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Strange U-form on the moon mysteriously changes location. anyone any explanation ?

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Skilled Investigator
Two images taken during the apollo 17 misson are showing a white u-formation on the surface of the moon.
The two images are posted on the NASA Flickr account next to each other. There is a date , but not a time available from when the images were taken. But apparently, the u-formation changed it's location if you compare the second image with the first one.

So does anyone have any idea or explanation what it is ? or why it seems to have changed it's location?
I don't know what it can be .. maybe something to do with the sunlight ? or a reflextion of the camera ?

If you have any idea, then please let me know .. then I can add the solution to my YouTube video.

here is the video
And here are the two Original images :
Those are AS17 Nikon 35mm pics shot out of the command module window. So there is Always the possibility of a glitch ... but to me, when I first looked at the images (zoomed-in) It really looked like it was on the ground. but like you say .. a photographic artefact is a reasonable explanation.

I have to say that I am no expert, not even an amateur photographer so don't take my opinion as final or authoritative at all. The 3rd one I identified wasn't exactly like the first two but definitely something similar enough.
Looks like a reflection, possibly from the window it was shot out of. Internal lighting from the module, maybe.

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universeseeker I will present some pics to you ones that leave me puzzled...

a "rock" leaving a distinct trail STOPPED on an incline...
multiple moving "rocks" note the vast difference in direction...

two more moving "rocks" note the "rock marked 2 has come UP AND OUT OF A CRATER....
I can understand that a rock difference in direction ... maybe it bounced into an obstacle ? and therefore changed position ? when a boulder goes in and out a crater , then it must have been speeding :) Nice pics though ...
Why couldn't the rolling rocks be ejecta from impact craters? The ones with "different" paths look like they would line up with a common starting point allowing for differences in terrain.
I hope they're just ejecta. Don't we have enough problems with "high strangeness" without aliens with nothing better to do than roll rocks around?
universeseeker I will present some pics to you ones that leave me puzzled ... two more moving "rocks" note the "rock marked 2 has come UP AND OUT OF A CRATER....

I think we've already looked at these before someplace, and I followed up on it with a 3D rendering of the terrain that shows the rocks aren't actually rolling uphill at all. It's just another one of those "Moon Mystery" things that gets propagated around. Sorry I don't have the link to that entry handy, but maybe a search will find it. It took me an hour or two to figure it out online, so I don't want to have to go through it all again, but if you do, you'll most likely end up at the same conclusion.