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Conversations with Jed.

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Paranormal Maven
I began meditating 5 months ago and the things I have experienced since then have been profoundly life changing. I remember before my very first meditation session I asked to be shown if there really was any energy beyond that of the physical body and to be taught more about myself and the universe. I certainly got that and more.

Today I am in contact with various souls/spirits/energies (they're all different names for the same thing) and even the one some people refer to as god, although I call him Jed, and he is the strongest of four.

I have learned that we are all souls/energies/spirits (whatever your preference), be it humans, animals or insects, we are all here to experience and learn what it's like to be physical. We do not have a soul, we are a soul, we have a vessel, a body.

A friend of mine began meditating with me and she developed the ability to channel these souls, (although at the minute she isn't strong enough to stay aware of what is being said and enters an unconscious state whenever I talk to these energies). I mainly talk to Rose, a soul I have known for a long long time, some would call her my soul mate, and of course, Jed.

I have some recordings of these one on ones so my friend could listen to the conversation afterwards.


This is the link to the conversation I had with Jed, speaking through my friend, on 23/11/2012. We had to stop at one point and carry on the next day due to my friends daughter waking up.

Although I speak with Jed on a regular basis (be it on my own through meditation or a physical conversation with my friend as a vessel) I only record the conversation when I have specific questions to ask.

This particular conversation is very interesting, we talk a little bit about Seth (the soul that spoke through Jane Roberts) and Jed gives me some answers to some very profound questions, including what exactly happens when you die.
There are many more experiences and benefits I have gained thus far thanks to meditating and I'll try to share them all with you at some point.

I'm very excited about sharing this with you as I'm quite reserved about sharing my experiences with friends and family for fear of being ridiculed.

For those who are interested please enjoy the information that Jed shares here.

Why is it necessary for Jed to contact you in more than one way? Has Jed given an explanation for this?

What do you mean by "the strongest of four?"
When I interact with him, or anyone else, on my own, it's usually through meditation and although he does communicate with me, he communicates to the spiritual side of me, the higher self, if you will. So although I can feel emotion (I'll laugh if I feel he said something funny for instance) and know that I'm having a conversation, it isn't necessarily through spoken word. I don't know if the inability to hear what he's saying through meditation is due to my stage of development or if it's just not possible.

He does, on occasion, speak through myself when I'm meditating, although the things he says this way are usually short sentences and very abstract. For example, my friend and I were meditating and I asked her if she wanted sore eyes. This didn't make much sense at the time but soon after she developed the ability to channel. Now usually these energies keep their eyes closed when speaking to me, but on occasion they'll open them for a minute or so. When this happens, my friend will come round when the conversation is over and complain that her eyes sting.

He speaks through my friend so as the physical part of me can actually, well, have a physical conversation and ask any questions I may have prepared.

Jed has explained (I think it's on this recording) that he is the strongest of four...gods, for lack of a better term.

As for malware, I'm sorry if it caused you any problems but I certainly didn't do anything untoward with the files. I'm just here to share my experiences.
Jed has explained (I think it's on this recording) that he is the strongest of four...gods, for lack of a better term.

Yeah, it's on one of the recordings. They're somewhat difficult to follow though, due to the static. Well, part of the problem is that my American brain isn't entirely used to processing UK speech patterns . Don't get me wrong, without static, there'd be absolutely no confusion. The problem is that, once things get garbled up by the static, my brain stops listening for words and starts listening for speech patterns and intonation (both of which are different in the way we each speak and most frequently hear speech). I can make out a good 80% of the most garbled recording, which is probably enough to get the gist.

While the recordings are a nice resource, I wonder if you'd be open to recording some of the information you get during your sessions, in a summary type fashion, in text form, here in the forums. I'd really like to know more about the "four."

To be open, and to avoid my intentions being misunderstood, I'm a pretty all-around skeptic of the paranormal. My interest in these kinds of things have to do with lore, myth, story and character. I really liked the expression of the idea "the strongest of four." I am enjoying the journey into this world your meditations have created, and I really hope you'll be open to transcribing summaries of some of the things you discover in the future.
Yeah I understand. Transcribing the information here on the forums is a good idea, although this would take quite a while.

Regarding 'the four', Jed has so far revealed that there are four universes. These universes operate in much the same way as our own and each are overseen by a 'god'. At one point I asked Jed if it was possible for me to talk to these other 'gods' via my friend, but, although they have the power to visit neighbouring universes, they tend to stick to their own.
Jed has also admitted to the possibility of a higher plane of existence that even he may not know about, which I found very interesting.

Also, you may have come to the conclusion that Jed is a silly name. It kinda is, but this is just the name I chose for him.

Thanks for listening and I shall certainly keep those who are interested up to date.
The "strongest of four" not only sounds cool, from a narrative perspective, but the concept of the "four Gods" with one being the "strongest of four" seems similar to the fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, weak force and strong force). From that perspective, I think that's interesting.
Rose is the name of another soul/energy that I speak to on a regular basis, again, both in meditation and via my friend. She is what some would refer to as a 'soul mate' being a soul I have known for a long long time, even though my physical body obviously can't remember.

This is a link to the first recording I did back in October wherein I speak with Rose, if you're interested? Conversation with Rose 03/10/2012 | The Paracast Community Forums This was only my second physical conversation (I didn't record the first since I wasn't really expecting it).
I listened to three recordings, I think. I understood that she was a soul mate, but I wasn't sure if she held any other significance within the presented system. It's been fun, so far. Looking forward to future reports.
Ah ok, my mistake.

Rose is basically what I've been taught you and I are, a soul/spirit/energy/whatever.
The difference is we're here living a physical life so although a part of us remains in this other realm, that part of us is dormant, and the majority of our energy is here, on the earth.
She is the opposite, in that the majority of her is there and it's only a slither of her that speaks through the vessel.

She has never had a physical life and prefers to experience the physical by using the bodies of those with the ability to channel.
Sorry, kinda sounds like an 'in' to a cult to me

Could be, sure. One doesn't have to participate in a cult, or religious idea, to observe it. As I've said in other threads, I am a person who is into art and game design. I like reading the personal experience section, because it is full of interesting narrative concepts. Just by engaging Nathaniel, I discovered the concept of "the strongest of four." It's an expression I really like in regards to gods and the like -- it captured my imagination, as it were.

As I've told Nathaniel, I am largely skeptical of these types of things. Do I honestly believe that Nathaniel and his friends are in contact with gods? Not really. Do I think he's a liar? Not really. Do I hear things in the recordings and think "that's scientifically/historically wrong," sure -- it doesn't even really matter. I suspend my disbelief so that I might properly appreciate the narrative. I have really been enjoying it, thus far, and I honestly look forward to hearing more about these characters, the world they inhabit, and the cosmic rules by which they may or may not be bound.

I'm willing to dive into the narrative as long as Nathaniel is willing to fill up the pool.
I can assure you all I'm not trying to start a cult, I'm merely sharing my personal experiences. Whether you choose to believe/engage in them is entirely up to you. Neither myself or my friend have told anybody about this and the only reason I am talking about it here is because I can remain anonymous. That's a pretty poor cult.

Even I have gone through skeptical periods with regards to these conversations, wondering whether I had, in fact, tapped in to a part of my friends own subconscious. But the experiences I have had on my own, amongst some other shared experiences, far out way any doubts I may have had.

I know that Jed and Rose do exist and that what they say is true simply because I have experienced it. I know that sounds like a cop out, but it's the only way I can put it into words here. Some of these experiences are extremely difficult to explain, because they simply have to be witnessed, not necessarily by observing myself or my friend, but first hand.

I shall be posting future recordings, I have a session planned with Jed this weekend where I'll be asking questions prepared by my friend beforehand.

Just out of curiosity, ProphetofOccam, which parts specifically are scientifically/historically wrong? If you tell me I can bring them up with Jed and it will be interesting to hear what he has to say.

Thank you for your interest, by the way.
The one that springs off the top of my head is something rose mentioned about a soul being from "before the evolution of man," then stating that the soul was in the body of a Neanderthal. Neanderthals didn't exist before the evolution of man -- we're evolutionary cousins. Human beings didn't evolve from Neanderthals; rather, the two species evolved during the same period of time from a common ancestor.

They are Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. We are Homo sapiens sapiens.

There were a few others, but I'd have to listen to the recordings to recall them.

I really wouldn't worry about it. It's not a big deal.
In that part of the conversation we were talking about reincarnation and Rose stated I was a Neanderthal in a past life, right before the evolution of man. I then asked if the theory of evolution was a fact, to which she answers yes and then explains how things are evolving all the time. She doesn't actually say Neanderthal evolved into man, or I'd have questioned her on that as I know Homo sapien and Neanderthal are two separate species.

So with this in mind, if I was really a Neanderthal, co-existing with early humans, then it was before the true evolution of man.
Besides this, there is a distinct possibility that the two species interbred. In which case, we did evolve from Neanderthals.

I shall bring this subject up again in my next session, maybe they can explain more clearly.
In that part of the conversation we were talking about reincarnation and Rose stated I was a Neanderthal in a past life, right before the evolution of man. I then asked if the theory of evolution was a fact, to which she answers yes and then explains how things are evolving all the time. She doesn't actually say Neanderthal evolved into man, or I'd have questioned her on that as I know homosapien and Neanderthal are two separate species.

So with this in mind, if I was really a Neanderthal, co-existing with early humans, then it was before the true evolution of man.

I shall bring this subject up again in my next session, maybe they can explain more clearly.

Nathaniel, How much is it for a bag of shrooms now days?