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Richard C. Hoagland

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The Pair of Cats said:
Yeah it may have been that i saw a clip of it on YouTube.
Excellent. Hopefully Australian TV run it soon as i am looking forward to seeing it!

As I could use the money, I hope it sells in Australia soon too! :)

I am also glad to have had this discussion with you as you have given me further insight into the machinations of the Media, Mainstream or otherwise lol :).

Well, while I defend the media in general, especially against what I consider to be unfounded accusations of a conspiracy, I have also been known to be pretty harsh on those folks within the media who are guilty of bad reportage. For example, see, for example:


On the other hand, I make no bones about the fact that ufologists can be their own worse enemies:


I don't agree with all that you have said but i appreciate you taking the time to discuss and argue with me on the subject. Thanks mate!

No problem. Always happy to hear different opinions - keeps me sharp! ;)

Last night I stopped by my local Borders (which actually has a very good paranormal book selection) and flipped through a copy of Hoagland's new Dark Mission.

I just wanted to take a look at the images that he's been talking about on C2C so much recently. There was nothing convincing. The glass domes and spires that he points out on the moon are, as far as I'm concerned, nothing more than scratches and dirt on 30+ year old Apollo images.

Based on other images, the book also alleged some NASA/Nazi/Freemason connection and covered the Kennedy Assassination. A good part of it also dealt with Mars anomalies.

The man's enthusiasm for evidence uncovered in old scratchy and blurry photos is amazing. I'd like to scan in the bottom of my shoe, run some photoshop filters on it, label it "NASA_Classified" and send it to him to see what he does.

I would not doubt at least some of Richards thoughts on NASA cover
issues, But I would have to agree that the new images do not
show any clear objects. Richard is one of those guys you really
want to believe if you suspect these things or ones like them
probably do exist, to be found , or hidden in the future.
peter222999 said:
I would not doubt at least some of Richards thoughts on NASA cover
issues, But I would have to agree that the new images do not
show any clear objects. Richard is one of those guys you really
want to believe if you suspect these things or ones like them
probably do exist, to be found , or hidden in the future.

I don't want to believe Hoagland. I don't want to believe anybody. What I want is evidence. Proof.

Hoagland has never managed an iota of either for his absurd claims of moon bases, and NASA cover-ups, and... well, it's a long list.

I envision a television game show called "Conspiracy Challenge." In it, the guests spin fantastic tales of conspiracy, often indicting their opponents as somehow involved. The person or team who weaves the most asinine, all-encompassing conspiracy wins. The format is monologues. You get five minutes per speech, and you have to choose a category of a specific historical event or era (like Jeopardy) and discuss it in the context of some grand conspiracy.

Hoagland would be a good guest. Hoaglund versus Greer, maybe? Can anyone think of a better opponent for Hoagland?

There are better potential guests, of course, than Hoagland, but he could probably be a returning champion for a week or two.