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Phoenix Lights, question.

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mr j

Paranormal Novice
This is my FIRST post, go easy on me please. I have had this question for years but have never known where to ask? ---- Of all the recordings of the Phoenix lights, not one person was able to record it using night vision? A recording like that will show once and for all, the outline of "whatever" it is and SIZE. Has this been discussed? Ken
Not necessarily.

Here's why. Most of the handheld camcorders back in 1997, didn't have the nightvision feature. Most of the new stuff operates in IR, which is only as good as the maximum distance that the IR LED can project, usually about 30 feet tops.

What you might be thinking would have been like a FLIR image, which would show temperatures. That would have definitely done the job, At least I think anyway.
"What you might be thinking would have been like a FLIR image, which would show temperatures." --- Okay thanks. Maybe thats what I'm thinking. Ken
I've been wondering this for a while now, were there any reported sightings of this between the dates of Dec. 26, 2000, and Dec. 31, 2000?

If anyone can answer that I'd be grateful.
Dr. Bruce Maccabee has done a convincing analysis of the Phoenix Lights case.

Dr. Bruce Maccabee Research Website

The lights themselves were undoubtedly just flares. The sighting an hour before the flares, however, for which there were multiple, independent witnesses, were most certainly not flares. That's what is most bizarre about this case. The object sighted was incredibly vast, gigantic -- even the governor of New Mexico, Symington, now admits to seeing the object itself as opposed to just the lights. All indications point towards a truly massive object -- silent, slow moving, no visible external engines -- flying over Phoenix. One to two hours later, the military dropped a bunch of flares.

Some have suggested that the entire event was a psych-op perpetrated by the government to confuse people about UFOs. Others have suggested that the flares an hour or two later were dropped as a disinfo. tool that would be helpful at a later date in debunking the earlier craft sighting. Who knows what really happened.
From what I understand there were, at least, 3 distinct craft that were in the area that night. And all 3 of them were very, very big.