong potential for inaccurate readings if spatio-temporal manipulations are granted.

Consider witness reportage involving apparently-unprecedented disjuncts in the perceived ‘arrow of time,’ particularly in relation to local or non-local mechanical or electronic time-measuring instruments.

Consider the habitual demonisation and sidelining of the figure of the independent scientific researcher, throughout the Twentieth century, in spite of clear evidence for the absorption of research from these problematically-independent, often-gifted individuals, by centralised research/power blocs.

Consider the disconnect between witness reportage and state-based news renditions of anomalous aerospatial events.

Consider anomalous activity concurrent with international ambassadorial occasions (within view of delegates, so to speak).

Consider the timing, recurrence, and locations of anomalous activity, and the overlay of projected-U.S. forces, official or unofficial.

Consider the ‘spill-over’ effect of observed, apparent-chase activity, involving foreign forces and – more disturbingly – U.S. forces.

Consider the theatricalised, ‘staged’ aspect of many aerospatial, anomalous events.

Consider the disclosed, visible-spectrum elements of U.S. strategic directions, re space-based weaponry, and the policy goal of precise, long/lat strikes, conventional or nuclear, on any point of the Earth’s crust.

Consider the schizoid approach taken by non-U.S. government military organisations regarding the ways in which they do - and do not - countenance/document/relay reports of anomalous aerospatial observations.

Consider the high-incidence of leakage by way of post-Allied ex-military personnel, espousing an ideologically ‘sound’ revelation of information to ‘the people,’ which – while not independently revelatory – is highly structured, amenable to aligned, predictive theorising (and therefore serves as grist for conspiratorial mills, worldwide).
C'mon guys: surely that first image, of an apparently-hangar'd blacktriangle with crew/VIPs is worth discussing.

Can anyone make out the printed or written writing?

How does it measure up in size, if we assume average height amongst the people standing?

Does that square with reports?

Are there any reports of black triangles from above, say from a viewer on a clifftop, or in a plane? Do their descriptions square with the soft pyramidical upper area?

What about those apparent exhaust baffles, pointed away from the camera? Anyone see intakes? Does DB have some Photoshop magic he can throw at that image to see if we can see grilled-intakes, and verify this puppy as an airbreather?

How does this thing compare with that landing case in Britain in the 80's, with the USAF personnel? A cloth-covered triangle, wasn't it?
C'mon guys: surely that first image, of an apparently-hangar'd blacktriangle with crew/VIPs is worth discussing.

Can anyone make out the printed or written writing?

How does it measure up in size, if we assume average height amongst the people standing?

Does that square with reports?

Are there any reports of black triangles from above, say from a viewer on a clifftop, or in a plane? Do their descriptions square with the soft pyramidical uppper area?

What about those apparent exhaust baffles, pointed away from the camera? Anyone see intakes? Does DB have some Photoshop magic he can throw at that image to see if we can see grilled-intakes, and verify this puppy as an airbreather?

How does this thing compare with that landing case in Britain in the 80's, with the USAF personnel? A cloth-covered triangle, wasn't it?

This looks nothing like what I saw. These pics look more like a prototype stealth bomber. The thing i saw was about the size of a mid-sized cruise liner and seemed to possibly have some sort of pipes or grills sticking out of the side of it, but it was hard to tell.
I'm starting to think that maybe it terrestrial, but i'm not really sure why,,,
C'mon guys: surely that first image, of an apparently-hangar'd blacktriangle with crew/VIPs is worth discussing.

Can anyone make out the printed or written writing?

How does it measure up in size, if we assume average height amongst the people standing?


The writing between the lines on the left hand side may, possibly, be German.

But...the image seems 'merged' - is this a model placed on top of a document? The people look stretched.

I don't think it is the prototype stealth fighter Tacit Blue.

My questions regarding the size of the triangles which i mentioned to Hoff a few days ago is - given the reported massive size of some triangles - where would you hangar one? Does anyone know of a base that could conceal a mile-wide triangle? Apart from that, I can only speculate that they are hidden undersea or kept in orbit.

Here's some food for thought. Take a look at http://www.greatdreams.com/ufos/scot_ufo_investigation.htm

This pic appeared in UK UFO Magazine some years ago. It was dismissed as a fake on the grounds that the file was labelled 'ufotrix'. That seemed woefully inadequate to me. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts.

A few thoughts on these patches...
1. No serious AF would have jokey, pop cultural icons on their mission badges! A black project dealing with "grey aliens" would surely have no identifying insignia whatsoever, certainly nothing that could lead to identification of the project. Leading to the question of...
2. Why is it acceptable to release badges of apparently highly-classified, SAPs/black projects into the public domain? Is this permitted because the nature of badges exacerbates an atmosphere of doubt and conspiracy theorising about the true nature of the projects i.e. these graphics on these badges have absolutely nothing to do with the real project activities and form part of the security screen to obfuscate the true purpose.
Re rpjmartin's size question.

Why should we assume that a spatiotemporal technology would not result in scalar shifts in appearance, as well as 'impossible' velocities and trajectories: keep in mind that an observer's sense of apparent-motion is based upon an arrow of time that is assumed to be consistent. Craft may indeed seem to 'stretch' or 'squirt' or appear as being supermassive via some (intentional or not) side-effect of the base technology employed.

In other words, what if we assume that some of these ultra-large craft are small craft which scale up during a certain phase of their operation? If you can manipulate time and space, you can certainly manipulate time. Exterior texture may - or may not - help spot this.

(What was the name of the much-criticised French or German guest of the Paracast some months ago, who was talking about scale-changes and dimensionality?)

I went to the site linked, also, and followed another link: MUFON-LA - TR-3B Antigravity Physics Explained and where a description for a drive system is mentioned which is like that of the infamous Wikimedia Error of Nick Cook and Joseph Farrell.

Other links:
Defense contractor's anti-gravity discovery disclosed
401 Unauthorized

Can the PC get Cook and Farrell on to talk about this possible link, perhaps?