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2013 Symposium In Greensboro, NC

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I just wanted to thank you for posting this. I have been mistaken for several years now! Ever since the Belgian photo was declared a hoax by it's professed photographer I had thought it was the more so squared off craft photo that was facing more toward the camera. I did not know that it was this far more famous photo. To me, this is mind blowing. Proof that I can learn something new about even the smallest known facts concerning details of the UFO puzzle, everyday.
exo_doc, thanks for your report. I'm always interested in who attends UFO events, particularly serious ones like this. What's your estimate of attendee numbers, and their age demographics?
exo_doc, thanks for your report. I'm always interested in who attends UFO events, particularly serious ones like this. What's your estimate of attendee numbers, and their age demographics?

A fairly even cross-section of demographics, from several college students from UNC Greensboro, to 4 ladies that....well, past middle age anyway who were a hoot to talk too. Young and old, modest means and some more than modest means. A really good sampling of Americana.
I believe there were around 150 in attendance, but that might be low. Several people apparently came to just listen to one speaker. Leslie Kean and Timothy Good had the largest crowds, and the most audience questions.