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Alien Implants..

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The Hawk

Skilled Investigator

There are 5 parts to this video, so may want to watch the whole thing but this is the part I want to focus on..
Gotta wonder what happened with this claim from Strieber of "major interest"?
and this "its not beyond us to understand the implants" stuff..

What went wrong?

I know for a fact that some of them are anomalous because I've looked into the details of some of the independent lab tests. Is it just me or does it seem downright lame that only two people in UFOlogy (who talk publically) appear more than ankle deep in the implant issue? From what I can tell mainstream science still hasn't paid all that close attention.. Still nobody has a clue how the technology in these things works. Maybe Strieber is right and anyone involved with these things is going to be mentally manipulated off topic. :confused:
to be honest, I didn't watch the whole Strieber interview, but it does seem like nobody's talking about implants anymore. I was just googling them the other day, and it looks like maybe technology has changed regarding implants...they're not all slips of metal anymore. They've always intrigued me, because they seem like some kind of proof of "other".
I've communicated with both Leir and Sims on their work. I consider this so important I offered a hefty donation to the cause even (which was politely declined). Neither Sims nor Leir seemed very interested in getting the media involved and seemed to just assume this would be big news as time goes on. Sims and Leir have had some bad experiences with the media and I can kind of understand why they aren't bending over backwards to get the attention of folks these days. Sims was rather indifferent about exposure when this stuff was starting out. It's sort of a personal matter for him and he simply has the patience many don't when it comes to disclosure I've found. I was complaining to him about the lack of attention his work was getting and he seemed ok with it.
I forgot to mention. I posted a video of Whitley's doctor visit, where his doctor tried to remove the implant from his ear. It moved and the doctor only got a piece of it. I can't recall the thread it was in though. If people are interested let me know and I'll try to either find the post or find the vid on the net.