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Musing on ghosts..

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Lets say for a second ghosts and apparitions are a universal truth. Does that then mean that their existance and where they exist is directly interwined with where their physical bodies once resided? I mean, do you ever hear stories of people seeing ghosts of greys or aliens?. Or, on alien planets do they have experiences of seeing human apparitions? As to the best of my knowledge the apparitions existance is localized to a certain area, if not, planet.

What could this possibly tell us? Any thoughts/theories?
Lets say for a second ghosts and apparitions are a universal truth. Does that then mean that their existance and where they exist is directly interwined with where their physical bodies once resided? I mean, do you ever hear stories of people seeing ghosts of greys or aliens?. Or, on alien planets do they have experiences of seeing human apparitions? As to the best of my knowledge the apparitions existance is localized to a certain area, if not, planet.

What could this possibly tell us? Any thoughts/theories?

Ok, why not? I'll give this one shot. eh, hem...

There are some Spiritualists in the ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) field who have been entertaining the notion that perhaps some of those beings who look non-human who are sometimes seen in our ITC results are in actuality extraterrestrials from other worlds who have passed over from the physical realm of the planet that they lived on into the same "realm of the dead" that human discarnates reside on too. This is based on the logic that no matter where we are all from, when we die, we all go to the same place... i.e. the astral realm

This is the only way they can reconcile why such entities are showing up in their experimental results (ITC) without compromising what the Spiritualist Church teaches.

(Which brings us to the question -- are some "aliens" witnessed by abductee's discarnate ET's from the astral realm? Perhaps discarnate ET's have more capabilities in the Astral Realm than human discarnates...)

So in this line of thinking, I guess non-humans/non-earthlings in the physical on other planets who see 'human discarnates' in certain settings and situations might call them inter-dimensional beings or even 'ET's' or aliens but, on the other hand, they might call those discarnates of their own species -- 'ghosts'; just like we call our own discarnates here. Thanks for bringing this up because I've never thought past what I stated in my first paragraph.

However, I'm not ruling out that there's a much more pervasive "intelligence" out there that's able to manifest in numerous ways as dimensional bleed-throughs of varying densities. Their usual choice of manifestation is a reflection of the existing culture in which they appear but upon further analysis, one will still find the same universal archetypes passed on throughout time via morphic resonance. Those expressions are somehow ingrained in the primordial ocean of the unconscious mind and are eternal.:D

PS -- Excellent observations pixelsmith!
I wonder if some ET's who die from their physical realm are able to translate their advanced technology to the astral realm and some of that in turn is manifested into our own physical realm ... sometimes. (see next message for pixelsmith's comments)
i would guess humans and aliens are both made up of the same basic "stuff". as i understand it we all have cosmic particles or "dust" if you will within our atomic structure. it stands to reason that whatever happens to us when we die, probably happens to them.
also, my opinion is humans and aliens probably share the same "creator" whatever that may be.
Ok, I had an awesome post all written out for this, then my MAC lost connection to my wireless network. Again. It does that, periodically...just drops connection to my router. No errors. No reason for it. My Toshiba (Windows) never does that!! WTF!

Let me try to reproduce....

I could certainly understand that aliens, or any other sentient and intelligent life form, could die and form what we would call a ghost. For the parapsychologists out there this would be the exact same as the survival of consciousness just applied to aliens. Now some stories I've heard of aliens during face-to-face encounters would imply that they use psi as parapsychologists believe in the ability; PK, telepathy, etc... so the survival of consciousness has validity.

However, the general working theory regarding the survival of consciousness is that said-consciousness will migrate to a place of familiarity after the death of the physical body. In other words, generally speaking a ghost will haunt a location, or more rarely, a person or a thing, but there always seems to be some sort of an attachment. Rarely, if ever, is it believed a ghost will 'wander' inter-dimentionally even if it can. With that said it would stand to reason that we would have no alien ghosts here on Earth unless that particular alien lived for a long period of time here on Earth, then passed away. Such would indicate that an alien would be 'bound' to Earth.

This opens up a whole world of additional questions and concepts! For instance we're making the assumption for the ETH explanation of aliens but what if they are inter-dimensional or ultra-terrestrial? This may give credence to the aliens-as-ghosts idea just in concept.

Additionally there are questions regarding the geomagnetic theories of ghosts which state that particular geomagnetic minerals and rocks will 'hold' the impression of ghosts here on Earth. Would alien consciousness(es) be subject to those theories as well? If so, is it possible, then, to have a residual alien haunting? Or an intelligent alien haunting?

Deep thoughts in that, and many, many questions. I think my ears are starting to bleed.
Now, assuming ghosts were a proven universal truth, the question I'd have is, would animals have ghosts? Would it extend throughout the animal kingdom? Would any living organism have a ghost? Grass and trees etc. What about lower simple life forms like bacteria and Alex Jones?

If Aliens can have ghosts, then I think it would be fair to say it could extend throughout all living organisms. Now that would be cool.
All I know is that all sentient beings cross over into the astral realm after they die or more correctly, after they cease to exist on our physical plane.

In ITC results, we see many animals too --- especially dogs, believe or not! :)
All I know is that all sentient beings cross over into the astral realm after they die or more correctly, after they cease to exist on our physical plane.

In ITC results, we see many animals too.

Maybe, maybe not. The idea of another realm is interesting but essentially no one is certain. Well, no one living anyway.
Maybe, maybe not. The idea of another realm is interesting but essentially no one is certain. Well, no one living anyway.

Well, you know how it is... if a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around, does it make a noise??

Heck, we can't even say with any certainty at all that the very realm in which we ourselves dwell in is 'real' as opposed to it just being a figment of our or something else's imagination!! :p
Well, you know how it is... if a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around, does it make a noise??

Heck, we can't even say with any certainty at all that the very realm in which we ourselves dwell in is 'real' as opposed to it just being a figment of our or something else's imagination!! :p

Well, I hope not because that would mean someone has a very twisted imagination.
Well, you know how it is... if a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around, does it make a noise??

Yes, it does. Sound is still generated by the falling tree, even if there is not an ear-drum in the area to detect the waves.

Here's a deeper paranormal conundrum, though; If a man speaks something in a forest and there's no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
Now, assuming ghosts were a proven universal truth, the question I'd have is, would animals have ghosts? Would it extend throughout the animal kingdom? Would any living organism have a ghost? Grass and trees etc. What about lower simple life forms like bacteria and Alex Jones?

If Aliens can have ghosts, then I think it would be fair to say it could extend throughout all living organisms. Now that would be cool.

Here's me bleeding into parapsychology again, but according to parapsychologists ghosts are the consciousness of individuals whose physical forms have died. Of course that leads into serious discussions of consciousness...what has a consciousness (human, animal, plant) and what degrees or levels of consciousness. That type of discussion has been bantered around for decades. Can a plant have a consciousness and, thus, become a ghost? What about an animal? I, myself, have heard of animal ghosts though I've never encountered them. Then again, I've heard of "item" ghosts, such as planes, trains, and automobiles so that would be more of a residual haunting, there.
Funny thing about psychology is they're desperately trying to maintain legitimate links with science and be acknowledged for it...and then come the parapsychologists and screw it all up.
Funny thing about psychology is they're desperately trying to maintain legitimate links with science and be acknowledged for it...and then come the parapsychologists and screw it all up.

Hey now, I resemble that remark. ;)

I really wish there was more genuine evidence regarding parapsychology. I truly do. I'm an enthusiast and a critic of parapsychology, which, btw, was an answer to the spiritalist movement that started back in the mid/late 1800's and used a lot of the same terminology as the spiritalists. That's why I may tout some of the same words and concepts as they do, but in the end I wrote a paper during my education critizing parapsychology and proving that there are little, if any, end-results and practical applications in the field.

It's sad. There are glimmers of results, but nothing worth pursuing through grants or fundings. Perhaps sometime in the near future that will change?

What i was getting at though, lets say we die and then go to the astral. If "dead" humans keep appearing on Earth but exist in the astral, does that not then mean that their localized area in the astral is directly interlooped with where they once existed in the physical?

Their localized area in the astral is connected to the planet Earth in the physical. When we see them on Earth, its because they are overlapping into our reality?

Lets say there wasnt an interloop between a localized astral point and where the physical body existed in the universe and they overlapped into the physical. Would that not then mean they could appear as a ghost on the moon? Or in another Galaxy? Or another planet? Or any random spot in the universe? How do they keep appearing where they once existed?

Im starting to confuse myself here with to much thought haha.

What im getting at is if they exist in the "astral" or whatever it may be. How is there a connection between there and where the physical body used to reside?

I find it interesting to think in the astral all human spirits are localized in a certain point and somehow there is still an "out there" factor. If human spirits interacted with spirits of other beings at a specific point in the astral would we not have ghosts and apparitions of other beings popping up all over the place?

Blah i dont know what im getting at :D