Oh boy Gene, if you have listened to any of Emma's audio files, or even read anything about this case, you would have realised by now that Dr Jacobs doesn't have a reputation any more. Except maybe one, of course, for being an unlicenced hypnotherapist who pokes around in people's minds and creates breathtakingly silly scenarios out of them.
You also continue to insinuate that Emma has some kind of "mental illness", usually defined by Archie Bedford as some kind of behavioural disorder but also continue to defy all laws of logic by saying that you are not taking sides. Its about time you came off that virtual fence don't you think?
Anyway, I myself, as I have stated many times on the forums, and I don't mind admitting it at all, actually have a mental disorder. Its an anxiety disorder called "Social Phobia". Its a chronic disorder, meaning that it is incurable, and I believe that this gives me some small insight into such matters even though I am not a medical practitioner of any stripe, and not really an expert. But I can generally tell if something is "wrong" with someone at a hundred paces pretty well I think.
Normally this can be a subtle thing: body language, not making eye contact etc. Or it can be a not so subtle thing: ranting, over exaggeration, obsessive compulsive habits et al.
As I see it Emma seems to be a pretty level headed, fair minded person. There is no way in hades would she be able to put her website together in the lucid way she has if she were a dribbling simpleton. Far from it. Again from her (very few) interviews and audio files, she comes across as a thoughtful, considerate individual who as she sees it has been done a grave wrong and demands some justice. If I was in her position, I would probably do the same thing. She has made a few mistakes, and I think that she may actually be the first to admit that, but that just proves her to be human.
However, on the other hand, I see your posts on the forum in a completely different way. I see someone who has no medical training whatsoever continuing in a rather vicious way to insinuate that a person he hasn't met has an undefinable mental illness. I am sick to the teeth of this underhand and malicious attack on Emma from someone who not only hasn't got any medical training, but who continues to lie not only about his ex-partner on the programme but constantly denies that he supports someone who has committed unethical acts and has actually admitted doing so.
In fact, even though I'm not a medical practitioner as I have stated, from your over exaggeration of almost every facet of this case, the overbearing pompousness, the underhand and snide attacks on someone who I believe is doing the right thing, not only does disservice to the field, but makes me come to believe that you yourself might be suffering from some sort of mental illness.
You continue to twist facts, allow others with the same mental disorder (which for some odd reason seems to afflict a number of people in these forums), and who claim to be leading medical experts not only to attack someone who maybe should be helped rather than tarred with the moniker "crazy person", but continue to defend someone who in any sane dimension would be tarred, feathered and possibly put in the stocks to be ridiculed by all usunder.
But ... and here is the funny thing in all this. I can't say any of this for a fact ... because I'm not a medical practitioner. I'm not a doctor, or psychiatrist. And if I were I wouldn't be whispering such things into any ear in the vicinity anyway, but I would be talking to you, urging you to get some advice or medical help in a compassionate manner, and not attacking you in a thoroughly malicious way in an online forum.
In the end all I can say is that it seems as if not only you Gene, but a number of people here in the paracast forums have somehow stumbled into some sort of Moral Bermuda Triangle, and found that your compass isn't functioning any more.
Quite a pitiful state of affairs really.
paraschtick ... probably ... out.