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On the Show — Curry Stegen

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
currystegen.pngCurry Stegen is a retired Air Force Reserve Officer with over 25 years of service. He has been investigating and exploring the paranormal for close to 10 years now and got involved to discover for himself if there really is life after death. In the first year into his journey, he got his answer. He is the author of the new book, "Walking in the Shadows of Strangers," which is now available on Amazon. For over five years, he has hosted the Passion for the Paranormal Podcast, where he delves into the paranormal and all things unexplained.

In his book, he documents his experiences at over 20 haunted locations across four states in the Western US. Several of his experiences in these locations were very compelling and even creepy and unsettling. Stegen has had many paranormal experiences, including witnessing unexplained shadows, seeing self-illuminating balls of light, hearing disembodied voices, phantom footsteps and knocks other noises, being touched, interactions through EMF/REM devices and capturing many different EVPs and feeling strong energy that was at sometimes validated by EVP.

In his work, Stegen also explores reincarnation, near death experiences (NDEs), psychic/mediumship, the nature of consciousness, remote viewing, dream visitations, shadow people, unexplained missing persons, Bigfoot and cryptids, paranormal vortexes, alien abductions, the Men in Black, the Mandela Effect and more.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Wednesday, March 23 at 2:00 PM Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern)
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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
March 26, 2023
The bigger question is, after you're born, why do most or all reincarnated souls forget who they were in previous lives? How does that benefit your growth as a spiritual person?
The bigger question is, after you're born, why do most or all reincarnated souls forget who they were in previous lives? How does that benefit your growth as a spiritual person?
Yea Gene I agree with that,you would think if we are to learn lessons from reincarnation we would remember what we done wrong in order to put it right.
The bigger question is, after you're born, why do most or all reincarnated souls forget who they were in previous lives? How does that benefit your growth as a spiritual person?
Perhaps, Ramtha would know?

In spirit of the late Long John Nebel, It may be interesting to have her on as a guest.
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Says she was a single mother. Her husband/boyfriend must have fled for reasons we can only guess.

Seriously: She also appears to be a wheel at MUFON. One reason I have long held doubts about that group.
Says she was a single mother. Her husband/boyfriend must have fled for reasons we can only guess.
They probably fled as far as possible to Argentina.
She also appears to be a wheel at MUFON. One reason I have long held doubts about that group.
Apparently, after some MUFON board members in learning of Ramtha's other career as an educator in the wilds of WA. state, they also fled.
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I remember at some point Ramtha bought a bunch of land, supplies and guns for her and her followers in preparation for some sort of apocalyptic event she was predicting was going to happen. I wonder how much money her deluded "fans" donated to her for all of that. Of course evangelical Christian churches scam millions every year from people who can ill afford to give it, all in the hopes that the minister will put in a good word to God in their name.
I remember at some point Ramtha bought a bunch of land, supplies and guns for her and her followers in preparation for some sort of apocalyptic event she was predicting was going to happen. I wonder how much money her deluded "fans" donated to her for all of that. Of course evangelical Christian churches scam millions every year from people who can ill afford to give it, all in the hopes that the minister will put in a good word to God in their name.
So Tim why are people like this not arrested in America.?
White collar crimes are hard to prove and only major cases are punished. If her victims won't testify, there probably can be no prosecution.

Consider someone we all know who has skirted at the edge of the law — and beyond it — for decades and never paid anything other than some cash settlements.
White collar crimes are hard to prove and only major cases are punished. If her victims won't testify, there probably can be no prosecution.

Consider someone we all know who has skirted at the edge of the law — and beyond it — for decades and never paid anything other than some cash settlements.
That wouldn't happen here regardless of the perceived importance of the perpetrator they would be charged.