The Paracast Newsletter
October 27, 2024
Author Ronald Kinsella Warns About Deception Involving UFO, Alien and Cryptid Encounters on The Paracast!
The Paracast is released every Sunday and available from our site,, your favorite podcast app, and the IRN Internet Radio Network. All episodes from 2022, 2023 and 2024 now feature better audio and fewer ads. We are also re-releasing some of our most popular classic episodes.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN'T SIGNED UP FOR THE PARACAST+ YET? PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PARACAST+ SO YOU CAN SUPPORT THE SHOW AND ENJOY THE ULTIMATE PARACAST EXPERIENCE AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE! We have another radio show and we’d love for you listen to it. So for a low subscription fee, you will receive access to an exclusive bonus podcast, After The Paracast, plus a special version of The Paracast with all the ads removed, when you join The Paracast+. We also offer a special RSS feed for easy updates of the latest episodes on your device. Episodes are now released 12-24 hours earlier. Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! For the easiest signup ever, please visit:
This Week's Episode: Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present Ronald Kinsella, an artist, illustrator and author. He started using crayons, acrylics, oils and even airbrush, before moving on to the wonderful world of digital. He has an avid interest in UFOs and has written and illustrated numerous books, including science fiction. He has appeared on national television and also jointly hosts a paranormal radio show, ‘Twin Souls’ along with his identical twin brother, Philip. In his book “Illusions — Smoke & Mirrors of the UFO/ET/Paranormal Enigma,” Kinsella questions the validity of a number of alien, UFO and cryptid reports which range from the unusual, to the very bizarre, throughout the world. This interrogation is not based on their authenticity, rather, questioning a much darker aspect to their origins and of a seemingly fragmented phenomena. Is it just possible we have been duped by something else? Something far more sinister? Is it at all feasible to suggest that many of the ghosts, cryptids, and alien encounters, reported by hundreds of thousands of people throughout time, have been manifested by a Force that is as cunning as it is ingenious? Has it also employed its tactics through the likes of Scrying, CE-5 Initiatives, along with the Ouija Board? And is Skinwalker Ranch — a reputed hotspot for paranormal activity — being used as its playground, knowing that interest of it has certainly arisen?
After The Paracast — Available exclusively for Paracast+ subscribers on October 27: Author and experiencer Ronald Kinsella returns to talk with Gene and cohost Tim Swartz about his recent book, “Illusions — Smoke & Mirrors of the UFO/ET/Paranormal Enigma.” In it he asks probing questions about the reality behind alien, UFO and cryptid reports over the years, including experiences involving him and his twin brother, Philip. Ronald covers the possible dark nature of the phenomenon, whether it’s possibly demonic, and also how we may misinterpret the strange things we see. He also explains why he feels that AI, despite all the hype, does not yet really exist. Ronald attests that the theories presented in the book are merely ideas, and that the reasons concluded certainly do sway strongly towards anonymous and calculated addition to planet Earth. He wagers that his own encounters, perhaps like many, have been instigated by a clever trickster. Is it just possible we have been duped by something else? Something far more sinister? Is it at all feasible to suggest that many of the ghosts, cryptids, and alien encounters, reported by hundreds of thousands of people throughout time, have been manifested by a Force that is as cunning as it is ingenious? Are we looking at a thing which is as bizarre as the very cosmos itself, and of which understands us and our history to the point of disbelief?
Reminder: Please don't forget to visit our famous Paracast Community Forums for the latest news/views/debates on all things paranormal: The Paracast Community Forums.
So is ET Warm and Fuzzy?
By Gene Steinberg
It is a cultural meme in the UFO field that our visitors — which many presume to be extraterrestrial — are here to help us rather than to harm us. People who have claimed to be in touch with ET or other higher beings assert that the message is to save Earth from itself, that we must rid ourselves of the weapons of war.
Now much of this chatter began in the early days of the Cold War. With the constant threat of possible nuclear annihilation looming, I recall how school children were asked to participate in exercises, where they’d hide below their desks in case of trouble.
That posture obviously wouldn’t prevent the tragic effects of a nuclear explosion, but I suppose it had its benefits, say to comfort a frightened public.
In the movies, some sci-fi films focused on the danger of the Cold War, especially nuclear tests. Perhaps the best of the bunch was the 1951 classic, “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” There an alien, named Klaatu, comes to Earth to deliver an important message.
Within minutes of his arrival, a nervous soldier shoots him down. Klaatu’s protector, a robot named Gort, fires a disintegrator beam at the vehicle in which the soldier is riding ,but not till those riding it jump off, just in time.
Imagine what might have happened if they were destroyed. A visit by ET to warn us of the dangers of nuclear war might turn into a real war involving Earth versus the flying saucers.
Klaatu recovers, but before he has a chance to convey his message, he’s shot down a second time, resulting in his death. Fortunately, Gort uses the spaceship’s technology to resurrect Klaatu with no visible ill effects.
His message, however, isn’t quite what the flying saucer contactees expressed. Klaatu actually delivers a warning, that we need to get our acts together or the Earth will be destroyed by the space visitors.
Regardless of the possible cause of those contacts, it is certainly politically correct to speak of the Space Brothers are benevolent beings. They only want to help us. Except, of course, they don’t seem to be terribly good at it.
So most contactees — experiencers — were virtual unknowns before the encounters. Some got their 15 minutes of fame writing books about it, along with lecture fees. It’s not a bad way to make a living as things go, except that very few authors actually write successful books.
Now I don’t pretend to know how many of those contactees had genuine experiencers and how many are just making it all up. The so-called “grandaddy” of the contactees, George Adamski, had written a book in the 1940s about his alleged experiences. He later altered his story to reflect the influence of “The Day the Earth Still.”
Again, except for the stick, the threat that ET may destroy us.
But that doesn’t mean the UFO visitors, whoever and whatever they are, can be regarded as friendly. While some alleged beings do act that way, others display a total disregard for the privacy and safety of the subjects of their experiments.
Imagine, if you will, being asleep in your bed, or driving along a dark country road, and aliens kidnap you. Sometimes you are subjected to painful scientific experiments.
The reasons conveyed by the entities aren’t important. There’s no reason to believe them if they are so insensitive to the victims of their abductions. Sure, some of those abductees become warm and fuzzy towards their visitors. But others suffer from PTSD and other ailments as a result of their harrowing experiences.
If those encounters are genuine, precisely as described, it raises some serious questions about ET’s motives.
Surely there’s a better way to examine humans, something that demonstrates at least some respect for the well-being of their subjects.
Consider that ET is supposedly hundreds or thousands of years ahead of us. So why would they subject their victims to sometimes painful medical experiments using primitive gear? If they truly wanted genetic samples and other evidence about the nature of human beings, they could have done it in a respectful way, painless to their subjects.
So they could, perhaps, render the abductee unconscious, and use advanced medical instrumentation to secure genetic samples, blood work, skin samples and so on and so forth. There is no physical damage, no pain, and the subjects can awaken in their own beds, or in their car, and not remember that anything happened to them. There would be no external symptoms, no risk of PTSD. No trauma. Nothing at all.
If ET cared.
But if we are confronting beings who have no concern about our welfare, our safety, our physical condition, then all bets are off.
Still, even if ET’s motives are less than friendly, they could surely do their thing in a more respectful manner. Using primitive instrumentation doesn’t pass the logic test.
It may be, of course, that the experiencer’s memories of their encounters with ET or higher beings is an illusion. What really happened is anyone’s guess, or perhaps they are fed false memories to shield what is really going on.
The common meme among abduction researchers is that ET plants screen memories in the brains of their subjects. They may see a large creature, perhaps an owl, with huge eyes that allegedly signals the existence of a hidden memory of the actual encounter.
But does that even make sense?
If ET doesn’t want abductees to remember what happened, I’m sure there are ways to accomplish the task without leaving behind false memories or other side effects. As with the medical instrumentation they allegedly employ, it all seems illusory. Maybe there is a real experience, but the truth is buried. Or maybe such encounters are nothing but illusions.
I realize abductees by and large believe their experiences to be real. Perhaps they are right and perhaps, within the limits of human memory, they are conveying the truth as best they can.
But I can’t help but feel that such experiences are themselves evidence of deception, perhaps the result of a trickster element at work. How anyone would prove it, of course, is another question entirely. Perhaps we are destined never to know the truth about the Force or Forces we are confronting.
But why would they even bother with us?
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Privacy Policy: Your personal information is safe with us. We will positively never give out your name and/or e-mail address to anybody else, and that's a promise!
October 27, 2024
Author Ronald Kinsella Warns About Deception Involving UFO, Alien and Cryptid Encounters on The Paracast!
The Paracast is released every Sunday and available from our site,, your favorite podcast app, and the IRN Internet Radio Network. All episodes from 2022, 2023 and 2024 now feature better audio and fewer ads. We are also re-releasing some of our most popular classic episodes.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN'T SIGNED UP FOR THE PARACAST+ YET? PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PARACAST+ SO YOU CAN SUPPORT THE SHOW AND ENJOY THE ULTIMATE PARACAST EXPERIENCE AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE! We have another radio show and we’d love for you listen to it. So for a low subscription fee, you will receive access to an exclusive bonus podcast, After The Paracast, plus a special version of The Paracast with all the ads removed, when you join The Paracast+. We also offer a special RSS feed for easy updates of the latest episodes on your device. Episodes are now released 12-24 hours earlier. Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! For the easiest signup ever, please visit:
This Week's Episode: Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present Ronald Kinsella, an artist, illustrator and author. He started using crayons, acrylics, oils and even airbrush, before moving on to the wonderful world of digital. He has an avid interest in UFOs and has written and illustrated numerous books, including science fiction. He has appeared on national television and also jointly hosts a paranormal radio show, ‘Twin Souls’ along with his identical twin brother, Philip. In his book “Illusions — Smoke & Mirrors of the UFO/ET/Paranormal Enigma,” Kinsella questions the validity of a number of alien, UFO and cryptid reports which range from the unusual, to the very bizarre, throughout the world. This interrogation is not based on their authenticity, rather, questioning a much darker aspect to their origins and of a seemingly fragmented phenomena. Is it just possible we have been duped by something else? Something far more sinister? Is it at all feasible to suggest that many of the ghosts, cryptids, and alien encounters, reported by hundreds of thousands of people throughout time, have been manifested by a Force that is as cunning as it is ingenious? Has it also employed its tactics through the likes of Scrying, CE-5 Initiatives, along with the Ouija Board? And is Skinwalker Ranch — a reputed hotspot for paranormal activity — being used as its playground, knowing that interest of it has certainly arisen?
After The Paracast — Available exclusively for Paracast+ subscribers on October 27: Author and experiencer Ronald Kinsella returns to talk with Gene and cohost Tim Swartz about his recent book, “Illusions — Smoke & Mirrors of the UFO/ET/Paranormal Enigma.” In it he asks probing questions about the reality behind alien, UFO and cryptid reports over the years, including experiences involving him and his twin brother, Philip. Ronald covers the possible dark nature of the phenomenon, whether it’s possibly demonic, and also how we may misinterpret the strange things we see. He also explains why he feels that AI, despite all the hype, does not yet really exist. Ronald attests that the theories presented in the book are merely ideas, and that the reasons concluded certainly do sway strongly towards anonymous and calculated addition to planet Earth. He wagers that his own encounters, perhaps like many, have been instigated by a clever trickster. Is it just possible we have been duped by something else? Something far more sinister? Is it at all feasible to suggest that many of the ghosts, cryptids, and alien encounters, reported by hundreds of thousands of people throughout time, have been manifested by a Force that is as cunning as it is ingenious? Are we looking at a thing which is as bizarre as the very cosmos itself, and of which understands us and our history to the point of disbelief?
Reminder: Please don't forget to visit our famous Paracast Community Forums for the latest news/views/debates on all things paranormal: The Paracast Community Forums.
So is ET Warm and Fuzzy?
By Gene Steinberg
It is a cultural meme in the UFO field that our visitors — which many presume to be extraterrestrial — are here to help us rather than to harm us. People who have claimed to be in touch with ET or other higher beings assert that the message is to save Earth from itself, that we must rid ourselves of the weapons of war.
Now much of this chatter began in the early days of the Cold War. With the constant threat of possible nuclear annihilation looming, I recall how school children were asked to participate in exercises, where they’d hide below their desks in case of trouble.
That posture obviously wouldn’t prevent the tragic effects of a nuclear explosion, but I suppose it had its benefits, say to comfort a frightened public.
In the movies, some sci-fi films focused on the danger of the Cold War, especially nuclear tests. Perhaps the best of the bunch was the 1951 classic, “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” There an alien, named Klaatu, comes to Earth to deliver an important message.
Within minutes of his arrival, a nervous soldier shoots him down. Klaatu’s protector, a robot named Gort, fires a disintegrator beam at the vehicle in which the soldier is riding ,but not till those riding it jump off, just in time.
Imagine what might have happened if they were destroyed. A visit by ET to warn us of the dangers of nuclear war might turn into a real war involving Earth versus the flying saucers.
Klaatu recovers, but before he has a chance to convey his message, he’s shot down a second time, resulting in his death. Fortunately, Gort uses the spaceship’s technology to resurrect Klaatu with no visible ill effects.
His message, however, isn’t quite what the flying saucer contactees expressed. Klaatu actually delivers a warning, that we need to get our acts together or the Earth will be destroyed by the space visitors.
Regardless of the possible cause of those contacts, it is certainly politically correct to speak of the Space Brothers are benevolent beings. They only want to help us. Except, of course, they don’t seem to be terribly good at it.
So most contactees — experiencers — were virtual unknowns before the encounters. Some got their 15 minutes of fame writing books about it, along with lecture fees. It’s not a bad way to make a living as things go, except that very few authors actually write successful books.
Now I don’t pretend to know how many of those contactees had genuine experiencers and how many are just making it all up. The so-called “grandaddy” of the contactees, George Adamski, had written a book in the 1940s about his alleged experiences. He later altered his story to reflect the influence of “The Day the Earth Still.”
Again, except for the stick, the threat that ET may destroy us.
But that doesn’t mean the UFO visitors, whoever and whatever they are, can be regarded as friendly. While some alleged beings do act that way, others display a total disregard for the privacy and safety of the subjects of their experiments.
Imagine, if you will, being asleep in your bed, or driving along a dark country road, and aliens kidnap you. Sometimes you are subjected to painful scientific experiments.
The reasons conveyed by the entities aren’t important. There’s no reason to believe them if they are so insensitive to the victims of their abductions. Sure, some of those abductees become warm and fuzzy towards their visitors. But others suffer from PTSD and other ailments as a result of their harrowing experiences.
If those encounters are genuine, precisely as described, it raises some serious questions about ET’s motives.
Surely there’s a better way to examine humans, something that demonstrates at least some respect for the well-being of their subjects.
Consider that ET is supposedly hundreds or thousands of years ahead of us. So why would they subject their victims to sometimes painful medical experiments using primitive gear? If they truly wanted genetic samples and other evidence about the nature of human beings, they could have done it in a respectful way, painless to their subjects.
So they could, perhaps, render the abductee unconscious, and use advanced medical instrumentation to secure genetic samples, blood work, skin samples and so on and so forth. There is no physical damage, no pain, and the subjects can awaken in their own beds, or in their car, and not remember that anything happened to them. There would be no external symptoms, no risk of PTSD. No trauma. Nothing at all.
If ET cared.
But if we are confronting beings who have no concern about our welfare, our safety, our physical condition, then all bets are off.
Still, even if ET’s motives are less than friendly, they could surely do their thing in a more respectful manner. Using primitive instrumentation doesn’t pass the logic test.
It may be, of course, that the experiencer’s memories of their encounters with ET or higher beings is an illusion. What really happened is anyone’s guess, or perhaps they are fed false memories to shield what is really going on.
The common meme among abduction researchers is that ET plants screen memories in the brains of their subjects. They may see a large creature, perhaps an owl, with huge eyes that allegedly signals the existence of a hidden memory of the actual encounter.
But does that even make sense?
If ET doesn’t want abductees to remember what happened, I’m sure there are ways to accomplish the task without leaving behind false memories or other side effects. As with the medical instrumentation they allegedly employ, it all seems illusory. Maybe there is a real experience, but the truth is buried. Or maybe such encounters are nothing but illusions.
I realize abductees by and large believe their experiences to be real. Perhaps they are right and perhaps, within the limits of human memory, they are conveying the truth as best they can.
But I can’t help but feel that such experiences are themselves evidence of deception, perhaps the result of a trickster element at work. How anyone would prove it, of course, is another question entirely. Perhaps we are destined never to know the truth about the Force or Forces we are confronting.
But why would they even bother with us?
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Privacy Policy: Your personal information is safe with us. We will positively never give out your name and/or e-mail address to anybody else, and that's a promise!