Longtime Pennsylvania field investigator/author Stan Gordon returns to the Paracast. As many of you know, I hold Stan in high regard. He is a low-key, unassuming guy who has been in the trenches for well over 50 years and is one of this country's most experienced paranormal/UFO/crypto investigators. He has been researching UFO sightings, Bigfoot encounters, and other mysterious events in Pennsylvania since 1959, and since then, he has been involved with the investigation of thousands of unusual incidents. He is the primary investigator of the 1965 UFO crash incident that occurred near Kecksburg, PA. Stan has been taking calls on UFO sightings and other strange reports from the public since 1969, and he continues to receive unusual reports on a regular basis. His new book, Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania's Unknown Creatures (Casebook 3) has just been published and it is filled w/ many inexplicable reports —some literally beyond belief. I highly recommend it! We will be talking about this book and visiting his long storied career in the field, etc
He is the producer of the award winning video documentary, “Kecksburg The Untold Story.” Stan is the author of three books, “Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook”, “Really Mysterious Pennsylvania”, and “Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures”, published in August of 2015. He appears frequently on radio and television programs discussing his research on these topics. Stan has been seen on the History & Discovery Channel, SyFy Channel, Destination America Channel, and Unsolved Mysteries, as well as numerous other programs. He has been a guest on the Coast to Coast radio show several times.
During 2014, Stan appeared on numerous radio and TV shows. He was seen on The Close Encounters series on the Science Channel, Monsters & Mysteries in America on the Destination America Channel, Monumental Mysteries on the Travel Channel, In Search of Aliens on H2, and UFO Conspiracies on the Science Channel. He will also be appearing on a number of other new TV programs that will air in 2015.
For update information on upcoming events and reports see: www.stangordon.info, and for a more extensive Bio and photos go to Stan Gordon » Stan Gordon's UFO Anomalies Zone
We will be taping TOMORROW October 1st in the morning (pac time), please post your QUESTIONS here!
He is the producer of the award winning video documentary, “Kecksburg The Untold Story.” Stan is the author of three books, “Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook”, “Really Mysterious Pennsylvania”, and “Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures”, published in August of 2015. He appears frequently on radio and television programs discussing his research on these topics. Stan has been seen on the History & Discovery Channel, SyFy Channel, Destination America Channel, and Unsolved Mysteries, as well as numerous other programs. He has been a guest on the Coast to Coast radio show several times.
During 2014, Stan appeared on numerous radio and TV shows. He was seen on The Close Encounters series on the Science Channel, Monsters & Mysteries in America on the Destination America Channel, Monumental Mysteries on the Travel Channel, In Search of Aliens on H2, and UFO Conspiracies on the Science Channel. He will also be appearing on a number of other new TV programs that will air in 2015.
For update information on upcoming events and reports see: www.stangordon.info, and for a more extensive Bio and photos go to Stan Gordon » Stan Gordon's UFO Anomalies Zone
We will be taping TOMORROW October 1st in the morning (pac time), please post your QUESTIONS here!