Minnick examines the less established, and often disputed stories surrounding the base — the deliciously sinister stuff that inspired the Netflix series Stranger Things. This includes everything from the buildings sitting atop a gigantic subterranean facility with a network of tunnels and underground laboratories, to it being a site for military research into LSD and mind control with human test subjects, and claims that it was a place where children were taken and used for nefarious government projects. To top it all off, some people have claimed that the infamous Philadelphia Experiment was continued at Camp Hero, which became the epicenter of clandestine inter-dimensional and time travel experiments.
In his book, Montauk Is Strange: The Archives: 36 Years Exploring Camp Hero, Long Island & the Legend of the Montauk Project, Minnick skillfully pieces together clues and connects dots that have eluded outsiders for decades. He presents a compelling case that Camp Hero's real mission went far beyond its public cover as an early warning radar station. What Minnick documents suggests a far deeper level of covert research and testing than has ever been officially acknowledged. Through first-hand investigations, he uncovers compelling new historical evidence that sheds light on Camp Hero's amazing past and one of the most intriguing Cold War mysteries.
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UClEthJzpH04-LpJQY6HB-Ow/featured
Our cohost will be Tim Swartz.
Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Wednesday November 20th at 2:00 PM Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern)
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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
November 24, 2024