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A Peek Behind the Curtain

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Weds. night, November 25 Tracy Torme will join me on Dark Matters Radio to discuss his just completed trip to Arizona to the Travis Walton event. Also on the card we will be discussing what is currently going on with his film project “701” and when it might be released. Also, I recently watched a just released documentary on Netflix titled “Chaos on the Bridge” (directed and produced by Capt. Kirk himself William Shatner), all the behind the scenes shenanigans during the first couple of years on Star Trek: The Next Generation. As you may know, Tracy was a writer on “ST:TNG” until he and about 30 writers were fired during the first two years! A peek behind the curtains of Gene Roddenberry and others who either pulled the strings … or tried to!


Only on CyberstationUSA starting at 10:00 PM Pacific Time! Go to www.dqrm.com and we will see you on the radio!

UPDATE!! CyberstationUSA will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday. The interview will go on Wed. 25th but will air Monday the 30th. I just spoke to Boston and confirmed.

Giving your program a shot Don.
We share an Eck- surname
You always entertain me on the Paracast
I found out Dwight Schultz my childhood hero is a America Politics Tribalist (both sides are SCREWED) via researching your show. (It's his right to think what he wants-I'm just saying both sides of the coin are parts of the same coin)

Just bein' glib ;)
Listening to the Torme show..I had completely forgotten about the lousy 'Real Men of Genius' ad campaign for the disgusting Bud Lite. Made me laugh to remember it.

I'm thinking I will put you in my silver bracket of paranormal related radio shows along with Alejandro and Micah. (Meaning I enjoy it and will listen when there's a guest/topic that I'm keen on.)

Basically I like it:p
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UPDATE: Just heard from CyberstationUSA that they will be closed tomorrow thru Sunday. What this means is ... I will interview Tracy Torme tomorrow BUT .. it will not air until Monday evening.

Happy Thanksgiving (that is to all us Americans) and hope everyone else has a fantastic week!

I totally dig the show Deck. Some people just have that radio magic. Totally hooked me with the Nimoy stories:p
PS I still love old Dwight!

I am getting ready for my Tracy Torme interview shortly, but I wanted to take a second to send wishes to all our friends hoping you have a wonderful Thanksgiving from Vicki and I. Wow!! Can you imagine? One month from today it will be Christmas!

Tonight, November 30 at 10:00 PM Pacific Time my new interview with Tracy Torme will air. We discussed his film "701", the Travis Walton symposium and his participation in Wm. Shatner's documentary "Chaos on the Bridge" which is now available on Netflix. (ST:TNG) Only on CyberstationUSA! Go to www.dqrm.com and we will see ya on the radio!
Can't wait to hear this.
Hey Don , i just discovered Vicious Vinyl : what a fantastic tribute to Ray Manzarek , thanks!
And now on to the Jimi Hendrix specials...
In case you did not catch the broadcast of last evenings show, I just spoke to Boston and it will be up in the archives later today.

I listened to the Tracy Torme interview. I didn't realize how much strife there was on the first few seasons of 'The Next Generation.' A hell of a lot of egos, to be sure.
Enjoyed all the Star Trek trivia, but the Sitgreaves National Forest incident ( a.k.a. The Walton case ) remains unconvincing to me. Don says, to paraphrase: "Like it or not, it's important". But importance is largely a subjective quality that reflects something special to the person who assigns such importance. Not sure of Don's reasons, but I'll grant that it's become a focal point in abduction research, mainly due to its ongoing promotion through books, TV, film, radio, the Internet, and conferences. But if that's the criteria, then Billy Meier, Gulf Breeze, the Raëlians, Greer, and a host of others are also "important", at least from a cultural and historical perspective. Good show though. Keep posting them up Don! It worked really well to have it right there on the page just to click on.
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