Recent content by Hitech Lolife

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  1. Hitech Lolife

    Rich Sarradet

    Great show. I enjoy Rich's insights on Don's show quite a bit so it was a treat to hear a full interview with the man. Would definitely love to hear him on the show again.
  2. Hitech Lolife

    April 22, 2012 -- Nancy Talbott

    While it's true that 'any photo can be faked', there is a difference between 'any photo' and one that is produced by the photoshop equivalent of drawing in crayon. These images are insultingly bad and produced by someone with a very low opinion of their intended audience.
  3. Hitech Lolife

    Been HAD...AGAIN!

    Butch Witkowski is going to be appearing on the next Binnall of America podcast in a couple weeks talking about human mutilation. Tim says they did get into the allegations so it should be interesting.
  4. Hitech Lolife

    Crystal Skulls - May 3oth 2011

    The frustrating thing for me is, people like Joshua are clearly attracted to 'mysteries' like crystal skulls. Don't they realize that by making up a bunch of nonsense as an explanation actually detracts from the sense of mystery? When someone claims that a mysterious object is actually a...
  5. Hitech Lolife

    UFO over Jerusalem--- Don check this out

    Comparison video from two different sources
  6. Hitech Lolife

    Stanton Friedman - Show

    I don't want to wade into the greater debate over AGW as that's a matter for greater minds than my own. I am curious about Chris' (or was it Stan) claim that volcanic output of CO2 is greater than human output. I tried looking into it after hearing the show as it was an interesting point however...
  7. Hitech Lolife

    Wikileaks and UFOs

    You're completely right. My bad! Definitely should have been more careful. WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq With Surprising Results | Danger Room | Is a far better article. It links to the wikileaks sources, but I'm not sure if they will all still work with wikileaks...
  8. Hitech Lolife

    Wikileaks and UFOs

    Really the credit/blame goes to the whistleblowers themselves. All organizations such as Wikileaks are doing is acting as publishers. If media organizations the world over were doing their job, there would be less of a need for it.
  9. Hitech Lolife

    *New* UFO Sighting Caught On Tape!!

    My favorite bit is when it flys inside the window frame.
  10. Hitech Lolife

    Wikileaks and UFOs

    To bring this full circle, recent leaked cables show that Saddam did indeed have chemical WMD, and they continued to be found as recent as 2008. Wikileaks: WMD program existed in Iraq prior to US invasion - National public safety | Think what you will about Assange, but to me...
  11. Hitech Lolife

    The Knowles Family Nullabor Plain Experience

    I remember doing the trek west-east as a kid and stopping at a place that billed itself as a bit of a UFO hotspot (it had a billboard). This would have been around 88-89.
  12. Hitech Lolife

    Wikileaks and UFOs

    One of the women involved has CIA ties: Assange Accuser Worked with US-Funded, CIA-Tied Anti-Castro Group MyFDL Also, the charges were thrown out by the chief prosecutor. The case was only reopened with the intervention of a politician in an unrelated part of Sweden.
  13. Hitech Lolife

    Wikileaks and UFOs

    The difference between previous documents on UFOs (like the M.O.D releases, FOIs from the U.S) are that these are over diplo cables. Why would a UFO incident report be submitted that way? These should at least be less formal and lacking redaction. That's not to say they won't end up being...
  14. Hitech Lolife

    October 10th, Anthony Sanchez

    This guy had the Colonel spilling secrets but didn't think to ask for the 11 herbs and spices. What a waste. I almost felt sorry for him when his ufology memes of assumed greys, 'the powers that be' and so forth fell flat.