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June 17th episode

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Brian Now

Paranormal Pimp
I don't know anything about Leir. I liked the idea that he was willing to have this scalpel tested if David could get a big, reputable lab to do it. I didn't think it helped his case that he hid this object away and that he didn't say anything when David asked him to post some of these "analyses" up on Leir's site.

Now, the second guy, Jeremy, described a syndrome in quite close detail to a kundalini awakening. I am sort of surprised that Gene and David didn't draw this connection, but maybe they aren't very aware of it. I can't vouch for its authenticity, but I do know a lot about its descriptions. It is easy to read about on the web. His story had several aspects that bring to mind kundalini and eastern energy body ideas...red dragon, energy entering the base of the spine, state of oneness and desire to do yoga.

If Kundalini is real, then maybe that is what Jeremy had. If an "abductee" has it then maybe he sees it one way, if a New Ager has it then they will see it another way.
I thought David's suggestion to have Lear's material analysed by DuPont is problematic - do we really think that DuPont will be allowed to analyse 'exotic' materials without any interference from the military?

I only ask this because a lot of military craft are made of materials which are kept secret - perhaps DuPont is a supplier of those materials.

Surely the military would be interested in any requests by the public to have 'exotic' materials tested and would likely make an effort to 'acquire them' for their own analysis...
Rick Deckard said:
I thought David's suggestion to have Lear's material analysed by DuPont is problematic - do we really think that DuPont will be allowed to analyse 'exotic' materials without any interference from the military?

I only ask this because a lot of military craft are made of materials which are kept secret - perhaps DuPont is a supplier of those materials.

Surely the military would be interested in any requests by the public to have 'exotic' materials tested and would likely make an effort to 'acquire them' for their own analysis...

Another problem is would they even consider it anyway? I am not sure a major corporation would use their lab to analyze a piece of metal somebody thinks is interesting. I bet they get strange requests all the time. Without some kind of hype or TV show behind it I doubt they would do it. Maybe they would. It would be great if they did...call me negative but I suspect this thing is just a piece of crap.
If I were Davis I would forget DuPont. I believe a double blind analysis at a couple of major universities would do the trick. I believe David is smart enough and has enough connections to see this happen. (just guessing on this and giving David the benefit of the doubt that he could see this thru).