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Black Triangle Research

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Skilled Investigator
Hello All,,

I've been working on a project aimed at the Black Triangle mystery. Before I launch into an explaination of what I'm doing I would first like to pose a question to members. If any of you were going to do research on this phenemenon where would you begin and how would you go about it? Don't worry, I'm not looking for new ideas here- I already have a plan laid out and believe me it's a good one! But I'm interested in how you would start a project like this and what would you consider to be some achievable goals.
Belgium, 1990!

Sorry, not being flippant but I'm not sure what you are asking. I am very interested in the triangle sightings, I find it interesting there are the small, Belgian types and also the very large ones reported in the States.

Do post back - I'd certainly follow what your up to.
  1. Gather information on a number of sightings that contain sufficient information and reason to believe an actual event took place.
  2. Gather information on all known aircraft with a predominantly triangular shape.
  3. Compare the appearance and flight performance characteristics of the object reported in the sighting to our capability to produce such technology at that time.
  4. Compare the appearance and flight performance characteristics of the object reported in the sighting to any natural object or phenomenon.
  5. Place all sightings that could be explained by our capability to produce such technology at the time of the sighting in the "Unknown Aircraft" pile.
  6. Place all sightings that could be explained by natural phenomena in the "UAP" pile.
  7. Examine the residual cases again in to the extent of depth possible given your resources, to determine that the event took place as described.
  8. Set aside cases with insufficient information, errors and/or logical inconsistencies.
  1. Put the residual cases in the UFO pile.
  2. Classify the UFO sightings using Hynek/Vallee Notation.
  3. Rank the UFO sightings using the USI Confidence Rating. ( Hynek/Vallee System Notation and the USI Confidence Ratings can be found here. )
  4. Summarize each UFO sighting and assemble them into a collection.
  5. Contact USI to have your findings published on the USI website for the benefit of all ufologists ( please :D ! ).
Hello goggsmckay,

First of all, thanky you for responding. Yeah, Belgium;)- I hear you, but this project only encompasses the U.S. from 2004-2012. Believe me it's enough. Even that small eight year period has nearly 5,000 sightings if the two major databases (MUFON and NUFORC) are combined which I am doing. My question really centers on if you were to do a research project of say one shape of UFO there is one major criteria that would have to be solidly in place and that criteria would have to be a valid chronology. I say that because if one looks for such a thing then one rather quickly discovers that there is no such thing available. So what is there to do? It's a little puzzle that I hope members would like to comment on and then after a response or two we can take it from there.

Just so you know, this is not a trick question, nor is it one with no answer because I have the answer. I'm just trying to see if anyone else has considered the chronology problem as that to me signals someone who's truly interested in doing the work of research but hasn't come up with a solution WRT the issue of time when it comes to sightings reports.
Hello calgary,

Good stuff. Sounds like the voice of experience and knowledge WRT conducting research. You have left out the most important thing though, the relationship of time. That's the point of the thread and I will stay with it until you or anyone else realizes the critical significance of it in ANY UFO research endeavor. Without it your list of duties will be generally useless as all that has been done already for many aspects of study and it has led nowhere in solving the subject.
Hello calgary,

Good stuff. Sounds like the voice of experience and knowledge WRT conducting research. You have left out the most important thing though, the relationship of time. That's the point of the thread and I will stay with it until you or anyone else realizes the critical significance of it in ANY UFO research endeavor. Without it your list of duties will be generally useless as all that has been done already for many aspects of study and it has led nowhere in solving the subject.

Interesting. Why do you place such importance on time? I mean sure, I wish I had the time just to do the research ( joke there ) ... but please explain a little more for us. Can you give us one example?
Hello calgary,

I would be honored. In the U.S. on July 19, 2012 this past summer, my combined database showed THREE Black Triangles that were sighted very nearly at the same time. "What's the big deal about that? Happens all the time" one might say. Well, it DOESN'T happen all th time. And that's the point of my research and this thread. This particular example showed a BT in the state of Maine at 5am alongwith one in California also at 5am, AND one in Iowa at 5:07am. These three BT's are no closer to each other than 1,500 miles. And in the case of Maine and California the distance was 3,000 miles.

Now here's where my point of "time" really hits home. Without insulting anyone's intelligence I'll just say that these report times are NOT in the local time zones which are recorded as a rule in the major UFO reporting organizations. Instead I've revised the original report times into the Universal Time Code which has nothing to do with individual time zones. THAT's where the true picture lies. That's how I found the tree BT events had actually occurred virtually in the same moment When the public searches the report databases all they get really is a random-sighting type of UFO landscape. That's just the nature of filing reports using time zone criteria. No one's fault, it's just historically been done that way. But in doing so, the idea of seeking some kind of order or pattern to sightings, which I firmly believe is the most important result of any research, would be impossible to determine if it was ever thought of at all.
Hello All,

Allow me to elaborate somewhat on the problem. Let's say a cigar shape was seen in France. And another one was seen in say Germany. Is there a relationship? So far as I can see the sighting in France will be recorded, studied and, as a rule, end up on the heap with all the rest. Why? Because the focus is on the individual sighting. But what about the other one? Well, okay we'll study that event too. But it will end up on the same pile as the rest. Is there a pattern? Many will wonder but a pattern will be elusive until one gets out of the region-by-region mentality and looks at an aspect that may connect the two. Maybe the characteristics are similar. but that, by and large, will be as far as it goes- at least in the eye of the public.

But when a REAL and TRUE time stamp is applied then things take on a completely different look. Barring the time differential between France and Germany what looked to be identical occurances may in fact be seen to be anything but identical. One result of that example would be that what appeared to be two cigar shaped craft now can be seen as one travelling between the two countries. This is when the data concerning direction becomes relevant whereas before direction meant nothing much because the two incidences were thought initially to be simultaneously occurring. I hope this helps.
Hello calgary,
I would be honored ... Instead I've revised the original report times into the Universal Time Code which has nothing to do with individual time zones. THAT's where the true picture lies. That's how I found the tree BT events had actually occurred virtually in the same moment ...

Assuming the sightings are actual aircraft or UFOs, it seems to imply coordination in real time according to our time measuring system. That would tend to favor a terrestrial explanation. I wonder how hard it would be to contact the military to confirm these flights?

Very interesting, nice work :) !
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Hello calgary,

I Thank you, not only for your kind comment but also for the fact that you get the picture. I think it safe to say that you see the value in this and would hope you help get the word out to the research community as a whole. I believe there is much to be gained by it although I envy no one of the tedium involved in setting up the work.
Hello calgary,
I'd say the chances would be slim to none.

It might not hurt to try asking anyway. You have very specific dates and times. If people like Margie Kay can get info from the AFB where she is, it might not be as hopeless as you think. I know that some bases have public contact info, and you can just email them. Maybe try this link: Contact Us - airforce.com
Hello calgary,

I can certainly give it a try. Of course aircraft in the area is one thing- admitting they were BT's is quite another. BTW as an addition to this work and one of the primary goals, depending on the quality of the reports of course, is to determine possibly the number of Black Triangle craft currently existing. Since I only gave you one example I have to say that in a three month period from Aug. 2012-Oct 2012 there were eight instances where there were two. My own criteria for this is that the sightings have to be NO MORE than one half hour from each other and separated by NO LESS than 1,000 miles. I guarantee that if it were one craft then it must be capable of flying at 2,000 miles an hour! Anyway in a wider 15 month time period there are at least three occasions where three at one time fit my criteria but the greater number of occasions see only two. I'm hinting that the 5,000 sightings in the eight years that my database covers do not show thousands or even hundreds of BT's. It's more like less than ten. WAY less; I'd say 5-6 tops in the U.S. maybe two in the UK but I have someone working on that for that part of the globe. Just thought as a researcher you may be interested to know along with many others.
Hello calgary,
I can certainly give it a try. Of course aircraft in the area is one thing- admitting they were BT's is quite another ... Just thought as a researcher you may be interested to know along with many others.

Absolutely! I think it's a very interesting and constructive project. I wish more people interested in ufology were as motivated you are. Please keep us informed from time to time as things progress.
@Hiflier - in terms of chronology - I think because no-one can be expected to manage to cover every single relevant event that is known, it is only reasonable to plan to cover a few in depth, in order but also give the relevant statistics, perhaps like on the basis of shape/size - to see if there is a progression in design etc. Geography of sightings/types would be important too.

I think what Ufology Calgary posted before looks great. Plenty of stuff I would not have known to do but I'm no investigator. Best way is to learn from someone who knows!

As I said before tho, black triangle UFOs are high on my list of interest - they undoubtedly became a spanking new part of Ufology that was not there previously.

Does anyone keep track internationally of the types of objects reported? There are lots of 'lights in the sky' which may or may not sometimes be large solid objects. Saucers/discs are certainly still seen but I don't think they are as prevalent as say in the '50's.
Actually it is the evolution of craft (or their initial appearance) that makes me look beyond the ETH for some answers sometimes.
Unless there are quite a large number of distinct alien races visiting here, it's quite hard to explain all the myriad types/shapes of reported craft and the variations thereof. Also there are new phenomena (to my knowledge) of things like the flotillas of orbs.
Those night-time sightings of orbs that seem to have been choreographed to dance in the sky, creating shapes with other lights and combining/splitting at will etc also have an air of performance art about them sometimes!

What do you think of the apparent fact that there seems to be a whole chunk of Ufology that takes place at night? Does anyone else think that whoever is controlling these objects is deliberately using the night to obscure their identification somewhat? It's like they are toying with us - there will be mass sightings to a degree but usually not of something completely undeniable. There may be hints at immense sizes but nothing that comes out ok on video etc.
Hello goggsmckay,

I liked your post. Really. Shows thought. Yes, I agree that not every BT will be sighted, there are those reports that too are simply too bazarre to accept IMHO (15 miles long a mile high), and I'm only using two databases. In as far as other shapes go every now and then I see a member of a Forum who wants to have a complete chronology of ALL sightings. It would be an impossible task at best. I chose BT's for the reasons you state and because I think of all types they would be the easiest to solve. As you already know I limited my research to only eight years and it's still turning out to be a huge body of work.

It includes columns for different nav light configurations, directions of travel, what quadrant for each U.S. state the events occur in, variations of sound, and a column for each state so that various criteria can be chosen in which to perform sorting functions. Want to know the BT sightings for say Georgia? I can spit that out with a capability of doing sub-sorts for narrowing down the other characteristics.

As far as night time stuff I could only speculate. It would logically seem that if lit that would be the obvious time anything would be seen. In the case of the Big Deltas there are plenty that are unlit even at night and that category is included in the database as well. Deliberately using dark skies to obscure identification probably isn't as much of an issue as obscuring other things like tracking and/or direction of travel by turning lights off making them appear to vanish which is a conclusion many witnesses describe. I have never subscribed to the vanish in thin air claims.

Thank you for being interested and offering your ideas here. I really do appreciate the input.

Regards, hiflier.
Hello All,

In researching the black Triangles there are several pointsI have obviously had to consider. Not every Triangle that might be deployed would be seen by a witness. Not every Triangle that is reported is valid. That is to say some reports appear too outlandish to be true; more like dis-information as an attempt to keep the phenomenon as a whole firmlywithin the realm of being extraterrestrial. Something I do not think is the reality. Other reports are mistaken observation of known craft. And lastly the seeming viewing of thousands of Triangles has not been commented on by any previous organization (defunct or not) as being events related to only a few active crafts as opposed to huge fleets.

My research is meant to cull the subject in a way that gives the subject sensibility and a logical reality that IMHO is closer to the truth. The following data covers the time period from Aug. through Oct. 2011 and will better illustrate that very point. I'm going to keep this as simple as possible as I really do not think you want to wade through spreadsheet columns and deal with crossreferencing and some of the other small details so I will simply list the dates in which sightings coincided. The basic criteria is based on the fact that these sightings were 1,000 miles from each other or more and occured within 1/2 hour of each other. My reasoning is primarily based on the idea that these things are not Concords and also cannot be in two places at once. States are abreviated and all times are UTC:

Aug. 9, 2011-CA 05:50, IN 06:00
Aug. 22, 2011- GA 03:30, CA 03:34
Sept. 7, 2011- IN 04:00, WA 04:30
Oct. 5, 2011- MO 01:00, TN 01:00;
Oct. 14,2011- IL 05:00, FL 05:30
Oct. 16, 2011- NJ 00:30, IA 01:05
Oct 18, 2011- MI 01:20, NY 01:30
Oct. 19, 2011- OR 03:30, AZ 03:35
Oct 21,2011- CA 03:30, TX 04:00
Oct 28,2011- WI 03:35, NM 03:45

This brief three-month period amounts to only about 4% of the entire project which I estimate will take over a year to complete. As you can already see there are already ten instances where two Black Triangles are present. The other sightings during this timeframe only reflect individual events or perhaps indications that a single BT was traveling across a two or three state region. When I add in the direction of travel and other criteria such as sound or navigation lights the picture may become clearer.
Thought you would enjoy seeing this.

Regards, hiflier

Some excellent info above. You might also consider the early works of J. Allen Hynek as he explains many of the criteria by which he collected and analyzed data.

Good luck.