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David's revelation of an up close encounter

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I gave this a lot of thought when I was in my early twenties, starting religious cults. If you are serious about it, there are some guidelines to follow. For example, you will need an enemy of the religion, someone on whom to pin everything that your religion finds objectionable, like Satan and disbelief. Also, you will need to provide some kind of ecstatic meditative practice. The Raelians do "sensual meditation," the Christians are enraptured by the "holy spirit." Just meditate and reach an altered level of awareness, a normal meditative trance, only give it a fancy name like "sensual meditation" to make it sound novel. The word cosmic sounds good for that, "cosmic meditation" or "cosmic sensual meditation." Of course, some kind of apparently new reward/punishment system is in order. Just repackage heaven and hell, give it a different name, no one unimportant will notice. Include a Judas figure, a once promising believer who went wrong; he will serve as an example for potentially disobedient members. Preach love, forgiveness, peace and harmony to everyone. At the same time, be violent and resentful towards the unbelieving, say that they will get their just rewards in your version of hell, be very judgmental about it. Then give a sermon on the virtue of being nonjudgmental. Say that you are not being judgmental when, in fact, you are. Say that the people accusing you of being judgmental are evil (as always, rename it) and will get their just rewards in hell. This kind of willful ignorance and doublethink is very useful in religion, just explain the seeming inconsistence as some kind of test, say that only the very advanced can understand how it only seems to be hypocritical. Also, you will need an attractive, feminine ideal in the religion. The Christians needed to convert strong male pagans, the Romans, so they made Mary a hot virginal female; Muslim warriors get to bang virgins in heaven, you get the idea. It is always a good idea to define reality in contrast to itself. That is, whereas sex is a good thing because it propagates the species and induces pleasure, say that it is evil and that it exemplifies the corruption of humanity. Define what is imaginary as real and define actual reality as evil. There are many customs to consider when starting new cults. If you get really lucky, your cult will achieve the respectability afforded only a few, it will become a "religion."
I haven't listened to the show in awhile. But for what it's worth, and may not be much, don't mention what you don't want to talk about. Unless you want hassled.
How in the world did this topic go from talking about the show and David's experiences to starting new religions and cults?

And I ain't gonna launch into what I think about religions/cults.....:rolleyes: :cool:

Haven't heard the entire show, but what I have heard so far....verrrry interesting, I hope DB does share more details one day, I agree with what Siani says a bit, too, tho.

This clamoring for more details reminds me of the movie "The Man from Earth" where Oldman tries to stop telling the story.

You can't say he wasn't asking for it.

If we were sitting for coffee and I told you that I saw a high-tech anomalous object at close range, and then changed the subject to something else, what do you imagine your reaction would be?

Assuming, of course, that you actually took me seriously...
Yeah...well, maybe there's other reason's he can't/won't tell the story, yet wants to let others know, at the same time. Sucks to be in that kind of quandry!!! :confused:

You can't say he wasn't asking for it.

If we were sitting for coffee and I told you that I saw a high-tech anomalous object at close range, and then changed the subject to something else, what do you imagine your reaction would be?

Assuming, of course, that you actually took me seriously...
Trust me, David. If you've seen some of the same shit I have, most people will think you're a nut if you try to describe it. Somehow many of these same people think it's perfectly plausible that a big, invisible man in the sky made everything in a week and life sucks because some bitch ate a fruit. I'll be optimistic and say 1 in 5 will give you the benefit of a doubt, because they too have had an experience they probably don't talk about. You know what I say? I say screw the other 80%. I find their habitual clinging to a false normalcy appalling.
I'll also add that based on my experience, if the "Other" is telling one to maintain silence, and one rebels and starts flapping their lips too much, the 'Stark Fist' comes down hard. I'm still limping.
You can't say he wasn't asking for it.

If we were sitting for coffee and I told you that I saw a high-tech anomalous object at close range, and then changed the subject to something else, what do you imagine your reaction would be?

I'm quite sure I would be curious, but I wouldn't take the attitude that David owed me anything. In fact, given this kind of reaction, I would counsel keeping quiet, myself. Further, I don't think the analogy is apt. Having an intimate conversation over coffee is hardly the same as announcing what you have seen over a public forum where everyone can read and weigh in. If this were a trial balloon to test reactions, it told him what he needed to know. Keep quiet.
Trust me, David. If you've seen some of the same shit I have, most people will think you're a nut if you try to describe it. Somehow many of these same people think it's perfectly plausible that a big, invisible man in the sky made everything in a week and life sucks because some bitch ate a fruit. I'll be optimistic and say 1 in 5 will give you the benefit of a doubt, because they too have had an experience they probably don't talk about. You know what I say? I say screw the other 80%. I find their habitual clinging to a false normalcy appalling.

Well while we're waiting for Dave to spill the beans, perhaps you can tell some of what YOU saw... I'm always interested to hear experiences directly.

Or if you've already told it and maybe I missed it, you could just direct me to the thread...
Well while we're waiting for Dave to spill the beans, perhaps you can tell some of what YOU saw... I'm always interested to hear experiences directly.

Or if you've already told it and maybe I missed it, you could just direct me to the thread...

I've read some of it before, but can't recall the details. I'd like to read or re-read whatever you got Skunk.
I've read some of it before, but can't recall the details. I'd like to read or re-read whatever you got Skunk.
Gimme some time to write a summary. I'll try and do it mostly sober this time. This is the first web forum I 've ever participated in and some of my earlier entries would be a source of embarrassment if I were susceptible to such human frailties. Here's a piece of beat-poetry that touches on some of the sum of it all.

Dracula, Wolfman, Mummy
I want my Mommy
How did I get in this crazy place?
Synchronistic twins taunting me. Blonde and blue-eyed.
Black and Blue with crazy red eyes
Scary teddy-bear midgets...
Spook cat.
Mutilated-cattle, Mushroom,
Ancient stone-settlement
Why do these Big-Feet come-a-knockin'
Get that needle out my nose
Flashing Lights...Flashing Lights!
Holy Shit!
Gimme some time to write a summary. I'll try and do it mostly sober this time. This is the first web forum I 've ever participated in and some of my earlier entries would be a source of embarrassment if I were susceptible to such human frailties. Here's a piece of beat-poetry that touches on some of the sum of it all.

Dracula, Wolfman, Mummy
I want my Mommy
How did I get in this crazy place?
Synchronistic twins taunting me. Blonde and blue-eyed.
Black and Blue with crazy red eyes
Scary teddy-bear midgets...
Spook cat.
Mutilated-cattle, Mushroom,
Ancient stone-settlement
Why do these Big-Feet come-a-knockin'
Get that needle out my nose
Flashing Lights...Flashing Lights!
Holy Shit!

I don't recall anything you've posted that would be embarrassing. But then again, look at some of my posts lol. Like I'm a good judge.

No rush, when and if you feel like it. Maybe post it in the experience forum, don't mean to derail this thread more so than I already have perhaps.:redface:
It's true! The Visions told me! Jesus poops, too!


In all seriousness, if you ever have the urge to write down a coherent narrative of any experiences you have had Im sure many people here would be extremely interested in reading them.
Actually the enemy usually takes care of itself. You want someone like Goldstein in 1984 - your very own Trotsky.
As the egos fly you'll typically find one of these being generated from among one of your most fervent early supporters - the general deal is along the lines of "What happened to you man? It used to be all about the scamming".
seems like every time dB is kind enough to share, he gets shit on by a bunch of doubters. i do not blame him for his silence.
Me either. People need to distinguish between the likes of He Who Shall Not Be Named (and assorted minions) and the people who genuinely have really weird stuff happen to them. In the latter case it's sometimes necessary to just adopt a Fortean stance and not attempt to rationalise that which may defy rationality (while being careful to use our brains on those things that are susceptible to rational analysis...hmmm, if I had a point there it's now dead and buried)