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Lights in the Sky

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Skilled Investigator
In 1993, my wife and I lived in a farmhouse in central Indiana. Around 10:30 pm, I sat on our screened in porch practicing on an unplugged electric guitar, just working on scales and modes and stuff. I was about 28 or 29 years old, I guess. It was a hot night, and that house had no air conditioning, so I was enjoying a slight breeze out there. The guitar was unplugged so I wouldn't wake my wife up, because she was already in bed.

To the west by south west, I saw three red lights in the sky. They weren't terribly higher than the tree line, and they were steady and unblinking. Slowly, over about a 45 minute period, they moved in seeming random patterns around each other, as if slowly dancing.

I was instantly filled with unease, sort of creeped out, because I knew I was seeing something outside the realm of my understanding. Have you ever been close to something that's so big that it messes with your mind, fills you with a feeling of 'wrongness,' as if it simply shouldn't be? It's a feeling sort of like vertigo and paranoia mixed together. That's the way I felt at seeing these. It didn't make me run or hide or freak out or anything like that, but it made me very uneasy and too curious to leave at the same time.

Anyway, they didn't come closer, and after about 45 minutes they winked out. The feeling of uneasiness went away as soon as they did. There was nothing really dramatic about this sighting, and nothing really earthshaking or worth reporting, I suppose. I didn't believe in UFOs before that, and I don't know what I saw. I know they were'nt spot lights on non-existent cloud cover, and I know they weren't helicopters or landing planes (no airport over there) or any of that. For years I called them "earth lights," and I suppose that is still as good a description as any. I have no idea if there were solid craft, or a single craft with moving lights, or anything solid there or not.

I know this is a pretty innocuous, un-exciting encounter with the paranormal, but it counts as my only ufo sighting to date, and it certainly made an impression on me. I haven't found anyone else who has seen these in the same time period, and I was by myself. Definitely inconclusive "lights in the sky" type of stuff.
It may be just a coincidence but it is interesting that in this experience you saw three lights in the sky and then in 2007 you saw three beings at the foot of your bed. Had you considered a connection?
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My experience was from only a few weeks ago on Saturday night here in Sth Australia. I posted it elsewhere, but it seems to fit your title somewhat, if not too "exciting"....

Ok, here goes - and I will say it as I saw it to you -
It was 10.15 pm... heavy (ish) cloud cover. I was going from my back door (after my wife had got up to feed our 9 month old daughter) to lock up my shed/workshop when I stood on our path and looked up at the clouds, and a very bright "full" moon.
The clouds had gaps in them so I was standing looking at what I thought at first was another satellite tracking North to South, and about the usual size - although glowing bright yellow colour. The cloud cover disapated then I saw two of the same tracking the same direction side by side... them 3 - then 4 - almost in a line seperated by about a fingerwidth in distance between them. I watched this to make sure I "wasnt dreaming" for a minute or two going above - what seemed really high up, then raced inside to get the video camera.
No win. By the time I returned they had gone, and I stupidly raced out the front onto our street, looked around, but too much cloud cover. It seemed like these items - or ITEM if they were all parallel?? - was well above the clouds. I explained all this to my wife, then she went to bed and I went outside constantly to see nothing for the next couple of hours.
I dont know what they were, but it was ironic because when I blinked hard and looked with the clouds parting - thats when I saw the four - spaced evenly and travelling in the N-S direction.
Very interesting! Like you, I wish I could tell more about what I saw, but in the end you are left with having seen interesting lights in the sky.

I would check with the local MUFON or UFO reporting groups to see if anyone else made a similar sighting.

if the lights were different colors, it could have been an airplane (nose, tail, wingtips, but I forget the exact color arrangement), but they would have been flashing on the nose and tail, I think.

I considered getting a camera myself when I saw what I saw, but I was afraid to leave and have the objects gone, and I had no idea where my camera was and if it had film or not. Figures, huh?

The fact that the lights were about a finger width apart means, most likely, that the item wasn't very high, or that it was huge.
Personally I think it was extremely high. Admittedly there was no sound, no blinking of the lights - anything like that. The part that got me was that "this is very odd" feeling because it wasnt like anything else i'd ever seen. Living near a commercial flight path, I see many types of aircraft and these lights were in no way similar, which leads me to think that it is something peculiar.
Another key point is that I live in a foothill area where the air is very clear and fairly non polluted, so our range of vision is also very good.
Yeah, I know that "this is really odd" feeling. To me it feels like "this can't be--it doesn't fit--it's out of wack with what I know."