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Interesting article from UK

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Funny how events like this get tons of press yet the radar reports recovered from Stephensville and the Air Force silence on the issue are basically ignored by mainstream press.
Nick's been in the pub again. Look, hundreds of wind turbines suffer a lost blade due to sub-zero temps every winter. A UFO did not bump into a windmill. Please people. Think about this for a second. It's a psy-op.
Nick's been in the pub again. Look, hundreds of wind turbines suffer a lost blade due to sub-zero temps every winter. A UFO did not bump into a windmill. Please people. Think about this for a second. It's a psy-op.

Easy there champ, the clip I posted of Nick is a couple days old now, I'm sure if you went to him today he'd have something else to say.

The point is everyone in the media immediately began using terms like "alien", "extraterrestrial", "flying saucer" and "little green men" whereas Nick did NOT. Of all the people with a foot in both the UFO and government camps, Nick ranks near the top on the credibility scale.
Nick's been in the pub again. Look, hundreds of wind turbines suffer a lost blade due to sub-zero temps every winter. A UFO did not bump into a windmill. Please people. Think about this for a second. It's a psy-op.

No, we rather not think and come up with something better than your parroting. No, I'm not convinced Zork crashed... You're reading too much into people's inquiries. If people question, it doesn't mean they see ETs. If they question, it often means they don't know the answers. And are trying to... But you already knew that.... of course.
Memo to Pope - the blade was laying on the ground under the turbine. It was not "missing." And all the old lady (the "witness") saw was a fireworks display -


Pope's got a Brit accent and was once employed by the MOD and since has become the PERFECT disinfo agent for gullible US audiences.

You are being as big a douche as you are trying to make us avoid.

Or did I miss the part where Pope spoke about how this was ET? He was going with what was reported.
Whatever it was, I remain jaded.

If the public is reported to say there was a tentacled UFO in the story, the story is a hoax and cover up.

If the story reports a real UFO and comes from a "legitimate" source, it's a plant.

Leaves me going 'bduh budh.' Is that the point? :D
On the topic of the turbine blades... could it not have been struck by lighting? That would surely cause damage to the blades right?