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Mike Bara :P

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I have been open to you guys about myself and my family. My wife post here from time to time. I have given openly some info that is peronal. When I posted the statement by my prof I omited one detail to protect his privacy.I did this at his request. Things I won't do give out my address or phone unless I have bussness with someone. I won't post email headers or list my IP adress if asked to do so by anyone like a moderator I will leave the fourms. Iunderstand that this is in response to a troll but I feel it must be said.

No-worries, Bob. There are reasonable amounts of private, identifying information that can be given to show you're not a troll but with identity theft out there those reasonable amounts, by nature, have to stay very limited. IP addresses are common-knowledge for technology-related communications. That's to be expected. First names, okay, maybe some of your background and such. Me? I share my personal website so anybody can go out there and take a good look over who I am and how I think....perhaps too much information but it's stuff I like to share.

Physical address, last name, phone numbers, place of employment, SSN....etc... That stuff is probably far too much to willingly give out in cases like these. Just provide a first name, post often and reasonably to show you're not a troll, and people come to know and trust you. Above all-else 'try' to avoid personal fights and confrontations on the forums. It's difficult but trolls are quick to antagonize and 'get into it' with other posters just to stir up trouble and distract from our real purpose here.......discussing the paranormal in all it's glory.
TRolls are pussies period, usually virgins or lacking in sexual activity with little or no social skills who have reached a pont in their lives when they realise they have wasted it and so begin to attack those theyre reminded of. The attacks are usually domineering ego based with deep seated psycho-sexual repression. The things about any troll is that if they did the same shit in real life they would cop a beating big time. I would slap the sci-fi fantasies out their pathetic shit stirring little closed minds.
TRolls are pussies period, usually virgins or lacking in sexual activity with little or no social skills who have reached a pont in their lives when they realise they have wasted it and so begin to attack those theyre reminded of. The attacks are usually domineering ego based with deep seated psycho-sexual repression. The things about any troll is that if they did the same shit in real life they would cop a beating big time. I would slap the sci-fi fantasies out their pathetic shit stirring little closed minds.

I resemble this very very closely, but I reiterate.....I am not a troll.


Tell us how you 'really' feel, nameless. :D .
GDAMMIT. There is a differnce as well. I dont like the word troll its too broad. There are people who are just pushing buttons for comedic effect and people who are just plain nasty because they are sad,lonely and angry.
advice to all online please go into your profiles and click privacy then set your messages to those who follow me thank you also place paracast trollop on ignore he is setting ppl on follow and sending them messages on the profile I got him on ignore...and did so after the 1st few post...
Gene and Chris, not sure why you're deleting posts, but it's kind of annoying. As in all Internet forums, there are going to be disagreements and argumentation. It's your call as to how to handle these situations but deleting posts is just bad form, and it's censorship, which is somewhat paradoxical for a forum that deals in this subject matter.
Gene and Chris, not sure why you're deleting posts, but it's kind of annoying. As in all Internet forums, there are going to be disagreements and argumentation. It's your call as to how to handle these situations but deleting posts is just bad form, and it's censorship, which is somewhat paradoxical for a forum that deals in this subject matter.
I deleted most of them. They were obscene and did not need to be here. This was not a matter of a simple disagreement it was a malicious assault.
I deleted most of them. They were obscene and did not need to be here. This was not a matter of a simple disagreement it was a malicious assault.

no i dont agreee. This is Gene's house and he lets us in. He has an open door policy and yet puts up with crap from most people from plain rudeness to unjustified spoilt bratish criticism. The least we can do is have a modicum of self respect and manners.

May i suggest the next time you have a free party and invite people in and some dude says/does;
  1. I dont like this particular free beer
  2. Starts abusing other guests
  3. Insults peopls intelligence by putting on a fake moustache and sneaking back in after being thrown out on his ass.
you would politely ask them leave. or else. but then some people dont throw parties, they just gatecrash others and feel they can have say shit without even dropping a dime.
Being polite is always a chore in an online forum. The cloak of anonymity makes people more prone to speak in an unfiltered fashion, or sometimes just to play act. We also want to encourage honest and forthright interactions, which may be less politically correct.

But I do agree that I'd like to tighten it up just a bit, but we'll have to see how the troll infection develops.
I deleted most of them. They were obscene and did not need to be here. This was not a matter of a simple disagreement it was a malicious assault.

Which is why I responded to the idiot the way I did, yet my post was deleted, hence my response.

nameless made some good points. In future, you may want to just ban these individuals. Having said that, Ron you mention the word "obscene" as a reason for deleting posts, yet nameless' post #82 in this thread in which he states "TRolls are pussies period" has not been deleted. So why did you delete mine in which I also used the word "pussy"?
Which is why I responded to the idiot the way I did, yet my post was deleted, hence my response.

nameless made some good points. In future, you may want to just ban these individuals. Having said that, Ron you mention the word "obscene" as a reason for deleting posts, yet nameless' post #82 in this thread in which he states "TRolls are pussies period" has not been deleted. So why did you delete mine in which I also used the word "pussy"?

I have been a moderator here for over 3 years. It was a judgement call. I deleted all of his stuff. Some of it was ridiculously obscene. This series of posts was some of the tame ones. It was not just about a single word used. I felt that his posts were an assault on members and the hosts. Some of the things posted in Chris's profile were beyond obscene.

Should I have deleted your post? The case can be made either way. I do understand your comments here and I also understand your intent in responding to him. I felt it was better to remove all his stuff. None of it contributed to a single positive thing here. If I missed deleting any, it was an oversight.

At any rate, this is Gene's house. I do agree with that. If he feels I have overstepped my bounds, he will let me know. Until then, I am going to assume I did the right thing.
I have been a moderator here for over 3 years. It was a judgement call.

Fair enough. I absolutely (and I use that word in honor of Mr. Bara) respect the effort that Admins need to put into moderating forums, and thanks for the quick reply.

This is a thread about the Mike Bara show anyway, and all the silly back-and-forth attacks that were going on didn't contribute a single intelligent thing.

Thanks again Ron.

Back on topic. I'm listening to the C2C Mike Bara show right now. He reiterated some of the same things he said on The Paracast. I'm around 1/4 of the way through the interview and yes, he has used the word "absolutely" (once so far).

I certainly hope Mr. Bara doesn't think I'm a stalker for listening to two of his podcasts within a week. ;)
Oh my goodness...

I got midway through the second hour when I heard this:

(Discussing "Data's head")

Snoory: "I mean it looks like CP30, doesn't he?"
Bara: "Yeah, yeah, C3PO, yeah (laughs), that's what he looks like..."

George Snoory should be fined for being so incredibly unintelligent. As far as Bara goes, his notion that his books are a great way to introduce young folks into this field just makes me want to throw up.
Oh my goodness...
George Snoory should be fined for being so incredibly unintelligent. As far as Bara goes, his notion that his books are a great way to introduce young folks into this field just makes me want to throw up.

I don't know, I can see why they'd be a good intro. We're talking about the field of "seeing stuff that isn't there", right?
been a bit behind with my shows so just listened to this. Based on the getting called by Trained and then quoted directly by Chris with a catastrophic wriggle out of maneuavre and then they mystic bs.. i'm sorry i cannot invest and so ..

"I'm out"

Not everyone got that eh?