Tillie was born and largely raised in Lake Mary, Florida, though she spent extensive time traveling to the Northern States all her life as well. In her own words, she is a conscious experiencer of phenomena, having had what she fully believes to be personal, true encounters with The Mandela Effect, wild nightcrawlers, the Glimmer Man, UFOs, nonhuman people such as the fae and others, and odd glitches in time.
In past years, Tillie co-headed a paranormal investigation and was a key component in a local, official exorcism team in blessing with leadership from the Catholic church.
She is a contributor along with Sean Casteel and Tim Swartz to their latest book "Weird Time — Exploring the Mysteries of Time and Space." She also provides regular, exclusive articles for the International Dogman Project and The Quad Coalition of Sciences, and has reached an exciting agreement with fellow writer and speaker Joshua Cutchin to produce a new book together in the near future.
Her YouTube channel is: The Weird Walk Home
Our cohost will be Tim Swartz.
Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Thursday, September 19th at 2:00 Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern)
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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
September 22, 2024