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On the Show — Steve Ward

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steveward.jpgSteve Ward has been fascinated by the unexplained for over half a century. There were two events that had a major influence on Steve and set a course for his future path. Growing up in Michigan, the March 1966 UFO flap occurred virtually in his backyard. The best was yet to come. The following November, a winged humanoid chased two couples down a lonely country road near Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and the legend of the Mothman was born.

Influenced by John Keel and Jacques Vallee, Steve’s views on UFOs became unconventional and moved more toward a paranormal explanation. In 1977, he made his first visit to Point Pleasant, after having read The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel. Since 2006, he has been involved in the Mothman Festival, both behind the scenes and as a tour guide in the TNT area where the Mothman was first seen. He has spoken at the Mothman Festival several times.

Steve’s main area of research is what some call “high strangeness” or “window areas” (as Keel dubbed them) where disparate types of paranormal phenomena all seem to occur in the same location, and that studying these paranormally active locations may be the key to understanding what the source behind the manifestations may be.

He is a correspondent on Mack Maloney’s Military X- Files radio show. He also has his own podcast broadcast on the Paranormal UK Radio Network called The High Strangeness Factor.

He has contributed to such books as: Weird Winged Wonders: The Twilight World Of Cryptid Creatures, and Mothman, and Other Flying Creatures of the Midwest.

Our guest cohost will be Tim Swartz.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast)
Wed. January 5 at 2 PM Pacific (4 PM Central)
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