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Conversations with Jed.

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You say that you came to this with a clean slate,however you reference several sources in later paragraphs that show you are in fact referencing materials and people in your views. I don't call that clean slate.

I made these references because they speak of the same things that I have been taught during my conversations. Before my conversations I had no idea about a 'higher self' and yet there are many others who speak of it, and this is just one example. So yes, I did go in with a clean slate, because I had no knowledge of spirituality beforehand, hence the hours of questions with Jed.

You won't convince me that so called meditation with a thing you met and named Jed is something anyone should simply take at face value.

I'm not going to try to 'convince' you one way or the other. Granted, I can't show you or even put into words the majority of the experiences I have had during meditation, but the channeled conversations are there to listen to so make of them what you will.

I don't think that all entities are malevolent. But going into something with a "clean slate" probably isn't the best approach.

On the contrary, I think it is the best approach. There are no preconceived notions of 'demons' and 'evil entities', or 'angels' for that matter. Just because something may work against what you believe to be good and righteous doesn't necessarily make it 'evil'. In fact, the only thing that could be considered 'evil' in the traditional sense is that which is created by human emotion. Fear, anger, hate, jealousy, and like the great Yoda once said, I sense much fear in you.

In your case you have admitted that you think these entities are good, but you have refused to admit that they might not be good.

They have never and will never do me or anybody else any harm. There, I admit it.

Determining what something is or isn't after the fact is similar to taking the long way home instead of using the road map.

You'll never truly determine what anything is if you do it before the fact.
Nate if you don't care any more about getting to the bottom of it than that, I'm not about to continue to go round' with you on it.

I guess what drew me into this whole conversation in the first place was your attempt to draw other people into your little world. It is bad enough if you are mislead, but compounded if you attempt to draw others into it.

With entities experiences are possible I don't doubt that for a minute. Over the centuries,a fair amount of data has been accumulated in different cultures on the potential behavior of these things. If you choose to ignore that data I have no more to say.
You are an entity. We're all entities in a temporary physical form.

Look, you clearly have your own set of beliefs and we're not going to agree, so no harm done.
Ok then, why can't we see when our eyes are closed? If you are able to see outside of your body then eyelids shouldn't get in the way.........lol, I'm just having a little fun with this. I have an explanation for that BTW.

I agree we are spirits with bodies and we continue on...this has no bearing on who the other spirits are what they might be up too does it?
I have been in contact with them for 7 months now and in that time I have experienced nothing but love and positivity so I have no reason to believe they mean me harm. Yes, there are more malevolent energies out there, especially those that are created by people. But trust me, this is not the case here.

You are split into 4 parts, your physical body, your astral body, the part of your soul that is here with your physical body and the part of your soul that is dormant in 'the spirit world'. In fact, the portion of your soul that is with you in your physical body now is probably dormant too, as are most peoples, because most people are simply not aware or choose not to believe. Although you are one whole, these individual parts act independently, which is why you can't see through your eyelids, because this part of you is physical. When you die, you will wake up as your soul, and the life you are living now will be added, almost like a new lick of paint. You will not continue on as Starise, more so, Starise will merge with who you truly are.

This is part of what I have been taught.

Also, I'm sorry if it sounded like I was trying to pull people into my world, it's just I've become very passionate about this (as you can probably tell) so I get a little excited sometimes that someone is actually paying attention since neither myself or my friend have spoken to anybody else about this.
I think Starrise makes a good point. Many accounts of preternatural disturbance, often starts with the subject "channeling" -a good record of such can be found in "Dark Sacrament" -exploring cases of an old Irish exorcist. I've read some cases that have started much like your own experience- taking quite a few years before signs of oppression became obvious. It's not something you should dismiss, thinking your own case to be the exception.
I take your point, but this didn't begin with channeling. In fact the channeling aspect is just a small portion of my experiences. Should things take a turn for the worse a few years down the line then I shall let you know. Until then, there's no point having a negative outlook when there is nothing to be negative about. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Take Jane Roberts, for example. She was channeling the entity 'Seth' for 20 years, right up until her death, and never once had a negative experience. I wasn't aware of Seth until after I'd had my first few conversations, but there are striking similarities between what I've been taught so far and what he was teaching.

Welcome to SethLearningCenter.org
If you sat down and had half an hours meditation, getting rid of any negative connotations you may have about the concept, and opening your mind fully, then maybe you would begin to experience something similar. It has the potential to be much more than a mere relaxation exercise if you really want it to be and we all have the ability to do it. Every one of us.

Umm yea about that. I hate to bring up the 4 again but. In 2008 i did that greer meditation (dont look at me like that) anyway so i did it for like half an hour and when i was done i saw an honest to god flying saucer. Only it wasent a saucer it was a lampshade but whatever. Heres he thing thats driven me nuts since then, it appeared from nowhere then flew in 4 perfect circles like 2 figure 8ts interlocked left right down up. Stopped exactly where it appeared then vanished into thin air.

I have been going nuts trying to figure out what the hell that it could mean ( hence my avitar) i see it in the quatrefoil that gothic architecture has. Its in some religious symbles. And im fairly certain that it symbolises a yin yang times 4 like the swastika and reverse swastika in all 4 circles to balence out everything. . yea so obvipusly this is me going nuts again trying to make connections.

Anyway see ya later.
'Half an hour of meditating? That's all? been there done that but I would often meditate for 1- 2 hours at a time.'

I suggested half an hour as a sort of introductory session for those who perhaps are not as open to the concept. Personally my meditations last for well over half an hour. But I don't want this to turn into a 'meditation off'.

'Yes, i have done it too. it is called imagination.'

'What's that? You saw a UFO? Must be your imagination. You think some unseen entity is out there mutilating cattle? Must be your imagination. You had a time lapse experience? Yeah, it's your imagination.'


Yea people try to tell me that the ship was in my imagination.
I have to say I really have zero experience with channeling, nor do I know anyone who claims to have done it or witnessed it so these are simply my own opinions.
I think the universe existing is weird enough that I suppose I could calmly accept some things that other people just could not.
Recently, to help me sleep and lucid dream, I started to listen to some binaural beats stuff that lowers your brain wave frequency. I understand that processes in our brains wish to match the tempo of the music, and once they do, the music can say, slow down and the brain follows etc (this is how I think it works but I don't know if it's the official explanation). Anway, after about 15mins I definitely was starting not to be bothered by the intrusive random thoughts that get in the way of meditation for beginners. To my utter astonishment, a change in tempo triggered what could only have been some flood-release of dopamine/serotonin/endorphins (don't know which, if any) cos it actually felt like a stimulant drug was in my bloodstream. I don't mean 'it was relaxing and mellow and maybe it's like drugs, ' no, I mean it was as strong and as real as real drugs. It lasted about 10 seconds and then faded but also it happened an additional 2 times that session. It hasn't happened since but I swear that I was completely drug and alcohol free, and I hadn't been doing anything out of the ordinary prior etc.

Has anyone else experienced one of these potent drug-like rushes caused only by sounds? It speaks volumes as to the power of the correct auditory 'programming' in my view.
(oh, and without a doubt this recording helped me to relax and sleep. I was extremely skeptical beforehand as to whether it would have a noticeable effect, but I provide the youtube linkk below in case anyone else wishes to try. It has tibetan bowls which sound awesome!)

Yea its all good i know about that too. Thats why cultures have chanting or rythmic music. It was there link with there surrounding. There prayer or focus with the sound would be spiritual for them
Any one else noticed that all the "gods/spirits/souls" in this "case" have BIBLE names including the "host"?

just in case here they are:
(1) Nathaniel
(2) Jed (Jedidiah)
(3) Seth
(4) Rose (Rhoda)

Also this part is just plain creepy and wrong!
"As strange as it sounds, for the first few weeks I had to 'breathe' these entities into her, through her mouth, but she can do this alone now"

I could say alot more but out of respect for the forum I will refrain.
I've already been down this route with someone else in another thread. I haven't read the bible and I am in no way religious. I actually got the name Jed from a song by the band Grandaddy, called 'Jed the Humanoid.' Aside from that, doesn't the bible contain many names?

And yes, that is exactly what happened. Creepy or not. Would you rather I say I breathed into her anus? No need to refrain.
I've already been down this route with someone else in another thread. I haven't read the bible and I am in no way religious. I actually got the name Jed from a song by the band Grandaddy, called 'Jed the Humanoid.' Aside from that, doesn't the bible contain many names?

And yes, that is exactly what happened. Creepy or not. Would you rather I say I breathed into her anus? No need to refrain.


Full Stop.
I've already been down this route with someone else in another thread. I haven't read the bible and I am in no way religious. I actually got the name Jed from a song by the band Grandaddy, called 'Jed the Humanoid.' Aside from that, doesn't the bible contain many names?

And yes, that is exactly what happened. Creepy or not. Would you rather I say I breathed into her anus? No need to refrain.
I think you should try breathing into her anus and other nearby orifices, it could produce some interesting entities. You could name them Pooter and Cooter.