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the return of slvia browne!

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Bob Watson

Paranormal Adept
the same venue that previosly hosted slvia browne has her coming back on aug 24th. so I bought tickets and paid extra again for a reading here is the low down on our last run in with her.
Syvia Browne Local Apperance | The Paracast Community Forums

should i try the SAME thing again? do you think she will rember me and my prios questions oR should I try something else? I have a stateroom key from the Titanic maybe I should try to see what she gets from it...
Post your thoughts on what I should do this time around to our fave fraud psyic!
I also look forward to going! it was fun knowing about Bob's great grandfather and watching her make stuff up about him. Like I told Bob It's a circus act no more no less!
Yeah, it is easy to laugh but obviously people look in strange places for reassurance when conventional wisdom gives no hope.
$45 to be lied to about your dying son.
ok this is my "reading" from her!
me;I have a key that had great important value to my late grandfather can you please tell me what it went to? he died very early 20th century.
SB; (holding the key) I see a room it is very fancy ornate (true)
before we procede I MUST note the key has the pennet of the white star line on the half and the letters C33 on it.
SB;Hmm; this key is to a ships stateroom. (true)
me; yes I think so when was it? why was it so important to him?
SB; I see it clearly I see a wedding the captain is conducting a wedding.(false)
Me;yes? go on.
SB;he was married at sea when was he married do you know?
Me; yes 1909
SB; was it late in the year?
Me; yes
SB;I see holiday decorations
Me; go on. do you feel any thing negitive at all about the key?
SB; not at all I just see a happy wedding an joy he arived at his destination a happy man (FALSE)
Me;thank you miss browne
i was given back the key
on my way out again a handler stopped me and my wife.
How did it go?
Me;ok but this key..
the guy;yes?
Me; can you relay a message to Miss Browne?
the guy ;certanly sir.
Me; tell her she held a key from the TITANIC!
we left.. once again Silvias circus act had been exposed.
These horrible disgusting people like Browne either lack the mental acuity to realize they are full of shit or they are just devoid of the moral backbone that would allow them to behave like a decent human being.

The unfortunate people who believe characters like Browne can see into the future, talk to their dead relatives, or give them messages from the "other side" are living in a state of profound ignorance and should seek to educate themselves to avoid the consequences of not being able to tell when they are being taken for a ride by a carny huckster such as Browne.
I agree with the above Trained and I would also add however, that people like her would not get so far in their 'field' were they not very good 'cold-readers', which is itself a skill. What a shame people with talent put it to such use though.
Her ilk disgust me.
I mean she had this key in HER HAND that had a white star flag on it! it had the letters C33 SHE KNEW he died in the early 20th centery! SHE KNEW it was a key FROM A SHIP! Now lets look at the clues i handed her. She instead locked in on his wedding. not his death. Syvia Browne was wrong Wrong WRONG! I mean with what I GAVE her she should have locked right in on what that key was! I even asked her "do you get anything negitve at all from that key?" and she essentully said NO! i mean if she was a real seer she would have droped that key and ran screaming! Im sure any "resiue" on that key would have been felt by her.
the only other thought I had is that how many Keys to a door on the TITANIC are there? not many i know of 3 for sure. also what are the odds of this guy from Wisconsin having one? not blooody high. she played the odds and lost.
I dont have or claim to have any supernatural powers. yet every time I hold the key I get the chills. Maybe it is becuse I know where it came from. Maybe knowing its sad history I can sense something. BUT her she makes such claims she held this key and made all sorts of stuff up! this woman reminded me of my Grandma in her speech and manner. yet my grandma would NEVER lie like this woman did! never trick those who came to her for help. I just think to myself "she charges 700 bucks for a 30 min private session and tell you what you WANT to hear." Good money I just could not sleep well at night. I wonder if she dose. oh well the blessings of her Karma will be upon her. in this life and into the next.
A letter receved today:
Dear mr watson:
We at (venue name witheld) have been informed that at a recent silvia browne
Show you made fool of miss browne in a delibrate manner.miss brownes staff has requested you not attend any future shows.
Ok.. time for a chat with a lawer!