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Possible guest: Robert Snow

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Paranormal Novice
After hearing a former police captain, Robert Snow, talk about his book "Portrait of a past-life skeptic" on Mysterious Universe, I think he would be a great guest for the show. He has quite a bit of evidence to back up his claims that during a past life regression he gained personal knowledge of an artist (former life?), and was able to do painstaking research to confirm the details were correct.
I'm not sure there has been anyone else to actually prove certain details of an obscure person from the past from a past life regression session. Has there?
Gene and Chris, I'd love to hear his answers to your questions.
After hearing a former police captain, Robert Snow, talk about his book "Portrait of a past-life skeptic" on Mysterious Universe, I think he would be a great guest for the show. He has quite a bit of evidence to back up his claims that during a past life regression he gained personal knowledge of an artist (former life?), and was able to do painstaking research to confirm the details were correct.
I'm not sure there has been anyone else to actually prove certain details of an obscure person from the past from a past life regression session. Has there?
Gene and Chris, I'd love to hear his answers to your questions.

I second this, having heard the MU episode too. I still am very unsure about past-life regressions etc but if even some of the best evidence is true then there seems to be enough to at least investigate/research this field much more.

There may be others but I know Polterwurst, one of our German member friends here, to me at least seems something of an amateur expert on this topic and I'm sure he could provide some great questions if not direct input.
Here's a fairly good brief video about his story.

I'm just baffled and confused why this isn't having a bigger impact than it is. Here's about as good a proof as you can get, but no one is seemingly interested in it. ???????
You can't get a more credible person than a long time police captain and detective, and the evidence is overwhelming.
His story needs to be told to more people. I was skeptical we could see into the past, but after this book I'm convinced. It takes a LOT for me to be convinced.
I still am unsure it was a past life, it could be just tapping into knowledge/information somehow.
I've always found the Gwen McDonald/Rose Duncan case pretty convincing, which was the subject of a 1980s British-Australian TV documentary:

Peter Ramster Documentary

I still am unsure it was a past life, it could be just tapping into knowledge/information somehow.

I think that's a very good point. I believe it's something to do with consciousness and information, but we'd probably be jumping to premature conclusions saying it's reincarnation, a bit like saying that UFOs are alien spaceships.

Another strong case is the one described in the book Soul Survivor, where a young kid appears to be the reincarnation of a shot-down WW2 American pilot.
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