• NEW! LOWEST RATES EVER -- SUPPORT THE SHOW AND ENJOY THE VERY BEST PREMIUM PARACAST EXPERIENCE! Welcome to The Paracast+, eight years young! For a low subscription fee, you can download the ad-free version of The Paracast and the exclusive, member-only, After The Paracast bonus podcast, featuring color commentary, exclusive interviews, the continuation of interviews that began on the main episode of The Paracast. We also offer lifetime memberships! Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! You can sign up right here!

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It's Easier Than Ever to Listen to The Paracast

Free episodes:

Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
In switching to a new network operation, we've made many improvements to make The Paracast even better.

So the free version now has better audio and fewer ads. What's more, it's easier than ever to hear episodes online.

As before, you can listen and download episodes from major podcast apps and most of the larger podcast repositories, such as Amazon Music, Apple, iHeart Radio, Spotify and Pandora.

You can also listen to episodes from both this forum and our Home page.

As you see now, there are two podcast players in the forum. One with the current episode, another with a recent episode — or a special episode.

When you go to our Home page at The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio you'll see two more players.

One is right below the description for the current episode, as below:

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The other is right under Our Latest Episodes (see below) where there's another podcast player and a listing of recent episodes. Even better, the new Search feature lets you seek out episodes by title or show description. When you click or tap on an episode title, it automatically loads in the player window.

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If you're a subscriber to The Paracast+, our member area lists a special RSS show feed that you can open in most podcast apps using your forum username and password.

The special area for Paracast+ members in our forum also lists all available ad-free episodes of The Paracast and After The Paracast and each episode has its own player window (below) and a Download button.

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And there's more to come.