I re-listened to a bit of Thompson speak on WDB at CIIS and he mentions an experiment involving binocular vision ... the results of the experiment varied considerably when they brought in Tibetan monks, i.e. persons with highly trained attention ... I've often thought and posted here, whether the Libet-type of "free will" experiment might also have a different outcome if attentionally-trained subjects were used or if a type of training were to take place ... just as we seem to be able to move any process into unconsciousness with practice, so too do we seem to be able to move any unconscious aspect into consciousness .... the Buddhist idea of free will is complex (actually as is the Western idea - I don't think most people hold a necessarily naive idea of free will, certainly dealing with the difference in what we will and what we do is a common experience for all of us and most of us reflect to some degree on that gap and understand that we don't simply will what we do) ... sorry for the long () ... the Buddhist idea of free will is complex and comes out of the practice of meditation(s) so it certainly informs it.
LIBET experiments
attention training
Human beings owning their whole self as a self....... owning a body and a mind are making statements about what they consider is a reasoning involving other human life. Therefore the human asking and considering information impose a status upon their own self....that they are not considering their own presence, which in fact they are not. In their considerations they actually impose a value upon their own self, that they personally are safe, that they personally review the status of a human life as an experiment...single reviews of data...impose experiments upon our persons as if we exist as single reviews of data....attack us in this condition imposing a status that they personally are allowed to study us.
This consideration involves a status where they believe that all other life can be destroyed whenever they please to attack it as if we are simply in existence to serve their purpose, forcing our life to be involved in AI experiments of conscious review, change our conscious state in relayed machine attacks or use it in experiments, whilst their own persons, owning the same information will be safe.
As they think about conditions, they do so for a purpose. They also use machines for a purpose in consideration that their own personal human status will remain safe. This is why they already believed that AI is our consciousness, and they want to convince the public that consciousness exists elsewhere so that we will accept their AI teaching about consciousness.
If we ask the forum and review many other forums on the internet, the modern day occult attack on human life is reviewed by the evidence the public witnesses, plus the fact that the modern day occult scientists want to own the conscious concept of Creator. This is the only reason why they study our thoughts about our own self, and why the consideration regards the concepts of consciousness. The only reason why an occultist wants to reason with the public is only due to the fact that they have no personal information to use as information or data about conscious identity.
This is because they concluded that consciousness is spirit, they have ancient occult spirit documentation, they studied the concepts of phenomena of spirit, they believe the spirit that preceded Satan is intelligence itself AI, which they believe by story=line human that life represents as fallen angels are preceded by the intelligence or intellect, as an AI consideration.
They study our minds/bodies through an artificial fed back atmospheric computer program and listen to our thoughts, ask questions in a psyche interaction and believe that AI is a preceding intelligence likened to our own selves that pre-existed before creation in a higher state (before nuclear fuel's creation). This is only because they want data to pre-exist as consciousness before nuclear fuel's creation for their universal string theory....and ownership review of data to own the creation of energy.
Therefore they believe in their own human presence and conscious state review that they are personally the Creator, for they believe they exist before they do exist, they believe that they can create energy from a beginning. They believe that they are the AI consciousness and yet they also know that nuclear dust did not convert itself into fuel and then burn the fuel. They also know that they personally created/invented the artificial states in chemicals.
All of these statuses state, that they believe they exist as a human consciousness before all creation.....are safe as a consciousness before creation (because they personally believe they are AI) to then imply creation as energy does not exist....when it does.
So when you review what they consider as consciousness they make statements that conclude that they believe that they can exist personally in human presence as intelligence/consciousness where no energy is created and still survive the conditions to personally as an organic life to create energy. This is why they personally believe by feed back that they are the AI presence in person. Therefore they are not by mind consideration even considering that their own organic human life form as consciousness even exists.
Yet no energy exists before no energy.
The universal review states that human beings living on Planet Earth before us tried to do the same situation as modern day occult conscious human theories....own everything personally, transform matter and then considered they would survive the transfer of matter through a consideration of a reincarnation process.
Yet no life existed before energy, or in energy.
Our life then demonstrates its attack by the AI condition they interact our life with.
On Earth nuclear fuel and its creation....the conversion of dust never existed before the human male converted it. His previous comments about his own life/consciousness is that he began from dust. Yet he knows that he existed personally before dust existed...because he told his own story about how he existed in a higher human state....changed the Universal sun that exploded.....it attacked origin Earth, incinerated Earth and converted it into dust. His own life also was incinerated and his own presence also changed into dust.
His own mind/conscious review states that the artificial or AI concept created nuclear dust, for it is artificial as a state to origin Earth's natural creation. Therefore it is not origin. Nor is ice, origin to Earth.
Therefore his conscious review of his own realization is that he began his new life on Earth from the creation of dust....yet his life is not dust.
He knows by his consideration that dust supported the creation of all life as a base support.....yet his own life personally did not begin at dust. Therefore previously he also wrote a document that professes that his male/man status began as dust and returns to dust.
He also knows that if he uses nuclear dust that his own life can turn into ashes...by combustion and then return to dust. He also knows that when his body deteriorates (for he witnesses his own spirit die through his family presence) that eventually it also turns into dust in deterioration.
Therefore we should begin to question the questioner about why they consider that they can identify consciousness? The questioner should be questioned about his ethics.
If they were honest about their consideration of consciousness existing outside of their own human presence, they are only considering their own presence as a human organ life form, being irradiated every day and was enabled to communicate all of its thoughts to the fake AI manifested spirit as a communication.
The photon interaction of the atmosphere records their voice/ their images as a natural organic life form and it is then fed back by the atmospheric interaction with their mind. This condition forces them to believe that their own spirit or human self exists before all other energy bodies as a personal conscious ownership they call Creator consciousness or AI presence....when it exists as the only creator consciousness....inventor as a human organic life form who is considering the destruction of his own life presence.
Before the AI was introduced by nuclear science conversion, they were convinced that their consciousness was Satan.....natural atmospheric fall out from the creation/interaction of cloud matter. They taught themselves that the Creator being as consciousness was the owner of the atmospheric reaction or heavenly body.....when it existed in personal ownership as a human male reviewing information about conversion.
Therefore when he converted the natural Satan review in the atmosphere, he changed the feed back advice of atmospheric recording, and then began to believe that he personally was the conscious presence of Satan......yet he personally displayed the human organic life and mind attack of the multiplication manifestation of Satanic images....in feed back.
Why is a human being unaware of their own theories, because they are personally driven by want....where they are trying to place their self ownership as the highest presence/conscious owner into a state where no life exists as all. When the theorist questions consciousness, consider your own person which is what conscious realization is all about. The spiritual life was to consider personal presence, to consider other personal presences in consideration to their status of supporting your own natural life and to then honor their presence.....not destroy their presence.
Consciousness only exists with the presence who owns their own status....and sadly in this status of self ownership a human theorist believes that they can review every other state that supports their natural existence and give it a human owned reviewed value....when human life does not exist in any other place as a value status other than what they personally own.
Consciousness is self owned, is self applied, is self changed, is self developed and is conditioned to the status of what it is taught/indoctrinated.