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Daylight triangle clip

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Skilled Investigator
I just saw this on You Tube today. Says that it was a sighting in Southampton U.K. in Jan. of this year. It doesn't seem to be as huge as some of the reported triangles that are a mile long and such. They say it was rotating but I couldn't really tell in the video. Check it out and see what you think.

Warning to those with little ones-the F-bomb is dropped a couple times during the vid.

There's one part that gives a slight appearance of rotation however I wouldn't be comfortable concluding that due to the vid being taken in a car and the cam all over the place.

First impression was a kite, or maybe advertising balloon/kite.
I find this video clip quite interesting. At one point, the triangle appears to be flying blunt edge forward - just like the twilight triangle sighting I had on February 1st this year. I've been told that triangles usually fly with one of their points forward - don't know if it's true.
Just thought I'd post this article from the Daily Echo discussing this vid and two others: http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/display.var.2336075.0.new_evidence_in_hunt_for_ufos.php
to my untrained eye, it looks pretty good. I'm not even sure if there is such a thing as a photographable ufo anymore, and when there is it might be black budget human tech. But, I'm not really sure.
Obviously this could be anything (plane/kite/genetically engineered super-Dorito) but I've got to say this is one of the most intriguing vids I've seen for a long time, thanks!

Oh, by the way, just saw the following on the BBC website - at least now we know why they're silent!

Obviously this could be anything (plane/kite/genetically engineered super-Dorito) but I've got to say this is one of the most intriguing vids I've seen for a long time, thanks!

Oh, by the way, just saw the following on the BBC website - at least now we know why they're silent!

macavity said:
Oh, by the way, just saw the following on the BBC website - at least now we know why they're silent!


This quote from the article caught my attention, "Other researchers hope to build the holy grail of cloaking: an invisibility device that would channel light at wavelengths normally visible to the eye".
I remember hearing David talk on one of the Paracast episodes about how he thinks that they may be manipulating light in order to cloak themselves (not a quote obviously, I can't remember exactly how he put it).

Interesting article macavity!
macavity said:
Oh, by the way, just saw the following on the BBC website - at least now we know why they're silent!


This quote from the article caught my attention, "Other researchers hope to build the holy grail of cloaking: an invisibility device that would channel light at wavelengths normally visible to the eye".
I remember hearing David talk on one of the Paracast episodes about how he thinks that they may be manipulating light in order to cloak themselves (not a quote obviously, I can't remember exactly how he put it).

Interesting article macavity!
I dont find those tacky 'invisibility' suits compelling at all. If thats what you are referring to? They essentially display light from the back of a person and project it forwards?
I dont find those tacky 'invisibility' suits compelling at all. If thats what you are referring to? They essentially display light from the back of a person and project it forwards?