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Nov 30th show:Don't slit your wrists David!

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I've listened to every episode of The Paracast from start to finish, but this one is killing me. I have tried to listen to this show 12 times over the last week and so far I've only made it through about 8 mins out of 2 hours. I just can't listen to this woman talk, this may be the first episode I skip.
Your not fit to be my mentors and I would never look at you that way.

Your a pod cast for Pete's sake..are you kidding me?

a schmuck which you were and obviously still are.

Wow! Insulted by someone who lacks the education to know the difference between "your" and "you're"

Yet she knows how to spell "schmuck", I'm guessing dictionary.com was involved.

David must be in tears.
Funny thing. There was this whole thing on the History Channel about Nazis in America. I found it pretty laughable, because of the way these people acted on camera.

The only redeeming thing was this hot blonde chick with a nice rack. It's too bad she was an absolute moron.

I guess you don't have to be smart when you're pretty in this world.

Thank God I'm Aesthetically Challenged.

Anything on the History Channel should be laughed at as it comes form Hearst Corp, the fathers of Yellow Journalism.
Anything on the History Channel should be laughed at as it comes form Hearst Corp, the fathers of Yellow Journalism.

I've said this before, this is not rense.com or ATS. There is no cabal of Lizard people sitting somewhere programming the History Channel.
Hey: Not to derail, but David mentioned he took Catholic Communion at a Mass, as a Jew. I'm really surprised they GAVE it to him in the first place! Or whoever he was with didn't stop him, etc...

NOT that I believe in any of this (now)..but as a former Catholic (converted at age 19)....unless you were taking your First Communion as a Catholic and/or converting to Catholicism, you should'nt have been given/allowed to take Communion....:)

And the last time you saw anyone "checking Catholic ID cards" in the communion lines was?

The point (silly or sane is open to interpretation) is that the communion would have no "trade" value in God's eyes unless you WERE a good Catholic. There's no point in disallowing you from trying...anyone can walk in and watch or take part in a Catholic mass anytime they wish. MOST of the people present are not there for honest, spiritual reasons, anyway. It's a big bunch of malarcky for the most part - there's no point when no one is there for any humble reason - same reason there are almost no good wizards and such these days - everyone is FAR too shallow for that sort of thing.

Science is mostly concrete and can be practiced regardless of your motivation. Faith-based pursuits, however, require a fairly deep level of honesty and belief in order to be anything but absurd.
And the last time you saw anyone "checking Catholic ID cards" in the communion lines was?

The point (silly or sane is open to interpretation) is that the communion would have no "trade" value in God's eyes unless you WERE a good Catholic. There's no point in disallowing you from trying...anyone can walk in and watch or take part in a Catholic mass anytime they wish. quote]

I remember attending mass in a Lutheran church or perhaps Protestant, when I was about 5, after a sleepover party. I was rather afraid I would be struck down, because I was Roman Catholic, and in a church that wasn't Catholic! I prefer the Catholic church (don't bother giving me all the reasons why they are the beast from hell - I've heard it all thank you very much) HOWEVER - I think children should be brought up agnostic, be given an overview of the different religious philosophies with the right to choose whether or not they wish to belong to a religion when they reach the age of majority. Baptism, or induction, to any religion doesn't have to be done at birth.

And I think I should have moved this post to a relevant thread, my apologies for being too rushed or lazy to find the right spot.
But im not a catholic................

reminds me of a funny story, a young man goes into a confessional and tell the priest "Father i have sinned, last nigh i met not one but two very beautiful ladies, and we went back to my house and had insane sex"

that is indeed a sin says the preist light 2 candles and say 4 hail marys...

"why would i do that ?" says our cheerful hero "im not a catholic"

"then why are you telling me this ?" says the priest

"im telling Everyone" says our lad and skips out humming a happy tune
This was far from your worse show guys.
Holzer is definitely NOT a scientific thinker, although I think she claimed a scientific approach and referred to herself as an intellectual.

Her approach is intuitive.
She is unfortunately a compulsive talker, a common factor amongst many of your most disappointing interviews. Here in Oz we had a great TV interview program called "Enough Rope". One of the things I appreciate about the Paracast format is that it gives such guests "enough rope" to hang themselves (without David needing to push!).

Personally, I was frustrated by the fuzzy thinking and lack of a scientific approach. I find her almost complete relativism completely frustrating and ineffective as an approach to gaining any scientific understanding of the world. A frame of reference that recognises no common approach, tooling and instrumentation is going to be doomed to re-inventing the wheel, and then fail to gain any traction in moving forward.

No wonder the "paranormal" stubbornly refuses to become understood and accepted as "normal".

David/Gene - keep on asking the hard questions and calling the shots as you see them. Sorting through the crap in the paranormal is not easy, but you are making a very significant contribution.
Hi everybody. I've lurked here for a few months and really enjoy The Paracast.

For me, the key to this show is Carly-Rose. If she is willing to be repeatedly tested like Leslie Flint was, and it turns out she is not creating those voices herself, then it's a case worthy of further study. Flint even let the researchers bind and gag him to prove that he wasn't creating the voices.

Check out this site dedicated to his memory:


* * * * * * * * * *

If you want guests who will discuss the scientific side of the afterlife and ghosts, you need to have on guests who focus on that side of the research.

1) Professor David Fontana - Researcher and author of "Is There An Afterlife?"


PROFESSOR DAVID Fontana is a Ph.D. in psychology, and is currently Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Cardiff University in South Wales, Great Britain, and Professor of Transpersonal Psychology at Liverpool.

* * * * *

2) Dr. Stephen Braude - Researcher and author of several books that examine the paranormal and physical mediums, such as DD Home and Eusapia Palladino. He is a Professor of Philosophy and former Chair of the Department at the University of Maryland. Noory interviewed him a few weeks ago and it was awful. S-Noory, as usual, knew nothing about the topics that Braude researches and writes about.

He's all for the scientific method and lab experiments but thinks it's mistake to ignore the large scale PK events that occur outside of the lab.

Stephen E. Braude - UMBC

* * * * *

3) Michael Prescott - A fiction author who is an expert (my word) on life after death and all of the evidence surrounding the topic. He's an encyclopedia of information on the subject. I don't think anybody has interviewed him on any of the known talk shows or any talk show for that matter. His blog is great.

That blog, which isn't all about life after death, can be found here:


* * * * *

4) Michael Tymm, author of "The Articulate Dead," is a frequent poster on Prescott's blog and a fountain of information on the afterlife evidence.
His blog can be found here:

I've said this before, this is not rense.com or ATS. There is no cabal of Lizard people sitting somewhere programming the History Channel.

This was from a bit ago, but I have been lurking the fourms more then I have been posting, but I saw this.

I have no clue what you are talking about or trying to go with "cabal's of lizard people" there. What are you talking about?

My comments were made directly because that company was FOUNDED by the man who is credited with the term YELLOW JOURNALISM in William Randolph Hearst. This came from the fraudulant story Hearst published about the USS Maine being attacked ("Remember the Maine?") by Spain where that did not happen. This caused the Spainish-American war in 1898.
This was from a bit ago, but I have been lurking the fourms more then I have been posting, but I saw this.

I have no clue what you are talking about or trying to go with "cabal's of lizard people" there. What are you talking about?

My comments were made directly because that company was FOUNDED by the man who is credited with the term YELLOW JOURNALISM in William Randolph Hearst. This came from the fraudulant story Hearst published about the USS Maine being attacked ("Remember the Maine?") by Spain where that did not happen. This caused the Spainish-American war in 1898.

I was just having a bit of fun with the conspiricy crowd Cotton. The Spanish American war was caused by pressure from the Sugar industry. They were fighting over Sugar. But they needed a better excuse so they used Hearst to inflame the public. That was over 100 years ago. I'm sure they thought they were being Patriotic when the Goverment asked them to make up that story.