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The direction of the show recently

Free episodes:

I don't understand why you would post something like this. Do you believe that the hosts are obliged to direct the show according to your desires? The only possible outcome of a post like this would be to make the hosts feel bad about what they've created. You are a dick.
man, get a life nuthugger.
Ha! Hey Chuckleberry, looks like you've earned yourself a proper avatar...


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As far as the show's guests and direction, I sense the biggest problem G and D have is actually finding quality people who aren't obvious nuts or well meaning but misguided folks whose clarity is clouded by their own pet theories. It's not like there are a ton of Valles running around in this field. The number of Icke level kooks and Sparks type scammers outnumber a guy like Dolan 1000 to 1 (Single best paracast question ever: where did you urinate during all those hours?)

Sure some of them actually take a bit of time to reveal their true selves, but eventually they all do under a bit of questioning. A perfect example is how Nancy Talbot started out seemingly sane and rigorous in her approach... but by the end of the interview she had been reduced to mush under the weight of probing questions. I often play a little mental game with episodes where I try to anticipate how long until the guest gives themselves away by saying something nutty or they reveal the real "truth" (as they see it)

I guess that's why guests like Greg Bishop appeal to me so much - It seems like he isn't trying to push any one paradigm and is more fascinated in the meta-issues than case number XXXXXXXX.

Personally, I'd love a few more episodes without any interviews - just chatting about the subject with your own thoughts and anecdotes is WAY more enjoyable than all but the rarest of guests. Or another extended 2 part roundtable type show with Tonnies, Bishop, Redfern etc would be killer.
Let me tell you. We have some absolutely awesome guests in the hopper for the next few weeks. Listeners, I'm not hyping when I say you'll be amazed. :)
I just got off the phone with Gene, and here's what I'll say:

In the next week, we are scheduled to record 4 episodes.

One will be totally solid, two great guests and close friends of the show, an informative, excellent couple of hours.

Another will be an instant classic, an intelligent, wonderful person who I predict will be a recurring guest, with amazing insights, knowledge and an attitude which is perfect for our audience. He's not been on this show before, and I'm totally, absolutely thrilled about his coming on. Another instant classic, you wait, it's gonna rock.

Then there's someone you've never heard of, that you'd never expect to see on this - or any other - show devoted to these topics, who will possibly blow your minds, with his original thinking, incredible life stories and deep thoughts on an area which is a little off our normal track. It will give critics of this show something to think about when they they falsely claim that we're all about the hate, which is really all about their hate. I'm tickled pink to have found and secured this guest for the show, he's a hoot.

And then, last but OMFG, not least, there's an episode which will be not two, but three hours, that I predict will become one of our single most important milestones, one that will be listened to many years from now and brought up in discussions about the history of the field, and which will make anyone who shits on this show, want to jump off a cliff and smash themselves on the sharp rocks below.

The Paracast is indeed the gold standard of paranormal radio, and anyone who doubts that is about to get a megadose of STFU.

Epic, I tell you, I'm psyched beyond words. I think you'll all be happy as well. We'll soon see.

As we record the episodes, we'll let you in on who the guests will be and the date you'll be able to hear those shows. Don't worry -- your curiosity will be satisfied and then some over the next few days.

It just keeps getting better and better, and I just got confirmation from 1&1 Internet, our Web host, that our server now has a huge bandwidth increase, so we can accommodate all the extra downloads and traffic.
Sounds like it's going to be awesome! I'm excited! Great news about the server too!

Have you ever thought of having Tsarion back to discuss some of the issues with his information or is that more a waste of time? I'm up in the air about it even myself. I'm just thinking at first glance his stuff seemed really interesting, but now I am thinking it's not worth much at best but possibly totally false at worse....
nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah... our show is better than theirs, our show is better than theirs...

wait... what if I don't actually like the guests lined up? oh no!!! *slap* like THAT would happen, get a grip!

our show is better than theirs....:p
So are the 2 shows that are mentioned on the forum home page part of this stellar line-up you're talking about?

Dennis Balthaser & Frank Warren then Chris O'Brien the next week ...?

Or is it 4 completely different shows after those two?

... because if so, I told ya Chris O'Brien would be good:D
So are the 2 shows that are mentioned on the forum home page part of this stellar line-up you're talking about?

Dennis Balthaser & Frank Warren then Chris O'Brien the next week ...?

Or is it 4 completely different shows after those two?
Two of them. More to come.

I really appreciate your comments, there's a lot of truth in them. At the same time, you could probably make the same case about the majority of forums out there, something about birds of a feather... but yeah, we should always strive for open discussion and an air of tolerance. It's tough, I find that my emotional investment in this stuff is sometimes out of whack. I'm working on it.

Thanks again for that post.


This is actually the reason I left the forum for the last six or seven months. People would come in and post some really ignorant and misinformed information and I found myself just ripping people to pieces. It was ugly and not helping the cause so I dropped out of site for a while.

I miss coming here and being apart of this great movement in ufology. The Paracast, IMHO really only has one agenda, and that is credibility. I listen to this show because I know that the hosts and most people on these forums are going to approach each guest with a healthy amount of skepticism and logical thinking. I know that if you are a shill or delusional you are going to get thrown to the wolves and exposed for the world to see. believe me, if I had the resources I would fund this show and maybe a conference or two with outstanding credible guests.

Don't change, follow your heart, and if they don't like it, well then they can go fuck themselves :eek:

And then, last but OMFG, not least, there's an episode which will be not two, but three hours, that I predict will become one of our single most important milestones, one that will be listened to many years from now and brought up in discussions about the history of the field, and which will make anyone who shits on this show, want to jump off a cliff and smash themselves on the sharp rocks below.

I assume this is the show Im downloading in iTunes as I type this(?).

Thats quite a wrap... I look forward to hearing this thing.